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blind boy grunt

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Everything posted by blind boy grunt

  1. QG.. i have cleaned up your thread to show only your downloads to make it easier for Emmy to sort. Before anyone complains..remember this is specifically QG's choices for his playlist. Woodie.. 3 or 4 of yours have vanished into the ether therefore. Why don't you start your own playlist? or drop them into the general playlist? whoever posts in that one will be included... except for the singing nun... don't yak-yak... i even had to hoover myself! if you remember QG you struggled with your first effort... kris kris and Ladyantiseptic or some bint...'help me make it through the night'... i eventually downloaded it for you.. but emmy won't use on your playlist as not posted by you... so can you re-download in a post from you please. cheers
  2. okay Big T...chicken song gone! i thought that you were joking with it but had to check. remember all you budding D.Js that Emmy actually makes these playlists from the vids you post... she of course has no idea of what is jokey or not. Nice playlist by the way Annat...some good stuff. Music in the katty is getting pretty good now. much easier for teya to sort too.
  3. and that trains been a long time a coming........
  4. but anyway..a final shot of a few of the old gang together...days long gone....
  5. you could be right QG... originally when BB first started coming you could always tell when he was spotted walking down the road... the make-up bags suddenly appeared. 2 weeks later... as soon as he was spotted the clothes started coming off! AnnaB holds the record though... she came without any clothes on....
  6. I'm not that stupid! 'darling...your hair looks wonderful today, did you have it styled this morning?' 'no a week ago you pratt..." guess we have all said things like that! sometimes it's best to say nothing at all.... going back to that photo of teya.. sitting down... she looks 7 foot tall...
  7. you probably didn't hear my hip click as i tried to get my leg across the crossbar....
  8. who rattled your cage PD?... the saddle is only six months old....
  9. do you really want the chicken song shit on your playlist Big T? remember it will go on there if it's posted by you. up to you!
  10. well, not a lot i think. mind you, i'm stuck with my 30 year old bicycle.... but then again Sunny was riding up and down the street on it last night... bonus! any offers for the saddle QG and Jimmy ! ??
  11. are you in touch with her Seven? ask her if she wants a bit of advertising on here..why not? i will too if i see her you're right..very pleasant person.
  12. actually a stranger in the bar next door!.. i did pop in last night, briefly. congratulated Teya on her new dress, to be told rather firmly... 'not new! have long time! why you never look at what i wear! i was beginning to think we were married.....
  13. indeed BB..so was Anna..she was in katty 2 nights back too...often still around.
  14. i did post earlier about Anna working at Katty and not wanting publicity... but, lo and behold... an early shot she allowed Emmy to use. Anna is still around, not every night, but some.
  15. keep posting as many of lily as you want BB... post 'em all twice if you want! to be sure...to be sure.....
  16. Sorry to butt into your thread Rom.. but James.. be careful..i still have the interview i did with you in the Katty last year... still on my dictaphone thingy but not transcribed yet, but soon could be ! actually Rom, i could start a 'BM interviews ' tab in the Katty Klub, but as always they will be frank,honest, and accurate........... especially JImmy's... maybe.
  17. a few more of wave. and also Nicole..still around from time to time.
  18. and..isn't it about time we had a picture from the vaults of the big boss herself.. from the days when Emmy was much more sensible and didn't call Quietguy Mr.Cute.....
  19. another from Bumblebee... Biew. worked at Katty for around 6 months then went to work in 7-11 i think. Biew.
  20. getting near to the end now... Jenny. Still around Jomtien not officialy at Katty, she does pop in frequently to have a chat with the staff. It seems that she has her own business in Jomty. Is still contactable via Teya and Emmy.
  21. hi Rom...yes it's really JImmy... he was daft enough to send me a photo..which i accidentaly dropped into the capable hands of Quinn.I don't know if jimmy will ever forgive me......
  22. Pinched from Bumblebee.. a shot he did about a year back....'Wave' still around Jomty somewhere but working full-time in a store i think Wave.
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