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Mod1 last won the day on August 27 2022

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  1. Mod1

    Newbar 2024!

    Welcome back Petesie! The thread is for the promotion of New Bar and for our members to learn about the ladies of New Bar. Off topic and mean spirited posts will be deleted from this thread. In other words, issues involving other forums are not a topic for discussion on this thread.
  2. Thank you Dan Miller! A few days ago, I changed settings to make it more difficult for spammers to join LBR but it seems that a legitimate prospective member got caught up in the process. Dan, I have now made it very easy for your friend to join. Please let me know after he has joined and then I will tinker a bit more with spam suppression. In the meantime expect quite a bit of spam. Please ignore it and it will generally be removed in about 12 hours.
  3. The Like system should be functioning again.
  4. Ladyboy Review was designed to be a friendly, flame fee forum. Please don't attack other posters on this forum, other forums, or others in the ladyboy scene.
  5. Mod1

    Off Topic Posts

    Personal attacks are NOT welcome here on LBR. If you have a problem with a poster from a different forum then please register a new account on that forum if you want to vent.. Don't do it here on LBR. Thread locked.
  6. Mod1

    Why Not Bangkok

    To clear up disinformation in a post above, someone should tell Iain that his LBR account was hacked because it's possible he might have other important stuff hacked such as banking apps. If he still has access to his LBR account then he should change his password. If he does not have access then he should create a new account.
  7. Mod1

    Why Not Bangkok

    If in Why Not, please tell Iain that his Ladyboy Review account was hacked by Russian spammers.
  8. To ALL of the many shit stirrers, LBR is designed to be a FRIENDLY forum. At the very least if you can't be friendly, don't personally attack other posters. For those who insist of stirring shit, get your jollies in the Political Rambles thread, not in Jomtien Watch. Off topic posts from this thread have been moved there.
  9. Join the Ladyboy Video Club by going to http://www.ladyboyreview.com/index.php?/forum/255-ladyboy-videos/ and click the Join Club button.
  10. While we don't encourage "alias accounts" we don't expressly forbid them in all cases as there could be some reason why you need to keep your identity secret. However if you tell anyone on the mod team about an alias account that you created we will delete that account. If an alias account is used for trolling then the account will disappear rather quickly without warning. This contrasts with the great deal of leeway we have historically given to known posters. Our objective is a friendly, flame free forum.
  11. Just a gentle reminder that even though the healthy debate of ideas in encouraged please don't personally attack other posters even if you feel as if you have been attacked first. Thank you.
  12. Fenton has departed LBR. We wish the very best for this legendary ladyboy monger in his future endeavors.
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