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Everything posted by seven

  1. Yeah, i was just thinking that when i wrote it I should've made a disclaimer that there isn't any hell. They have to bury her in Jerry Falwells church then, which would be the closest place to hell ( not that there is one).
  2. Isn´t that what i said? You like those two (2) evil people.
  3. Its ok , Archie. You and topcat like Maggie, GW ,Ronald Reagan and Jerry Falwell. Good for you. Like you said before, it depends on your world view. Congrats.
  4. Good riddance evil bitch from hell. There will be no RIP, but rather burn in hell!!
  5. seven

    Attention Fattys

    Less weight=less fuel=less ticket price, and therefor eases the convenience for the non-obese, by paying less for the ticket. Noooo, no! Hawaii, i´d say.
  6. Unfortunately i just can't ever again go with the lb it happened with. It happened to me twice with 2 different lbs. Everytime i run into her, (and she's a very wellknown lb, great person , great sex), all i can think of is that hershey moment, and...... she knows..i know, it ain´t gonna happen.
  7. This is only the beginning, you fatsos better shape up! "The "pay by weight" booking system requires passengers to type in their weight on the airline's online reservation system where their fare is calculated." http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-04-02/an-samoa-air-charging-per-kilo/4604540
  8. There you go! Stay black!
  9. I agree she's one of the hottest. A bit flaky though, but i later learned it was her no-good thai bf making her work suffer.
  10. Go for the Business class on such a longhaul. I did Premium Business with my milage on ThaiAir once, it was just great , i can only imagine what their first class would be. In June this year, Norweigan will start their Boeing 787 Dreamlinerflight to Bkk, dirt cheap. One way is 200 euros. You have to pay extra for a meal and if you want to check in a bag. I might try it, but i expect 10 very uncomfortable hours.
  11. I was going to mention the man on the moon hoax but wangsuda beat me to it. I don't believe Neil ever made those (in)famous steps.
  12. And this guy surely could pull this bird without money involved?
  13. So, would this guy taste some pink if capitalism/money wasn't involved?
  14. In 1986 our prime minister Olof Palme was assasinated. The crime remains unsolved and alternative theories as to who carried out the murder have since been proposed, CIA being one of them. Personally i believe the theory suggesting rightwing fractions of the swedish police, military and politicians. He was brilliant, somewhat of a hero. The total number of pages accumulated during the investigation is around 700,000.[24] According to criminologist Leif GW Persson, the investigation is "the largest in global police history".[25] The reward for solving the murder is SEK 50 million (approximately €5 million or US$7 million. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Olof_Palme http://www.leopoldreport.com/JohnA.html http://rendezvous.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/08/29/new-claim-rekindles-olof-palme-murder-mystery/
  15. Before i check the answer i´d say China or North Korea, but i have a feeling it is the US of A.
  16. Paccers, and your fellow born-again christian right-wingers , Chavez was one of the good guys, simple as that, really. Thatcher, GW,=evil Chavez, Castro= good I´m sure y´all deep down agree, no matter how the ignorant bastards at Fox news slice it.
  17. seven

    His Bobness

    Been trying to post on this topic , but i can't pick any of his masterpieces. To me, Dylan is the greatest of all time, living or dead, and to be able to see him on his Neverending tour almost every year is a bliss even though the last decade his concerts have been pretty much the same. Nothing revolutionary, but i don't care, i take every opportunity to see him. I can't name one song, there are too many. I always go back to watch the Royal Albert hall stuff from mid 60´s, backed by the Band doing songs from his legendary triple Bringing it all back home, Highway 61 revisted and Blonde on blonde. It doesn't get any better than that , imo.
  18. How very true, and like Jim, i know which side i am on. Nutjobs? You mean their humanity? I have nothing but respect for these guys.
  19. I guess a Heineken in Guess bar is out of question?
  20. Pdogg will not be happy , i better stop trying.
  21. The second you touch the 'delete' key it stuffs up. Highlight the part you want, copy it, then highlight the complete post & while it is still lit up blue, hit paste. Once you have done the first box, the others all work like they should. (i.e. you can delete, etc) Test. No, thats not working either.
  22. That was Stephanie the intern. I think she had a crush on Dave
  23. ...Will Ferrel, Adam Sandler, Don Rickles, Dennis Leary, John Candy.
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