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Everything posted by JaiDee

  1. thanks guys, looking forward to it ........
  2. exactly, and that is why Thailand is so much fun! when I walk into Obsessions, or when I used to anyway, I ONLY looked at the small-titted girls......but for guys who like 'em big there were plenty of them as well! In a perfect world [for me] they would all look like Bailey Jay.....I think she is one fine shemale
  3. Recovering right-winger here.....I was a Reagan guy in the eighties, didn't like Clinton in the 90's and was a right-leaning moderate right up until about 2001; then that spawn of satan from Wyoming and his retarded stepson from Texas changed everything for me. The years 20001-2008 were the absolute worst years in the history of America.....and this is a country that fought a civil war!! Not a big fan of Obama either, he caves in way too much......but he is all we have right now, the right has no one to send up there and Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich are a freaking joke.......so, despite DT not wanting fence-sitters or moderates in this thread, I would say on a scale of 1-10 I am a 4......and waiting for results from *someone* to help me lean more one way or the other.
  4. Errrrrr, no one who reads here has any plans to follow me there and pull some lame extortion attempt, do you?? :rolleyes:
  5. Not a big Bob Seger fan, but have been singing the chorus to that song ever since I booked my ticket to Nepal 3 weeks ago. Tall mountains, great scenery, clean air, great motorcycling, cheap, and also exotic as hell.....should be awesome, I have 14 full days on the ground and have been looking forward to this greatly. Last time I tried going there in 2006 there was a violet Maoist overthrow taking place so I had to bail; but they won in 2008 and have calmed the place down and it's open for tourism once again. Not so fond of the "load-shedding", which means that no one place gets more than 10 hours of electricity per day.....their power grid is all fucked up and very weak....but besides that it will be cool, hell it will be a pleasure to be AWAY from the internet for a couple weeks! cheers lads, have fun and keep it real
  6. just heard it the other day, did ya?? how would you feel if you heard that word almost daily since you were 6 years old??? where is my stars & stripes emoticon when I need it????
  7. good thread, reminds me of the "good ol' days" when I was allowed to say whatever I wanted to and not have to worry about banishment for telling morons who fall in love with skanky street whores that they are, well, MORONS!!! Heading out for a few weeks tomorrow and won't have access to this new message board, hell maybe not even internet or electricity, but I will have some choice words to add once I return; and I'm sure this thread will still be going!! I will get my ol' friend Blue Balls to start posting in here also, it's always fun getting views from the lunatic right-wing fringe types; as long as their name isn't Alan the Chef. From a proud potato-eating, freckle-skinned, fast-food-eating overweight and lazy Mick-American who loves REAL football!!! :) {Looking forward to having a good row or 2 with my pal Lefty also.....did you like the inclusion of that limey word ROW in there, buddy??}
  8. As usual I believe the key for any ladyboy getting new breasts is to; keep it small!! Thai ladies have small boobs ....it always blows my mind when small Thai ladyboys end up with a pair of tits which belong on a Valley porno actress or Pamela Anderson; it just looks all wrong. The fluid they put into the breast is measured in CC's; most girls seem to get between 300 and 325CC's of that fluid and in my opinion that is just too big! 250-260 is perfect.....just a cup-full....some tall girls even do 350 or more and that just looks plain freakish. Not sure where Bailey Jay comes from or where her job was done, but IMO her tits are PERFECT in every way..... If you click on this link you will see a cute T-girl with awesome tits
  9. All true man, all true.....as mentioned, as my mentor you were the only person I ever considered contacting after that nightmare first took place and your calm attitude and positive outlook - plus knowing right away that it was someone from my inner circle - helped me out a lot. I know the story was quite long, so thanks for taking the time to read it all! chok dee always :)
  10. that's an incredibly good deal! I checked out thet place with Pdogg in January, couldn't believe how nice and well-run it was. If I lived around there I would grab that deal for sure.
