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Everything posted by Ashoka

  1. Ashoka


    Something concerning here with omicron.. That was 2 weeks ago and this is as of today.. 51 vaccinated patients dying vs 72 unvaccinated patients dying. This doesn't show how many of those were vaxxed and never got a booster dose which does seem to help. So might be good idea to get your boosters if you haven't. Also Pfizer seems to think they can have an Omicron variant vaccine out in March/ April so that's good news. The Omicron wave seems to be plateauing and coming down in NYC after 4 weeks so since Thailand is behind us.. my supposition of it going really high for end of january and then starting to come down might actually be the case. NYC should see lower transmission numbers hopefully in early February and Thailand should see lower transmission numbers hopefully in Late February.
  2. Ashoka


    Interesting.. it seems Omicron is not an offshoot of beta but seems it jumped into mice and back into humans
  3. Ashoka


    As for authorities banning wet markets.. people don't always follow government rules. Look at smuggling, ivory sales, prostitution and such. And you'd be right that things have to come together in the right circumstance for it to be deadly as covid but it happens a lot more often than you think. AIDS and Ebola started that way.
  4. Ashoka


    No I didn't mean he was gay.. I just meant people create the stuff and then their political ideology doesn't support it and they come out against it after they shared it with the world already. As for covid lab theory.. we can't prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. However you should watch this video.. And then both scenarios are possible especially as there are more wet markets than wuhan labs so chances of that goes up.
  5. Ashoka


    Not really surprising. You've probably heard of gays bashing other gay for being gay and wanting gay equal rights. They actually pay money to have SCOTUS overturns obergefell vs. hodges. Peter Thiel, Tim Cook and a few others come to mind. Tons of people do good stuff because they're intelligent but are then overtaken by political ideology.
  6. Ashoka


    USA up to 1 million a day cases https://www.npr.org/2022/01/04/1070218466/1-million-us-covid-cases-omicron-surge Since we have 5 times Thai population.. 200k a day would not be unreasonable in Thailand in 2-3 weeks.
  7. Hey Twest welcome aboard! I almost wanted to ask you to post your legendary journey here especially the settling down in LOS full time and the hoops you ran through. I too will likely be heading that way but we are different in 1 way. To stop going insane in farangland I already imported 1 ladyboy to stay with me in the USA. However she still wants to go back and settle in thailand and I haven't said no as there are clear pros and cons to both sides so that's why I was curious about it.. like what all is required in terms of paperwork and stuff. Would be quite informational and way more important to some of us or at least to me!
  8. Think I talked about this in another thread.. Had a friend who passed from covid and didn't want to get the vaccine. Went to Thailand first time and only had 3 months left in his passport and then got into an argument with immigration that he's only there for 2 weeks but they wouldn't let him in. Funny guy, more sociable than me but he wasn't the smartest either.. Didn't want to argue with him and show him "my leftist views" are just more common sense but whatever. RIP @ 32 years.
  9. Ashoka


    Found this interesting.. answering a few questions I was curious about.. The vaccine still prevents against severe infection and death. If you have had Omicron.. the anitbodies protect against Delta If you had had Delta.. the antibodies DO NOT protect against Omicron.
  10. Are you Jason Bourne on the run? If so dissapearing in the islands and using VPN to access this forum is a good idea. Be a ghost and a legend at the same time!
  11. Ashoka


    https://thethaiger.com/coronavirus/omicron-infections-in-thailand-up-to-729-251-local-transmissions Dr Supakit Sirilak, director-general of the Medical Sciences Department, has reported an update on the quickly growing number of Omicron infections in Thailand. The latest data shows 488 cases of the Omicron variant of Covid-19 brought in from abroad as well as 251 troublesome locally transmitted infections of the highly transmissible variant. The doctor also noted that most of the community infections were also linked to overseas arrivals. The Omicron variant is now liked to cases in 33 of Thailand’s provinces. The 739 total identified Omicron variant infections are only fully confirmed cases, ones that have gone through the whole genome sequencing testing. The totals have climbed over 200 infections in just the last 3 days since Sunday, and there may be more cases that have not yet been identified. A Thai woman who had been working as a housekeeper in Switzerland recently returned to Thailand and her home province of Lampang before being diagnosed with the Omicron variant, the first in Lampang. She had been vaccinated with 2 doses of Pfizer in July and August and had tested negative before boarding her flight out of Switzerland on December 23. She is said to have worn a mask throughout the flight, only removing it briefly when she ate meals. She landed on December 24 at 6 am at Suvarnabhumi Airport before moving to an alternative quarantine hotel where she took a PCR test. The test came back negative, but subsequently tested positive, and further investigation uncovered it was the Omicron variant. While Omicron is increasing in Thailand, the overall daily Covid-19 statistics have maintained a general downward trend with less daily infections, more people recovering and being released from medical care, and low death numbers. Today’s numbers (Thursday) indicate 3,037 new infections and 25 Covid-related deaths. 33,399 patients are still in state care and another 3,115 people have been discharged from hospitals. SOURCE: Thai PBS World N95 masks if you have em guys. Be careful next 8 weeks. If possible go stock up on eggs, bread, rice, etc. Better to stay safe at home than in a hospital since we don't have the immune system of 20 year olds especially if you don't have vax boosters.
  12. Ashoka


