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Everything posted by thaibound

  1. and i was sir, i was--i promise. in fact, i went straight from the bar at 3:30 to dinner and after some pre-sleep entertainment, i was tucked safely in bed by 9 that very same a.m., just as you so correctly proposed. so, i guess we're stuck agreeing on everything. aren't we old folks boring?
  2. don't know why i get hooked reading these threads on movies. spent three decades not working on good movies. though i have seen a lot of them. i was just starting to get a feel for which posters i was going to agree with and which i wouldn't--when the tables twisted--then twisted again. i've learned through trial and error which famous "reviewers" to read--not because i often agree with them, but because i've come to understand when and how and why i consistently disagree with them. if leonard maltin likes a movie that has *anything* to do with god/church/family/america/republicans or law and order i know it's going to suck. but if he likes a movie that is opposed to all of those things--i'm going to love it. unfortunately that never happens. my only question on this thread would be--how do you consider movies by madonna's ex to be "obscure"? not since the sherlock holmes films certainly. i agree "snatch" was a barrel of fun. some great editing. and loved the subtitles. when i talk to karl (or sir dave) i sometimes close my eyes and imagine i'm in a guy ritchie film, but when i open them, i still can't understand a fucking thing they're saying. where are the subtitles when you need them? as for "obscure movies everyone should see"--shit. i guarantee if i name my three favorite "obscure" films i'll get more flames than when i stand up in defense of nitwits. so how can i resist? easily. maybe next time. ps give that apparently superficial action trilogy based on ludlom's bourne character a look--they rank (imho) among the best of the genre of all time ps2 anybody heard of "lawrence of arabia"? it's no "A-Team", but it doesn't suck. ok i'll name one that nobody who's ever been to new york would call obscure, but you europeans might, which just happens to be my second favorite film of all time: "Manhattan".
  3. facebook will bring to an end not only personal relationships, individual freedoms, any right to privacy, several internet forums and half the ladyboy bars in pattaya-- a century (or two) from now historians will look back at "the facebook" as the decisive nail in the coffin of free society itself.
  4. i don't own a bar. don't want to own a bar. dont know the first thing about owning a bar. and here i think i speak for must punters--i could care less whether the girls are FL or salaried--as well-evidenced by the fact that most of us really have no clue which they are. it just doesn't matter to the punter how the girls are paid by the bar--what does matter is that the girls are paid. and how that might effect the over-all positive ambience of the bar--there are a couple of bars where the girls carry enough frowns and bad attitude that whatever the policy is there i'm just going to say it's wrong. and where the girls are happy and the customers treated well--that's where the policy is right. i'll leave it to the more knowledgable to fill in the blanks on which bars are which. but i still find this a very interesting exchange between knowledgable bar owners with extremely variant ranges of experience--probably a range equal to that of various punters who have experienced everything from "thank god i paid a barfine with that b&^ch who stole my iphone" to "fucking barfines are ridiculous." i lie somewhere in the vast middle. i won't bore you with my own slowly learned personal rules of barfining, but generally speaking, given the miniscule percentage of my total expenses i devote to barfines (about equal to what my T-Bills are paying now ) i actually prefer paying a (reasonable) barfine. not the least of reasons for doing so is my desire for pattaya *not* to lose its vast array of lb-devoted bars. however....barfines are a two-way street. if they are either irrationally high or guarantee me no 'protection' against catastrophe. i can't even imagine going back to ( bar name omitted here to protect the innocent--i.e., my ass from flaming) with a "complaint". i don't see the point in paying those bars a barfine--but rather than trying to skip the barfine, i just go to another bar--a bar whose existence i wish to encourage. for example, when i walk into a bar at 3:30am and buy myself a drink and buy the first hot ladyboy i see a drink and decide i'm too tired for another so decide to barfine the cutie and i am told her barfine is 800baht...at 3:30am...i don't try to take the girl without paying the barfine. i just go to another bar. and so long as there are dozens of bars, my approach will sustain. if, however the future holds that there will be 2 or 3 lb mega-bars in pattaya (think Nana) so that they no longer give a shit about my individual business or the quality of their service because customers will have no choice but to tolerate their behavior--that is a monopolistic future i anticipate with dread . so i say, freelance or salary--if you like the bar, pay the barfine. and as for the pool table--charge 20 baht dammit. if the punter can't part with 20baht, he should go to the next fucking bar--or offer to play me and if he wins, i'll pay it. (then force him to play route67 to keep the table). sorry to veer way the fuck off-topic (you know who will be all over my ass any minute) but i think paying for a *good* pool table is as important as paying barfines--good bars with good tables and good girls (be they FL or salary) well deserve both. the plethora of lb bar alternatives in pattaya certainly won't last forever, but let's drag it out as long as we can, shall we? so, pay up wayne. and party down garth.
  5. you know i was getting a bit depressed about the quality of pickings amongst the ladyboys here in cagayan de oro until i stumbled upon this thread and suddenly even the ones i paid to get back on the bus seemed worthy of a second look. oh, woe the irish lad in search of the lassie named brad.
  6. she might be the girl who showed up at my place with Annie from Famous and gave me her name as Natty. one of the loveliest faces in pattaya.
