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Everything posted by Luung

  1. What can I say Lance, other than next time we meet up (maybe tomorrow)?.. Let's go somewhere cheap! As much as I love Chiang Mai & the relaxed, care free lifestyle up here, it does have to be said that without a shadow of a doubt it's also the greediest city I've ever encountered in LOS.. By far! They just don't know where to stop & they've always valued themselves way too highly, it's Phuket prices without the quality or service. And with regard to the ladydrink prices, I did notice yesterday that beer Chang had gone up, so I suppose that increase could well be passed onto the customer along with, has you said, a little extra to compensate for them for lean times & the army closing them down at midnight; but it more than sucks & I figure that the 180 baht asking price will be the tipping point & customers will just avoid these bars... they're killing the goose that lays the golden eggs. FFS! I find it especially rich, has when last in Shamrock I bought the post op cashier a ladydrink & she just fucked off in a meth haze & went talking to her mates & any other cunt who wasn't me!!!... It really angered me & I think that I'll have a word with the governor, Sash, as he's a good bloke & I'm sure that he'll understand the folly of this, especially considering the attitude of some of his girls. As for Marina, she's always kept the price of her ladydrinks down, but she plays a numbers game & instructs the staff to relentlessly pump for those drinks.... It can be unbearable! All this is a real shame, because I do like to buy the odd drink for the girls... But now I just won't!!!
  2. Phew!... This story just makes me think how lucky I've been over the years...
  3. Whoops... Bit of a hangover, forgot Surrathani and Loie... And of course Bkk and the home of good looking totty.. Chang Mail Funny enough, I'm in Pattaya right now, (ISARN Central)... And it's full of fukin' mules (just my honest opinion)
  4. Overall they've got fairer skin up in the north and are a bit more Chinese in appearance ... Plus they're considered by many (including myself) to be better looking. They've definitely got softer looking features, for sure.
  5. Chang Rai, Nan, Chang Seng, Mae Sai (I've I've even lucked out with the odd Burmese there) Lampoon, Lampang, Fang, Had Yai, Trang, Pichet, Suckathai... I think that's it?
  6. Met a little midget Lb driver last night in Sensations... (D)... She was doing a little bit of freelanceing and bar fine free!
  7. All I can say is this MJ... If I thought that I'd just stumbled upon someone whom I feel that I would like as a person & that I want to get to know some more, then the very last thing that I would do is keep talking about sex! Move on & wait for someone who obviously wants to know you a that bit more... And then when you finally do talk about sex.... It will be far more of a turn on! And same has been said before, just ignore the dumbos. You're cute!
  8. Ahh... And that's just reminded me of another which I've missed, BB... (P) again... For the dreaded mobile phone salesperson... Fuck, there's guzillions of them out there!!!... And from my own personal experience, not particularly nice once you get to know them, as they're usually trying to work a few too many angles on you. Just thought of another one, BB... (J) Journalist... I know one who works for the 'Nation' (English language, national newspaper). In all truth she's probably just telesales, but she manages to pass herself off as a journalist.
  9. (A) Is for an Art Director... Who can also turn a mean leg on a dance floor... My ex salsa dancing partner... God I miss her! ( For a book keeper & part time escort (E).. Who more often than not will be trying to pass herself off as an accountant (A) ( Also for beautician... How it is that one hasn't been mentioned yet, I really don't know?.. Anyway, know a load of em' as I spend way too much time in indoor shopping centres... So now you know my MO! (D) Is for a post op clothes designer who doubles up as an escort (E) (F) Is for a cute little food vendor, who I also used to see at the local hospital as a nurse (N) (F) Also happens to be for factory worker... The ex took to working in a bra factory after half a lifetime in the world's oldest profession ... Did you know that there are forty five pieces to assemble in the average bra??? (F) Oh, & I forgot farmer & sometimes escort (E)... This one's been in mentioned in a thread of Jim's, she actually knocked out three blokes in a nightclub one night!!! (G) Is for two guest House owners, one of which used to be a bar owner ( (H) For a head man of a village... Out near Nan somewhere (I) Is for immigration official... Been smiling at her for years, but she still won't smile back (O) For office worker... And you guessed it, part time escort (E)... Oh, and she also decorated my place (P&D) Painter & decorator.. I can tell you, you'd like to be holding the ladder for this one :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) (P) Is for a policeman in Lampoon who used to disco dance whilst directing the rush hour traffic ® For receptionist (T) Teacher... Damm, wish it was like that in my day (V) A video shop owner (W) For a weddings photographer & stylist (S)... This one actually decided to revert back to being a man, straight after I fucked her!!???