    No. It'll help produce anti-bodies that keep it from becoming severe. We have seen patients who're unvaxed but want the vax when they have covid in the later stages and its too late. So go get the booster to get your ducks in a row.
  13. Ashoka


    Lets hope we don't get to Thai characters since I can't pronounce snake and rat correctly yet even though I'm part Thai on my moms side.
  14. Ashoka


    Well in the US its more than 400k cases a day confirmed, higher than delta ever was and people have had trouble getting tested and lots more asymptomatic so its easy to guess 1 million + cases of omicron right now. So my graph of when it gets to Thailand, it'll go to 100k really really fast makes sense. Hopefully it arrives fast and gives everyone antibodies who're unvaxed and we can "normalize" without it mutating.
  15. Ashoka


    Look at this: https://www1.nyc.gov/site/doh/covid/covid-19-data.page#maps 28% infection rate and infections are just a subset of cases so the actual numbers will be much much higher.
  16. Ashoka


    Over 30,000? More like 100000+ Personally think its going to go like this (and the scale is only 35k for reference): All you need 1 infected traveller at Morchit
  17. Ashoka


    BTW Netflix has a new movie called "Don't Look Up" with: Leonardo Di Caprio Jennifer Lawrence Cate Blanchet Meryl Streep sorta loosely based on how polarization can hurt response to genuine crises. I recommend it.. if for nothing else.. a good laugh. No spoilers but really fun. I stayed up till 2 AM to watch it.
  18. Ashoka


    Vaccination isn't as politicized in other countries. So the vaccination numbers should be higher than the politicized countries. The biggest obstacle should be the price but as I was surprised in 2011 in a trip to isaan that even the farmers could afford iphones.. if they value their family health, they will get it. My ladyboy's family and friends have all gotten it. And although that's a small sample.. we all know some people from thailand so maybe we could put together a sample.
  19. Ashoka


    Thanks. I'll check it out. We went to Lake Minnewasksa trail this past october. We wanted to avoid the bear mountain trail because that's heavily populated. Ran into a rattle snake that we couldn't see but only hear and she couldn't hear it either.. I determined its not directly in our path or above so keep on walking rather than go left or right. Sure enough danger passed soon enough but other than that it was fun.
  20. Ashoka


    I totally agree social distancing is the way to go and then you don't even need masks. For example when I and my ladyboy go hiking, we don't wear masks.. no one gets really close. But I live in Brooklyn New York and the reality is subways/ buses and streets are like this: And most of the times they're unmasked. That's why N95 masks are better when you're in an environment like mine.
  21. Ashoka


    If you've ever painted a room in your house, you probably already have it lying around so why not use it when you need to? Sure beats a cloth mask (not the surgical mask which is better than cloth mask but still not as good as N95)
  22. One thing I've noticed over the years Ladyboys are very driven and dedicated. They can dedicate their life to being the best looking ladyboy or being the biggest slut in town (I've even seen a ladyboy drive to soi 7 in a Mercedes Benz S600 and proceed to work the bar and the street) or being the best gambler around (seen shit afterhours you wouldn't imagine, its quite an education) or having the highest rated only fans or sometimes being the best ladyboy wife around. No one can talk em out of it. You need to find the right one. I've made some bad decisions over the years but importing my ladyboy to live with me overseas hasn't been one of them. And she helps me take care of the house and in every respect is a ladyboy wife. If she doesn't drive you crazy and wants to be your wife genuinely then start the visa process. You won't regret it @Woodie especially if she's the one who wants it more than you.
  23. Ashoka


    My ladyboy gf has asthma so I have had to really change our lifestyle. We used to love going out, she used to love taking photos in midtown manhattan of hi so stores and imax theaters and send em back home but now we just avoid crowds. Most of the time we're home but we go hiking outdoors when we need to. You just have to analyze your own risk. I figured if a friend who was in the ladyboy scene, age 32, fitter and younger than me could get covid and die from it, then I am not immune and she is even at more risk with her asthma since she gets bronchitis almost every winter due to not being used to the New York cold. Asthma and covid together could be very very bad.
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