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Everything posted by bumblebee

  1. An LB in any type of costume is hot I reckon. The combination of the LB form, dressed up in some fantasy female role is hard to beat. Dominatirx would be my preferred choice, some minuscule costume made from straps of latex, with a raging hard on ready to show me who is the boss. :wub:
  2. Male, male, female I reckon SS. Then again, with Tan it could be shoe styles. :p
  3. Good to hear you are ok Farangbah. Let's hope the tsunami causes minimal damage across the Pacific.
  4. That's one interesting looking lady indeed. Will be curious to see if there is any feedback about her.
  5. Had a wonderful weekend with 2 PI LBs a few years back. Fun, fun, fun...
  6. Sorry Ken, this thread slipped my mind and have not checked it since before your post. You make some good points in that post, plenty of food for thought.
  7. Aroi mak mak for sure, nice photos LuckyLove, cheers.
  8. Try not to lose too much sleep about it Lung. :p
  9. Brilliant Khun Lefty. That gave me one hell of a tearful laugh, but I fear you have too mutt free time on your hands in Los just now.
  10. Cheers Janabiyah, but more an eager amateur really. Hope you are keeping well.
  11. I think all 3 of us are past masters of the fine art of self abuse.
  12. Good point gents about clothes. I only ever wear short sleeved shirts. Never have T-shirts with me, and would not be seen dead in a wife beater, the uniform on soi 7 and environs it seems. The girls do notice and comment about wearing shirts, "you look good/smart" so already you have a head start.
  13. One of my favourite activites in Patts is slinging my camera over my shoulder and spending an afternoon exploring the back sois. I remember one wonderful afternoon in particular with 2 esteemed FMs from here wandering around the area above 3rd Road apartment hunting for one of them. Discovered a nice little bar complex you never hear about, with a nice sprinkling of some of ours, who you never see posted on any forums.
  14. Thanks Lung, not so much a case of being handsome or not. It helps perhaps if a guy is, but more I reckon it is about the girls realising you are a jai dee guy who they connect with on some level and want to enjoy your company on a equal footing, rather than being your paid entertainment.
  15. Good man Lung, it's refreshing to see somebody has the balls to mention the elephant in the room and I fully agree with you. Any time this topic is brought up on the various forums, the guy who mentions it invariably gets slated by "guys in the know, old hands" with comments along the lines of "nothing is free in Los", "they are all about the money" bla bla bal. When I mentioned on another forum that I have been chatting to an LB student who does not seem to be money orientated, one of these self appointed know it alls asked me did I want to buy some swamp land in Florida he was selling, cheeky fooker lol. Ask some of the guys who use the various online sites and chat programs how they get on, and one would be surprised by the amount of non payment sex these guys are getting, the only money changing hands in for transport and maybe some food. I have availed of these myself, and it's such a different experience being with someone who wants to be with you, rather than only for the coin. Many of these girls have regular jobs and are looking for a bit of illicit fun like any normal person in any country. Of course these guys using these sites don't boast about it in general. One reason is to keep it secret and reduce the competition/assholes ruining it for them and secondly to avoid the inevitable derisory comments from the so called self appointed experts. Of course the online option takes a bit of work time wise, and is more suited to guys who spend longer periods in Los or can line the girls up before they arrive. But it is not only the regular girls who give out for free, some of the p4p girls can be quite generous with their bargains also. This is the area where the "wise old sages" scoff at any mention of a freebie. Well to those gentlemen out there, it does happen whether you want to believe it or not, although granted it is rare. I am not boasting here, just telling what happened, when I say on my last trip I had a few freebies, man I hate that word, and the girls made the offer, I did not coax it out of them or haggle for it. Here is one tale you don't hear that often, a bit of an eye opener I reckon. During my last trip I met a p4p girl on Sukhumvit on one of the nights I was in town. We had some fun back in her place, and I handed over my money in the morning. But also we swapped mobile numbers and emails as I enjoyed her company and I might give her a shout again. Well I spent 3 weeks in Bkk last February and one day she popped up on MSN messenger. We chatted and she said she wanted some photos taken for her page on Vicesisters and would I do it for her. Anyway one thing led to another and she made me an offer you just don't get from a p4p girl in Los. I told her I was going to Hua Hin, and she asked could she join me. Now here it comes,rub your eyes gents, she said as we were now friends, and that I was doing her a favour with the photos, she would pay her way on the trip, and she certainly did. She first off insisted on paying my bus fare to HH. Then she gave me half the money for the room each night, and wait for it, every night before we went out, she handed me 500 Baht to cover her drinks. There was absolutely no strings attached to this you scratch my back, I scratch your back arrangement. We have since become friends and as her English is quite good, we can have some normal conversations online. Anyway I could go on, but hopefully I have helped illustrate the point that Lung made, that it is not always about the money.