  11. Now there you go... Paxo's just mentioned the 'N' word & he hadn't even seen my post. Sort of says it all really. NB. And no, they don't like us (or anyone else who isn't them, for that matter)... Especially with the feeling's of growth & empowerment that they've had for the past handful of years, this attitude towards us is only ever going to get worse. Believe me, if this lot felt that they could turn the tables on us, then they would... Most just don't quite know or understand how incredibly competitive this lot are... And how desperate they are to be No 1 Man, you'd be torn to shreds for posting this on LBP
  12. Yes, Thai arrogance indeed... They often remind of many Israelis that I meet... God's chosen people... (Only these ones do actually live in the land of milk & honey)!!! Initially Farang derived from Ferengi, which was the Persian term for white people (not the Star Trek type)... And probably worked it's way down to Farang as our skin resembles the succulent white fruit. But in this day & age... It can mean a whole lot more & usually a lot worse, a bit like calling someone a nigger, wog or a pakkie to their face & not caring what they think or feel
  13. I think that there lies a large part of it... A lot of the time we happen to empower them, just by rolling over.
  14. I wish it could, Sustra... I actually speak Thai at a lower conversational level, but this lot just don't really seem to care.... You're a bit of a non person to anyone other than the person you're actually having the relationship with.... Has I said, pretty much the same as the England in which I grew up in. It's a shame, but that's the way it is. Wow, six languages!!!.... Remind me never to play you at a brainy game 55555
  15. I've posted about this before BB (Just wish I could recall the thread), & I tend to think that these people are in about the same place now as the England that I grew up in back in the 60's & 70's. Believing that we still had an empire & that the rest of the world owed us something for saving them, we were incredibly jingoistic, with a deluded superiority complex, which in turn made us pretty mean spirited towards foreigners. My dad married an immigrant & that poor, lovely, little lady remained a fukin' foreigner for the rest of her days... And ever since I've hated racism, but unfortunately that's all I see here. And they really don't give it a second thought... These people are sophisticated enough in the way in which they communicate with each other, even down at the village level... And it's predominantly about keeping up the veneer of politeness, which in our case they don't. They know that they're being rude & condescending, but really couldn't give a shit. Got the same with my ex's family... And she even admitted as much.
  16. Yes, he was a nice guy & for a Thai, incredibly generous... I used to have a lot of fun with him, but eventually I just got really tired of being dragged out on pub crawls as the token Falang until the sun came up! Some times he'd actually bring a pair of dwarfish gogo dancers with him & as we'd enter any new bar they'd instinctively jump on the counter & start gyrating away at an incredibly fierce rate of knots... It was quite incredible, the ultimate in kitsch... Man, talk about making everyone feel like the band's just hit town! But pity you with the opening night of his restaurant though... That must have been torture.
  17. Well yeah... I wouldn't want to end up with chocolate stains all over the back of my pants, now... Would I .. It'd look a bit too much like I'd changed sides half way through the match. Well it was actually, Lance... Could you imagine what a shitbox of a thread I'd turn this into if I'd have mentioned some of her antics?? .. Anyway, thankfully we have the other two bars to fall back on, when we're in need.
  18. Blimey, BigTel's just lost his chockie biscuits... Unbelievable Rosco! .. So you've been out on the piss with him as well I'll have a packet of Garibaldi's in m' back pocket next time we meet....
  19. Correctamundo, so far PD, you're on your way to three +1's & a pack of chockie biscuits, if you can get this... So now tell me which bar??? Good guess BigTel, & I do actually know a few ex teachers who have become LB bar owners in LOS, but unfortunately not this bar... To help out a little, the ex teacher, come bar owner type is Falang... And these bas are Thai owned Keep going, as you've got two more strikes before you're out... Those chockies could still be yours?
  20. I like to be home by about 9.00pm & tucked up on the sofa with a dirty great, big fat, joint & a documentary... A creature of simple habits
  21. Bloody Hell, simultaneous posting... Can we put my post in front of RX's as it doesn't really read right now? And I've just thought of a question... Who owns Casanova Bar in Nana?.. And who owns The Family Bars in Pattaya>? Occupations will do, as I don't need the names of any individuals
  22. Well, I shall have the grace to hand the laurel over to RX, BB, as he all, but got it ... And besides, apart from the fact that I really fluffed my last question up, he did actually have one lined up, which I haven't.
  23. It's still Marina Bar... Although that said, Shamrock has easily been the main LB bar over the past couple of years with Friendly Corner as the second bar of choice. I'm afraid Marina's taken a turn for the worse & chased all her customers away... She can't even get staff any more
  24. Couldn't agree more... I had sort of figured that she may well have been the best that Suthep & his cronies could have come up with!?
  25. You may well find out after you've made a few more posts & people have got to know you that little bit more???? In other words, the vast majority here (including myself) are into transgendered girls as much for who they are, as what they are... So I'd figure most of our contingent (again including myself) would jump at a chance of getting to know you that much better as a person & maybe more... Once we're a bit more familiar with eachother. I suppose the more interesting question might be, how many perceivably straight blokes out there would really want to get to know you that little bit better... Were there not a stigma attached???.. And I'm pretty Sure that you'd get a lot more takers than you think. I figure it's more about who has the courage to stand by your side & hold your hand in public... Than it is about who'd like to get to know you or not.
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