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Pulci Gorgon

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Everything posted by Pulci Gorgon

  1. Hello Rom, I wanted to clear the air about the post I made on April Fools' Day. It seems like my attempt at humor might have missed the mark, and for that, I apologize. I started being late of 1 minute (one minute only, but I missed April 1st). The information I shared about DR was of course completely made up. I want to stress that I didn't have any insider knowledge about them, and above all if I did, I wouldn't have spilled the beans. I would have kept silent on the fact. I understood that such jokes was probably misinterpreted 2 days later and asked the mod to move to the jokes thread. You had signed in and hadn't reacted, so I thought no one cared about DR. I ignored DR was used in PY only but I was probably influenced by 'Daddy Rom' when I looked for something that could be you or someone else. However, no one really reacted to the fake news. (Yes, I say it again : it's a fake news intended only to make a joke). I apologize since the humourous intention of my post was not clear at all. I hope I didn't disturb you more than that. I wish you a good trip in Hanoi (if you go there) or in Kyrgyzstan (since it's your secret destination). Thanks for your understanding. @Pdoggg I checked the information. Unfortunately, it's not a joke. While I typically don't seek out such news, I came across a story about a Prime Minister sentenced to death after seizing control of a newly established telephone company and using it for personal gain in his twilight years.
  2. Whether outraged or not, it fails to improve the perception of farangs in Thailand.
  3. How is it that despite poorer video quality, ladyboys appeared more attractive back then compared to ladyboys today ?
  4. Why not teach youngsters that a good cunni is far better than sexual strangulation ?
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