  11. If the story is true to the word then the guy is even dumber than most. First off, he had the coke all sorted into 1 gram bags; you may as well put out a sign that says "drug dealer". If he kept it all on one big bag at his home he could have at least put up a defense that it was just for personal use; yes, 38 grams would be a lot for "personal use" but a good lawyer probably could have saved him 6 or 7 years right there. he also says he was getting it for 2500 a shot and re-selling it for 3000; all that risk for 500 baht profit a shot? 10 pounds? Just one guy [or a crazy wife] turns you in and you have taken all that risk for a measly 500 baht? Darwin award candidate for sure.....there was also an Iranian guy arrested yesterday at BKK airport for having 6 kg of Ice, crystal meth in his bag; he is 27 and won't see the outside of a hellhole prison till he's at least 50. If he even makes it that long!
  12. Great thread, Ken! I hadn't read it before today because frankly Vietnam doesn't interest me anymore {I went there 5 times many years ago} but I am glad I checked it out, fantastic Grade A stuff :)
  13. I used to have visions and fantasies of how I wanted my ladies and then my ladyboys to dress up; I guess we are all brainwashed by the early images we all had of seeing our Dad's Playboy under the bed and the girls were all wearing garter belts and stockings, high heels, etc... sexy! Then when I was married my wife would indulge me, as she was as perverted as I was and she was very sexy; it still didn't do much for me. Then for the past 10 years I could dress the LB's in any outfit I wanted to and it STILL didn't do much for me, all just kind of "ho-hum". It took me a few years but I finally realized the best costume for me is; NAKED!!
  14. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/459732-british-national-arrested-in-phuket-cocaine-bust/ way to go, man!! Selling bags of blow from under the bar, pissing off your Thai wife and ending up in prison for it! Distribution of a class A narcotic in Thailand....this guy is looking at 10 years minimum. British guy arreseted in cocaine bust in paradise
  15. I would have thought Japanese guys would have won this by a long shot. Or a short shot as it were ''Size doesn't matter''...yeah, right...try telling that to a girl who has just been fucked by a Korean guy and then has to get screwed by a guy from the Congo....no way SHE will tell you size doesn't matter!
  16. heh heh, how timely!! Thanks a lot, PD.....now I have a few other things to look forward to on my upcoming trip than just trekking and motorcycle riding around the country. anyone else have any KTM info??? :diablo:
  17. Very well stated Trenton, your post should be a warning for all even if they don't like the message.
  18. Probably 5 or 6 times, PD I am always curious after they have it done, whether I am for or against it. So for a handful of girls I knew really well as pre-ops, I would test it out once they became a post-op. Same as the general consensus on most ladyboy message boards I prefer a real lady's pussy to the man-made ones, but it still feels pretty good and I like watching the expression on their faces when it gets slipped in and while I am pumping away, wondering what is going on inside their brain.
  19. The lovely and super-funny girl pictured below turns {???} today.....if you want to send her a birthday wish she would love to hear from one and all. chompoo_129@hotmail.com
  20. Living in Zurich now, I just saw a few photos of her from there, still looks good! sorry, not allowed to re-post them .....
  21. Not trying to hijack this thread by any means, but I found some of the Ultimate before and after girls.....check these out, they are old but still relevant to this thread Girls who were pre-ops and then became post-ops
  22. Edited...sorry, posted a photo in the wrong thread!
  23. Thanks for posting Paul, it's always good to read someone ELSE'S adventures!
  24. I don't know either person here and from my experience advice from message boards always falls on deaf ears once a person is head over heels in love, so it's pointless to even run down the long list of roadblocks set up ahead for this guy. But I am always curious why any person who has discovered Nirvana, aka Thailand, and only has limited vacation time available, would want to have a girlfriend there. If you only have say 3 or 4 weeks per year and need to spend the other 48 working, it seems to me that once you get back to Thailand you'd want to spend that butterflying, not with one girl you met for a few days on your last trip. Stay in contact with her through IM's, phone calls, skype, sending her cash, etc....and that means you are locked into being with her exclusively once you return next year; is that really what you want? No Ladyboys, no other girls, and no playing around; she gets to screw off for the next 10 or 11 months while you work hard and when you go back you have to spend it all with her, hardly seems fair. Ask yourself this also, from her perspective of course; if YOU lived in Thailand, had family and friends there and enjoyed the pleasant climate, beaches, food and culture, would YOU want to pack up and move to Alaska? Anyway, good luck and I am really trying to just be nice and courteous and helpful here, but I still think the best advice on here has come from Jimslim.
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