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Everything posted by Jimslim

  1. What no one has mentioned so far is the fact that Chevez was disposed briefly in a military coup that lasted all of a couple of days before collapsing with no popular support . The opposition then tried to dispose him with a right wing backed general strike . He still had the support of the masses and was returned again - democratically , despite the opposition using non democratic means .
  2. Nice balanced and non biased writing there Paccers As Rickshaw stated well the West doesn't mind democracy as long as the people return a government friendly to them . When they don't surely the guy must be corrupt , a dictator a nutcase ? Nothing new it seems there are good dictators and bad dictators , the good dictators are the ones who toe the line and the bad ones are the ones who don't . It can all become mighty confusing as a good dictator can become a bad one or vice versa almost overnight depending if they support US foreign policy . When Saddam was fighting Iran he was a good dictator , he later became a bad one . Saudi Arabia is one of the most brutal non democratic regimes on this earth but they are OK for supporting the US , Palestine (Despite having a democratically elected government ) are terrorists apparently . Chevez was never a dictator if the poor supported and loved him and the rich and their lackeys despised him he must be doing something right .
  3. Jimslim

    His Bobness

    Yep seems a lot of the great mans stuff is copy righted on You Tube . My favourite song is A Simple Twist Of Fate but couldn't find it but I could picks dozens really . I love this . http://youtu.be/jd5UkWHnQhA
  4. He didn't bribe anyone he redistributed the wealth of the country to improve the lot of the poor . A shame a few more wouldn't take a leaf out of his book and the world would be a better place instead of the brutal system we have at the moment that causes poverty , famine and wars to enrich the few . Whilst I didn't agree with Chavez's brand of socialism or his support for some Middle Eastern dictators he refused to bow to the mighty Imperialists and their neo liberal policies . I know which side that leaves me on .
  5. Ah yes . For some reason on a quick march down that Soi the command is always "Company eyes right !" That's why I've never noticed it .
  6. Tropical Bert what a name ! I can't place this joint , maybe because I'm always slightly distracted going up or down Soi 6/1 . Top end near 2nd Road ? Must look out for it .
  7. What an imaginative title for a lesbian movie
  8. I can just picture that mischievous grin on your face and your leg beginning to tremble Tel , oh what big hands she got !
  9. I am more worried about you two have you made a glory hole there ?
  10. The one in the Hawaiian shirt is cute too
  11. Anyone see that movie about a really big shark that eats holiday makers off an island ? I don't want to spoil the plot but the chief of police , a shark expert and a salty ol' sea dog go out on a barely seaworthy vessel to try and kill it . Can't remember the name It'll come to me eventually .
  12. The Damned excellent ! This comes with a warning do not listen if you are easily offended ..... hardcore punks Crass take on organized religion . http://youtu.be/eYCnL_qVl-E
  13. It sounds almost too good to be true 599 Baht is roughly £12 in Sterling and that would translate to about 4 pints of beer here if you were lucky . We should sent a volunteer in to report back , any takers ?
  14. Its pretty much all been said but this guy was a nasty bit of work who held some of the most bigoted and extreme views on pretty much every subject ....... God is love ..eh ? With all these people protection of the church and its institutions is far more important than the rights of any abused individual . Good riddance but I doubt the next one will be any better the institution is corrupt from the top down .
  15. The one with the short hair and the little off the shoulder number and the other with the I Love NY shirt look promising . I may be persuaded on a couple of counts there BB .
  16. Its their birthday and that's what they seem to like so I'm fine with it . I wouldn't insist on playing music to suit the customers on someone's birthday , different on an ordinary night .
  17. I saw an ad in my local newsagents window
  18. A few decent movies I've seen recently . Mesrine . The Devils Double .
  19. You are not alone it was his best movie and after that he was on a slippery slope downwards . In my mind he is one of the biggest chancers in movie history , throw a in few cool characters , a bit of cool dialogue and waaaay haaaaay you got a cool movie and ain't he a genius !!!!
  20. You should have helped yourself to a stiff Brandy or two then squire hoo haa !!!!!
  21. Soul brothers where are ya ? This is the best thing I've heard in the last year , amazing that stuff like this can still turn up undiscovered . Never released and given away free at the 100 Club anniversary all nighter . Just check out the emotion in his voice "I tried to leave you once before girl" http://youtu.be/zAFDYdGB5Ns
  22. I'm starting to worry about you me boy ! If you ain't posting about fried chicken its pizza all this junk can't be good for the ol' strawberry tart . I have a regime worked out for my return , it involves cold showers , 5 AM runs and a hopping race over the hills to Jontiem . All we shall eat will be a bowl of steam each morning , soon have you back in tip top shape .
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