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blind boy grunt

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Everything posted by blind boy grunt

  1. reet Nosh. what has to be remembered though is that the Thai foreign office [responsible for overseas embassy's etc.].. and the internal thailand immigration dept. are 2 completely different animals. they probably hardly talk to each other... even within thailand the different immigration dept offices... bangkok, patts, wherever work from different rules made up in their own offices. sometimes there is very little standardisation. same with embassies/consulates The embassy websites are updated by individual embassies in whatever country, sometimes wrongly...and sometimes old rules are not removed. I'd lay bets if you looked at some of them they would still be saying that medical certificates are needed to prove that you don't have elephantitis or the clap. As it used to be. in the final end immigration in thailand hold all the cards... a visa really guarantees nothing... it helps of course...but in the end it's all down to the immigration at the airports and borders ... they are the bosses. you'll be okay, no worries...you don't look too suspicious........
  2. see you soon Nosher. still think that the thai consulate have told you wrong though, about having to obtain insurance specifically from a thai company. didn't they also insist that you also purchase a multi-entry at the same time?...no way...that can be done here in thailand much cheaper and easier. absolutely not necessary. still done now. Thai consulates really have little idea of internal rules. a lot of it is misinformation and guesswork. Half of the info on websites is wrong or at least out of date.
  3. nice one soi K9 i guess this may be a good time after the award to say thanks [not specifically from me] to all of the Katty supporters. too many to mention really but can start with Bumblebee, Pdogg. [i know how to crawl!] Quinn, lurSaluces, Annat, QG, many on this forum, Jackman etc etc etc on the other forum. From Emmy really, thanks to you all named and unnamed. As Soi Pup said...you know who you are Also. the mangy dog mentioned an up coming meet and greet... details will be announced around the end of Jan...... but it is going to be a biggy. At the moment around 5 names on the list. believe there's a possibility of prince harry and his missus too... but we don't need them..there will be some real royalty there!
  4. well thank you...but did you really have to put 'old' in the sentence? wise wizard would have done nicely! but yes...Sunny, can read her like a book.... watching her pacing up and down while teya started the show... i could see what was going through her head.... 'shall i take my clothes off too?" hey Duke.... black panties huh? and QG... teya has always smoked but not many... strictly now and again really. by the way QG... i'm off to bkk on the 15th... back friday or saturday...see you then.
  5. indeed BB... actually very rare that you see teya in high-heel's...boy did they suit her. Has pdogg calmed down yet?......
  6. i think that TJs would have been close. also can see why Baby Boom is popular...but to me it's not really a bar as such... can one actually go in there to have just a drink and a chat? to me in its way it's more of a monger's tourist attraction. But it does have it's place in the scheme of things .i'm not being critical in any way. All bars are what they are.
  7. well...i think i'm pretty safe to post now because i know that Emmy is busy out and about today...but will definitely be back in the bar this evening Around about 11 p.m tonight... the award for winning the LBR bar of the year will be presented to her in the Katty. Rumours are already flying around Pattaya that Ricky Gervais has flown in specially to host the show. [well, they are now anyway.] pop along if you want to see a no doubt very embarrassed Emmy having to make a thank you speech.....
  8. same with all bars really, LBs come and LBs go. i guess that you're talking the femboy types? Pokki/Mona? god knows what Mona is doing, she seems to have vanished, Pokki is still around but doing internet things. She never really liked the 'no lady- drink hassle' that emmy tries to enforce Mona i suspect is working from Thai friendly or whatever. This a problem all bars will sooner or later have to adapt to. Some guys like the flat-chested types, some the bolt-on type. it was but recently...earlier this week... Sunny and Sara were both bar-fined twice , together, by the same fella. certainly the 5 or whatever staff there now are doing okay... bar fines are pretty good for most of them, lady drinks too. The big problem for Emmy is if bar fines i.e longish term ones are too many at the same time... it means the bar can temporarily look bereft of staff. then add in holidays ... earlier this month with tiger away on a long-term, sunny away, sara on a few days booking, it looked pretty quiet. but all are back now. a balancing act keeping the staff and customers happy.
  9. i think the rise of the Katty bar owes something to the remarkable skills of the new D.J..... BM 'Coolio' Quinn. Just make sure that you are about Coolio, when QG arrives, ...and hide the computer mouse thingy..
  10. Now i got you Mr. Rom! i saw you and said lady walk past the Katty... then she turned and walked away...yes! Your cover is blown!! Don't panic, bribery will help keep my mouth shut.......
  11. Good on yer Woodie! i'm pretty sure everyone [nearly] has had a failed relationship in their life... part of the game of life. but did i see you mention Teya somewhere?... i'm never sure if she's joking or not but she was recently talking about wanting a pair of 400cc bolt on 's fitted. think i managed to dissuade her by saying that she is so slim she would have to have one fitted at the front and one at the back.
  12. actually, i miss him too..annoying and confusing sometimes, but made me laugh. very clever guy i think.
  13. bumped into a very tired Sunny and Teya this afternoon... evidently the bar closed this morning about 5 a.m
  14. shoe? i'm still searching for her panties....
  15. don't get the wrong idea BB...i just thought it may be nice for QG to have a weekends break before he flies here... plus of course...it would be nice for him to have a travelling companion on the long flight over.
  16. be quiet you old bugger.... and get yourself searching Peterborough quickly.
  17. you were lucccky that you had panttssss onn... howw do i clean this keybboaardd.?
  18. bang on, Duncan, Duke and Soidoggyhound.. until a week or so ago, this forum was excellent, now it's all anti-LBP and ego shite. fed up with it.
  19. my god Annat...you are 69? but you look 15 years younger!.............* *jeez....you'll never know how hard it was for me to write that!.......
  20. well true... more like looking 18000+ days older.......
  21. So am i lucky or unlucky? i could still wear the clothes i did in 1970 [but won't] i'm still the same weight i was then.
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