  16. Feel free to butt in next time you see me holding court SS. :p Just kidding, maybe we will have that one day overlap in April. Cheers.
  17. Not sure what kind of diving that would be considered SS. :D
  18. Not sure exactly where I fit in there. I always get on well with the girls, I don't flash the cash, don't have it lol, but always keep emotionally distant. I am not one of the guys who needs it every day, I tend to dabble when the mood, or the victim takes me. Guess I can relate more to option 2 if pushed.
  19. Like many guys when they make their first trip to Thailand, I was in awe of the place and could not wait for my next trip back, perhaps to check if I had not been dreaming that first trip. That second trip was for 2 months in late '03, and then I returned for the same period at the same time the following year. It was on this trip as I began to feel more settled and comfortable in the place I began to think about moving there to live. I discovered Hua Hin, made some friends there and looked into teaching as a means of remaining there long time. One school said they would be looking for teachers come April '05, so I went home and planned my move back in April. For the first 4 months of the new year all I could think about was returning in April to this little gem of a town on the coast and living a care free life there. The time arrived to finally move and it was one of the the most exciting times of my life. Sadly the job in Hua Hin did not materialise, and so I headed up to Bangkok to look for work there. Got a guest house sorted and went out job hunting. Man it was hot and sticky traveling around Bkk in a suit and tie, I realised the jacket part was not so important in hindsight. One evening I found myself on Sukhumvit road and decided to check out Cascades. I felt like the king of the world, sitting there in my suit, with all those faces I had seen on the internet in the flesh in front of me. Anyway managed to land a job, well paid for my first gig, 47,000 a month and life felt good. What a feeling, knowing every weekend was going to be spent in Bkk, with frequent visits to Hua Hin, mind blowing back then, may it never end I hoped. Times were good, but then I began to see the place differently, from the inside, rather than as a tourist. After a year there, I went home, but returned 6 months later for my second job, this one was even better paid, fantastic I thought, and it was. Got a nice studio, I had a view of the river, what more could a single guy want in Thailand. The contract ended in March '07, so home I went again. Always felt good to get away from the place after an extended period. In October '07 I returned, but I had managed to save enough at home, that I did not have to work this time and so relaxed and traveled a bit, and discovered Pattaya. Sure I knew about it, but I was more a Phuket and Hua hin guy, still am regarding Hua Hin, sadly have not been back to Phuket since March '07. So it took me almost 6 years, from the first day I arrived in Thailand, to finally check out Pattaya properly. I began to meet FMs/BMs and felt part of something. The though of working in Bkk again, with all this party lifestyle going on every night began to change my outlook on living there. I had 2 more long subsequent winter trips, the last one I actually went back with the intention of working there again, but perhaps subconsciously my mind had decided against it, and that holidaying was to be my Los experience from then on. So where am I going with all this. Well I really did enjoy my time living there, but after 3, 6 month winter trips, I could not see myself going back and working there again. Los to me now is about holidays and meeting up with like minded friends. These trips were more than enough to satisfy my Los and LB cravings and I always look forward to getting away from the place, burnt out. Will I ever try working and living there again, I very much doubt it. So as some have said, perhaps a few months each year is a good compromise for the non committed. Hope I didn't bore you all. :rolleyes:
  20. Has to be "Something in the air" an old fav of mine. :hair:
  21. Welcome aboard Ken, good to see you here and contributing from the off.
  22. You are probably right Ken, it does not seem to make much difference. I think with me it's more a case of just having a fresh mouth after oral. :D
  23. I'd just tap her on the shoulder and tell her she is facing the wrong way, this is going in her mouth as agreed beforehand.:D Not sure how many guys feel the same, but I much prefer a good blow job than screwing them. I get way more sensation out of it. So personally it's not an issue for me. Just grab a beer from the fridge, pack the pillows against the headboard, sit back and enjoy the show. Guess that makes me a pervert. :p But for sure, alarm bells should start ringing if she offers up her posterior to your naked bayonet. Either she is very silly and does not realise the potential dangers, or she feels she has nothing to lose, which is the worry.
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