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Everything posted by Jimslim

  1. Only Farangbah could get away with a shirt like that .
  2. Correct - you know your glory holes . For this next one Ciobha is disqualified from entering as he owns the shop .
  3. Good one . Sometimes I think if a guy is brute ugly he picks someone similar so as his expectations aren't too high . And in a country with some of the most beautiful women in the world .....
  4. Allow me to enter the arena of the nerds ...... This place looks like it has potential , who knows what lurketh behind the wall .
  5. I should have clarified that one . They never sleep at night daytime is a different matter ..... the only way to raise them from the crypt is pull the curtains suddenly and expose them directly to sunlight this seems to scare them .
  6. I agree with that , I still love the buzz of the masses heading for the exit at 2 AM and I still get butterflies in my stomach on my first visit to Nana each trip after all these years . I love Bangkok for maybe four days or so at the end of my trip it feels like a mini holiday inside a holiday and I find if you can catch one of your favourite's off duty ie- away from Nana you get a better (And cheaper) experience ........ I love hanging around the makeshift beer bars in the wee small hours . Pattaya is still number one for me and as has been already stated the girls are less businesslike , the problem most of the time is getting rid of them so you can spend time with your friends . The number one bonus with Pattaya is you can go to pretty much any place in a matter of minutes for 10 baht and there's always plenty to do and plenty of people to see , if things don't go as planned you can be out in the street and elsewhere pretty quickly the place never sleeps . Miss the witching hour in Bangkok and it is slim pickings , even with a phone full of numbers they all live on the outskirts of town Pattaya ladyboys never sleep
  7. A rare commodity in the so called Labour Party now day's someone with a bit of courage of conviction to speak their mind . One of the few I've ever had time for was Dennis Skinner , still a thorn in the side of the establishment in his 80s
  8. The lust of ladyboy flesh overrides many factors it seems .
  9. Brother 4.17 speaks the truth . Jazz has a great big kidney wiper .
  10. I'm surprised there wasn't a few more who knew their Thai sausage suppliers BB . Any pics of the gardening centre where the uphill gardeners meet ?
  11. That is the problem in a nutshell , industry was deliberately laid to waste in favour of finance capital (Gambling with other peoples money to you and I ) She reduced the regulations against banks and borrowing on the premise that things would be on the up forever Whilst previous governments both Tory and Labour favoured Keynesian economics - ie Capitalism with a degree of state intervention she rejected this for the belief that the market must be left alone to correct itself . Whilst many here would disagree with Karl Marx one thing he predicted when studying Capitalism (And has been proved correct time and time again ) Was that capital has to constantly expand to new markets to keep producing more and more consumer products with a higher rate of profit , when this tilts too far the boom becomes a slump . The booms become shorter the slumps longer , how many recession's has the world seen since the Second World War ? By letting the markets run riot and the rich accumulate obscene wealth both Thatcher and Ronald Regan sowed the seeds of the biggest financial crash since the 1930's that we suffer today . The big pyramid scheme con had to come crashing down one day - the laws of capital dictate that it always does . As long as the rich enriched themselves then Thatcher didn't care .... To hell with the rest of us . That is her legacy and history will judge her in the long run as a disaster .
  12. No worries Sam but do try to do something about the flatulence .
  13. I have really only ever hated one person in my life and it was this woman . I hated her because she hated me , she hated and despised the working class and set out to destroy whole towns and communities with her policies - 3.5 Million thrown on the dole whilst the inner cities burnt in what had become a police state , the 1980's were a time of despair for many people . She actually had not one ounce of compassion or human decency and seemed to delight in making others miserable I remember as a kid at school many of us and our parents collecting money for the miners because their fight was our fight . Her policies in Ireland prolonged the conflict for another two decades at a great cost to many on all sides . Now I hear she is to get a state funeral at the cost of 10 Million to the taxpayer . In true Thatcher style they should privatize the event and sell seats to the highest bidders .
  14. I remember a really big fat German guy taking up most of my seat space with his mighty bingo wings on a flight to Thailand a few years ago . I kid you not he fell asleep against my shoulder and I was trapped and couldn't lift him, I had to call the stewardess to help me shift his head (which was like a cannonball) so I could climb over to get to the toilet . At one stage he woke up and asked could he have my breakfast as I hadn't touched it I let him have it as I was afraid he would eat me instead . He then fell asleep on my arm again and broke wind constantly in his sleep . The flight from hell .
  15. When they finally put you in the ground I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down .
  16. I am uneasy because I know I have a sex addiction . I have the choice to stay with one girl I know well outside the norms of the game and yet I choose to go with 2-3 different prostitutes a day . I go with trannies at home and money is not involved just a bit of fun , I make every excuse under the sun to avoid normal relationships so I can have the freedom to do what I do . You are correct it doesn't sit well with me and I think about it a lot but exploitation is way down the agenda believe me I'd be appalled if I believed I'd exploited another human being .
  17. A rather sweeping statement there , so because we choose to have sex with Thai transsexual prostitutes we are capitalist exploiters ? All the same one bad as another ? What I do doesn't sit well with me 100% and I'm sure many of my comrades at home would have arguments about it but I don't live in denial,like you I know what I am and I'm not perfect none of us are . It is not as simple as simply saying because we pay prostitutes for sex we are exploiting them , I'm sure that applies in many instances the world over but in this instance the majority of guys here come to Thailand because they love Thai ladyboys and I'll wager the vast majority treat them better than their own friends , family and certainly their Thai boyfriends do I know many guys around here certainly do . What about the love struck guy who falls in love and sends a fortune every month to keep a Thai girl and her extended family ? Is he exploiting them ? As I say it is a complex issue there is no right or wrong . Next time I'm standing in the rain on a demo against the latest injustice getting roughed up by police I'll remind myself I'm really in denial .........
  18. Some great pictures there 4.17 . You captured perfectly the bizarre nature of St Paddy's day in Pattaya they certainly know how to have a laugh . I loved the picture of the two guys in the van looking very hungover "Under the weather " as we say back home .
  19. You have no need to apologize . If you have offended those who support the barbaric system that is Capitalism you've done something right . To quote the great Irish socialist James Larkin - "The great are only great because we are on our knees . Let us rise" Viva Hugo Chavez and all those who fight the system .
  20. Chavez never invaded any countries murdering thousands of innocent people in the process .
  21. You will find me in Pattaya Klang eating a large bowl of steam .
  22. I'm surprised at you Paccer's why do you have to assume that everyone does something for a price ? Freebies ? C'mon its about trying to improve the lot of fellow human beings who have nothing . He helped the poor because it was the correct thing to do and what all decent societies should do .
  23. Gotta love the Thai style of re-invention . Bibi was introduced to me in a similar way ..... not that I was complaining . Cindy puts the C in Cascade the place was never the same without her , I'm only surprised it took so long before she was back . They should build a gold statue of her outside the amount of trade she has brought inside those cavernous walls .
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