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Everything posted by KenW

  1. I have just received an email reply from Bell. They have cut their Don Muang service altogether due to "lack of staff." They do not take bookings by email or phone. (I had pointed out in my email that their website was refusing to take bookings even ones not involving Don Muang; which is why I was emailing.) Without any apparent real concern for my fate the emailer concluded with "sorry for any inconvenience." Ha! Looks like that's the end of patronage of them from me. And perhaps from quite a few FMs and other travelers.
  2. I have just posted in another thread about this new website. It is shit. Won't let me do anything in the way of booking.
  3. The new Bell Travel Services website confirms yet again my law of the universe: every upgrade makes things worse. Their old website worked like a charm. While they say on their Home page that their services to DM will soon be upgraded, it appears I cannot book through the website. The drop-down on departure/pick-up does not yet include DM airport. I have emailed them in hope. Similarly it would not let me book my return from Pattaya to Swampy. After I filled in all the details and submitted, through the Home page, it merely told me no search results were found for my request! Jeeezuz. Again I emailed in hope.
  4. I admire your taste in literature turkey. I'm also a Lowry fan. I think I own (and have read) everything he published. Also Douglas Day's bio of him. Saw the John Huston film when it came out in 1980s, but unimpressed. Didn't know of the doco, so thanks to Sam for that tip. The LBs aren't bad either, ha!
  5. And what's more; the stars are all pinholes in the roof.
  6. Every year since I turned 50 I have delivered the same old unfulfilled resolution to decrease the size of my fat belly. Never works, even though I institute real tactics like walking, eating less, etc. However, it's the only resolution I have, so I better stick with it one more year. O, and there's one more little one too: just to confirm myself as the Resident Forum Wanker, I have begun to study applied mathematics through MIT (online), in order to try to lift my spirits & get my brain working. The related resolution is, I guess, to stay the course (if I can).
  7. OK lads, well done. Both paccers & the doggster came up with correct choice. I made up the numbers so it'd sound about right and be easy to calculate, but what amazes me is the startling sickening reality of it all. When these guys take the leap, as quite a few have done over the years (does Pattaya do that to people?), I am forced to sit quietly and draw breath at what a shit of a way it is to go out. Think about it: you leave the balcony with no velocity, but accelerate with gravity - as our lads pointed out - till you hit the pavement with an instantaneous speed of 40 m/sec. That's equal to 90 miles/hour or 144 km/hour, the speed of a rather high damage freeway or highway collision. By the way, while I'm at the lectern, the correct way to calculate the answer is to differentiate the equation I gave you as hint, then substitute for t = 4. (Remember that stuff? We did it in Maths A when we were 15 or so.) The one who gave us the maths was - as his friend John Locke, the philosopher called him - "the incomparable Mr Newton." During the plague years of 1665-66 the undergrads at Cambridge were sent home to the countryside for safety. Mr Newton, who had not even finished his degree yet, spent the time rather productively. He gave us: his laws of motion; the law of universal gravitation; the complete theory of opticks (as he spelt it); the binomial theorem; and the differential & integral calculus. He was 23 years old.
  8. When the joy of cock & cum down your throat is vastly boringly tiresomely wearily overridden by the nag that follows: give me money; pay my rent; pay off my loan; buy me ipad.
  9. there was a young punter named dixon upon a chunky ladyboy his attention was fixin chubby he affectionatety called her like reindeers prancing he twirled her then fucked her like Donner humped Blixen
  10. A lovelorn falang in Jomtien decides to end it all, leaping from his 22nd floor balcony to the pavement below. His balcony is eighty metres above the pave. As he leaves the balcony he has 4 more seconds to live, before he becomes messily unstuck. At what speed does he hit the pavement? a) 16 metres/second bee) 0 m/sec c) 20 m/sec d) 40 m/sec. HINT: a simple formula tells us that you can get the answer by using (somehow) the fact that rate of change in height = initial height - 5 x journey time (squared)
  11. And the same to you brother bb. The forum is certainly an entertaining relaxing and informative place, and you & pdogg/Larry are to be thanked for being the drivers behind that. EDIT: merry xmas to both believers & non-believers, and happy nooooo year to all from Ho Ho Ho chi minh.
