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Everything posted by Quietguy

  1. Just watched Episode 6. Familiar bar and faces towards end. Can be watched online on My5
  2. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. I think bbg might have been referring to you in the second quote!
  3. Did Emmy tell her that ladyboys should have two syllable names?
  4. I couldn't resist that one, but it's the last!
  5. I've watched episodes 2 and 3 now. Episode 3 features a US guy who had an accident on motorbike taxi in Phuket. The airline wouldn't let him board return flight unless he had a CT scan to show he didn't have any swelling on brain which might cause an anyeurism on flight. He didn't have medical insurance to cover the £400 ct scan fee and had to get money wired to him by family. The scan showed there was some swelling and he had to stay in Phuket for another 10 days before he was allowed on flight home. Lesson is take out medical insurance. The program said there are 62 road accident deaths in Thailand every day, of which two thirds are people on motorbikes.
  6. Annat I've just watched 'Fishing for Love: How to Catch a Thai Bride' on BBC4 Storyville. I think it was shown on Monday but can be seen on Sky catchup or on the BBC iplayer. It's about 4 Thai women who married Danish guys. It shows a lot of Thai village life, worth watching though it is a bit sad too.
  7. You, bbg and me are all around the same age, only a few months difference. Grunt only looks ancient because of the smoking! The ladyboys say I have skin like baby. Grunt has skin like baby too - a baby rhinoceros! We share the same music of our youth.
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