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Everything posted by 4:17

  1. Was that the skinny one in the orange top that wanted to go along with ET and Squeeeee! Miss Ann?
  2. Ditto for me on both counts, DD. It was good to see you again, too; hope you had safe travels back to the UK. Good thing for me regarding your watch; May showed no interest in my 250 baht Casio copy, 555.
  3. 4:17

    The Big Breakfast

    On the other hand, it's perfect for crusty Englishmen -- they will have something to complain about all day, and thus be happy. Sorry, couldn't resist; didn't mean to hijack, either. I've got some (American) thoughts on brekkie in Patts, which I'll will share anon -- but time for class right now, so it will have to wait.
  4. ABRAAAAAAAAMS!!!!!!!!

  5. 4:17

    The Bangkok Times

    That's too bad; I remember some good times in there back in the day, with both GGs and LBs I took from Soi 4 for the evening. But then nightclub years are like dog years and then some, so 11 is a pretty good run.
  6. Ah but it does in the eponymously named film, which sparked the thread in the first place.
  7. Sure they do. I've heard it a few times on Walking Street at 5 a.m. It's "4,000 baht short time."
  8. Just a hint; search for "BSkyB Ladyboys Series 2" on Pirate Bay; if you just search for ladyboys you'll have to sort through pages of old porn. sky ladyboys turns up nothing; took me a bit to find it ... not a lot seeders atm, so may take awhile.
  9. None of the shit birds we've had in living memory would, with the possible exception of Carter. Bush the senior might surprise us though; he was a fighter pilot who saw action, after all. Clinton would definitely take the pod, but Hillary would stay and kick ass, though, 555. I agree with Sam's list, and would argue that both Roosevelts would stay behind, although I'm not sure Franklin could do much in the way kicking terrorist ass (same same for peanut farmer Carter). Teddy though, for sure. Truman would, he was a scrappy guy by all accounts. Jefferson would too, I think, although again, not a noted pugilist. Ole "Tippecanoe" Harrison most definitely would. U.S. Grant, maybe, if he had his liquid courage up. Of course there were no such thing as airplanes back in their day; maybe they'd have to stay and fight the terrorists who were taking over the Presidential Airship. Of course the ultimate in Presidential Bad Assery was Chester A. Arthur:
  10. Two things, and that's the last I'll say, because, you know .. fighting on the Internet. Special Olympics. One: The piece in question uses multiple cited sources. The rebuttal cited uses bluster and vague generalities with no sources cited. So ... what makes it brilliant, exactly? Where's the sourced point-by-point refutation of the original article? Now that would be interesting. Two. If we in the media are all in on it, I just have one question: how come I'm not rich? Where are my kickbacks? Where's my invitation to Bilderberg? I must have called in sick on the day the Illuminati called us all into the office to explain how we get rich by being their mouthpieces. Damn. Oh well, I'm off to hold some people down and force-feed them fructose-laden fast food, followed by an afternoon of forcing people to vote for a mainstream candidates who misspend their tax dollars for war and corporate coffers. Next week I'll either be tying them down and forcing them to waste natural resources or to spend their time viewing passive mainstream entertainment instead of out protesting the evils of the day. If I have time I'll distort some facts or just make them wrong -- I usually save that for when I have some down time in the afternoons late in the week. It's all in a day's work for this humble minion in the 4th Estate. Carry on.
  11. From the New York Times Magazine: I realize this comes from the Lizard-alien men/Jewish Illuminati-controlled liberal media, but interesting nonetheless. Turns out you guys just need a hug. Discuss. P.S. If you've used up your 10-free articles for the month at the New York Times, and you get the prompt to pay for access, just go into your browser's cookies and delete all the New York Times cookies; that's all it is, their pay wall business: just a cookie. Delete that, and you can read 10 more articles.
  12. I've been looking so long at these pictures of you ...

  13. She's been down in Koh Samui for low season; last I talked to her she said she was planning on coming back to Pattaya eventually. Judging by her Facebook photos, she hasn't been starving down there. Not that I'm knocking her Botticelli-esque figure mind you.
  14. Haydn - Symphony 44 in E Minor

  15. The best after hours place is Club Sukhumvit Sidewalk between Soi 3 and Soi 5. I love this club. It has a McDonalds -- not to mention Thai food, namely Isaan specialties -- a number of bars and a number of ladyboys in it on any given night. The music can vary, though, and the dance floor is shite. Sometimes it smells and parking is pretty sketchy, too. But no cover charge, and you can bring your own -- your own bootle, ladyboy, GG or what have you. Just look out for Luk Tan if she's being pissy and there's a spare ashtray within her reach.
  16. I thought I told you to leave me. / While I walked down to the beach

  17. I thought I told you to leave me While I walked down to the beach

  18. Ken, that should be the opening line of your memoirs. Or perhaps the opening line of the afterword. What he said. +1 times infinity. I don't seem to fit any of those options either; always been an odd man out, I guess. I like LBs (and have been into transgendered women to one degree or another for years), and seem to frequent them more often these days, but still love the GGs; the thought of never being with another lady that was born a lady would be a sad one. Also love Thailand in many ways; even if I wasn't into ladyboys and whoremongering, I would probably still be here, or at least somewhere in Southeast Asia. But being a butterfly man -- who loves them all, mind you, in all seriousness -- who lives alone is what makes me happiest. Footloose, fancy free and low key, that's me. And no, I'm not referring to the eponymous Rod Steward album.
  19. La Bamba will also be closed that day, just FYI.
  20. Everyone's a Captain Kirk

    1. bumblebee


      Have you found a green chick to have fun with by any chance?

    2. 4:17


      No but I found 99 red balloons ...

    3. bumblebee


      Ah yes of course some lyrics from Nena's 80s hit. Ya don't see many hairy arm pits in Los mind.

  21. I eat cannibals

  22. And the rest: And that's the last of them ... those for public consumption, anyway. Hope you enjoyed viewing them as much as I did taking them and editing them.
  23. I should be getting some work done, but here's s'more Tara: One more batch ought to do it; I'll save that for later.
  24. If you're asking this question, I'm afraid Tara isn't the girl for you. And I'm not trying to take the piss. Being with Miss Tara is essentially like being with a GG (and that's not necessarily a bad thing, in spite of what some on the board may think, 555).
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