  12. There is no missing dollar. It's a trick of wording. You owe 98 bucks, full stop.
  13. My all time favourite xmas song is Fairytale of New York by The Pogues. (Shane McGowan singing with the late Christy McColl) But as an old fart atheist sentimentalist I like many of them, if not all. (I find I tend to ignore the lyrics about praise the lord kind of stuff and just enjoy the melody). But oldies like White xmas (Bing the best version) Silent Night Deck the Halls Ten Days of xmas We Wish You a Merry xmas Jingle Bells etc., do it for me. Yeh, I know, I belong in an old men's home don't I.
  14. I got to 46 and my eyes blurred out. Can't be bothered looking for anymore.
  15. You know you've been around the LB scene too long when the grand fucking you boast of having had last night was actually you being bonked up the arse.
  16. I'm disappointed there's no data on the number or % of geriatric faggot Australian males who haven't masturbated since they were about 15.
  17. On Fermat's Last Theorem I've only read the sort of stuff pacman quoted above.
  18. I've been patronised many a time, so when it happens on a forum should I be agitated? Unlikely. But I will say this, as strongly as my polite gentle demeanour allows: don't push shit too far. I did not whinge. And, don't call me dude; I find that cheap American nomen close to offensive. I am not the resident man of anything, and I see not a shred of evidence that anyone held anything by way of expectation for any post I might come up with or no. Patronising me as my teacher setting me homework and trying to be so funny about GPAs etc. wins you no respect, given that you are someone I have huge feeling for, but do not wish to accept shit from. Let it go my friend.
  19. Yes, that's true. Candy, as you mention it, is one bar where I've encountered multiple LBs in the past. Not sure about today.
  20. In a switch today GC is not working for me, but a return to IE shows it is. Don't know what version I've got.
  21. I have had the good fortune to have spent an adult lifetime in the hallowed halls, the cloisters. As a consequence I have a deep appreciation of good debate about matters of serious concern. The downside, as some might see it, is that because one can't be everywhere, can't know everything, I am pretty dumb when it comes to topics of the so-called streetwise variety. So be it. It's a trade off I am more than happy to embrace. But it does leave a man of my type gasping for breath sometimes on the forums. I just do not know and cannot understand much of what many FMs seem to take for granted, as in-house knowledge. Again, so be it. But when a forum does have an outlet like a Boiler Room for non-LB issues, or dare we call them, more elevated topics of global concern, I for one am pleased. So when an FM raises a topic of this genre I am happy to read and learn, absorb opinion and evaluate stances and views. OK Ken, I hear others saying, if you want that shit, go do other kinds of forums. Don't fret; I do. But I still don't see why there can't be debate or information or opinion on a LB forum that is concerned with world political developments. And if opinion is put there, and views - whether others see them as bad or otherwise - vented, then it should be taken as simply that. If others want to ignore, ignore. If they want to debate, debate. But it is beyond me why we get into personal attack and slanging matches over such issues. Or the way they're put. I think there's space for all of us here, on a mature forum, to have and even impart our own idiosyncracies. EDIT: I have just realised I may need a disclaimer less others see me as inconsistent in my tolerances. I do not consider racism a harmless idiosyncracy.
  22. Yes, worth posting of course. But my Blinky Bill eyes can't see much street detail there. The info at left under the ps is accurate and useful. Indeed. As dixon cox pointed out so astutely, most of those bars have but one LB, as though it is some kind of de rigeur requirement these days. Not much use however, if two of you hit the joint. What are we mere punters expected to do? Share the lone LB? Or, as one bar did for me once dixon was ensconced with his paramour, send out for another. Takeout LBs at your service.
  23. Gor blimey pacman, you are a hard marker. I like lollypoppy, as in lollypop being a well known euphemism for cock and cock sucking. (But I don't need to explain that, do I.)
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