  7. the force strong growing in you is-- soon learn you shall the value of "fuck you" money and the freedom of spirit within you engenders it does. now just work out a little 8.5 -year financial plan and i'll get those villa designs right over to you.
  8. That may well be the single widest variety of ladyboy options i've ever seen recommended by a single monger. And i couldn't argue against a single one of them. Well-done! --though beyond the classification of "ladyboy" i'd have to spend more than a few nights to find further commonalities. Not that I'd mind of course. A research project well-worth some in-depth investigation...
  9. if the damn floors were carpeted you wouldn't hear my knuckles banging against it so don't blame me! oh, and btw, those weren't my knuckles.
  10. While i remain a firm believer that the best way to amass a small fortune in LOS is to start with a large one, I must admit that as Rickshaw and I made our rounds last night, no bar came close to comparing to the Sensational action on Action street. On an otherwise very dead low-season mid-week mellow kind of night at the other "LB bars" in which we paused for drinks, Sensations surprised us with its entertaining mix of BM's and LB's and GG's and a very good pool table and a nearby band playing live (but far enough away I managed reasonable conversation with Mr. Flatpack and a few of the drop-dead gorgeous LB's who seem to have taken to the idea of Paeng's having a bar like a duck to water--only they dance a helluva lot better than any duck I've ever seen.) So will definitely return and can easily recommend as I concur with earlier comments that Bukoaw is becoming "the" soi of choice in pattaya and the horseshow bar group on Action Street is showing great potential with some cuties at neighboring bars only adding to the almost-family-style and at-least-for-now cooperatively joyful feeling pervading Flatpack and Paeng's bar and its surroundings. And I expect tonight--and tomorrow night--to be exponentially more entertaining than last night. So, yeah, I might stop back for a beer. Or a sixpack. Or an open-air lapdance.
  11. just wondering how many of those guys go home at night and look at their heifer wives and dream of what it would be like to have a ladyboy actually make them into a real teabagger.... no point on actually commenting on stupidity. clearly the gene for being a dumbass is immortally recessive and awaits only more inbreeding to end the world.
  12. just move out of the motel 6 you're in now and get a suite at the dusit thani, you stingy bastard p.s. see you tomorrow at that place next to april for lunch? 37 baht for pahd thai and coffee. total.
  13. thanks again Randi, very helpful to have an opinion from an actual person instead of the cousins-of-the-owners. i'll check out your old spot and do my best to ruin as few of the fine tight lb's of boracay as possible . as for leaving you a few of the Cebu girls--no worries there--even Juri couldn't run through all 10,000 hot cebuana ladyboys before you had a shot at least a few of them.
  14. many thanks, randiuno. planning my return to cebu for next month and after checking out the sights, i want to add a week on boracay--my first time there though looks like it won't be my last--so...could i bother you for a hotel suggestion? anything in the 2500-5000php/nite range (just looking for value) --and lb-friendly, of course tia.
  15. actually DT, sorry for the misdirect. she is cute with an unusual and appealing look, but not the tiny sliver of hiplessness i prefer--and since it seems you and mr. duke ball every babe i ball--i'm gonna guess not exactly yours either. but she did seem to catch jaidee's eye as we left the place...although i was distracted by the curses being thrown at me by a dancer whose suggestion that i should buy her a drink -- apparently for old time's sake -- i chose to decline.
  16. not even for slim cute little Natcha of the short blonde hair ...? really?
  17. amen to that, my brother. you wanna "friend" me, let's do it over a beer in pattaya while watching yet another beautiful ladyboy's ass erase all memory of the "the most beautiful ladyboy i ever met" with whom i'd fallen in love just the night before.
  18. errrr, so maybe they interviewed some husband-sharing women in bhutan which might have brought the over-all average happiness score down just a smidge?
  19. pdogg, rt67 and i walked by that very sign (hanging outside a vacant lot on 3rd road) just a couple days ago and it took us a good while to figure out the "1" was all we needed to comprehend -- and a good thing since every word was in thai--although i do have a friend who's actually curious who the musical performers will be. seriously. he wants to go for the music. after 3 false starts i don't know if it's even worth bothering to try and fill a baht bus at tuk-com. but we shall see...so, it would appear, my first morlam, at very long last...
  20. this may be old news, but a friend just had to go in for this procedure and i'm pretty sure he did *not* have this possibility on his list of things about which to be concerned. and now that i have, as they say, "buried the lead", have at it: http://gma.yahoo.com/blogs/abc-blogs/man-admitted-hospital-kidney-stone-discovers-hes-woman-110057308--abc-news-health.html
  21. ...unless she's off in koh phangan making motorbike runs to the 7/11... but i'll keep my money on her being "right upstairs"
  22. in the eyes of anyone here allowing themselves to be ruled by their 'selfish gene'--the "situation" here is....awesome.
  23. but you could do it this year--if we can just get Nancy and a friend to show up at bkk with their tickets in hand... meantime, i, for one, will not complain about having so few customers blocking my view of the lonely lovely ladyboys of pattaya. not to mention, we never had trouble finding an empty pool table.
  24. a handful shall gather around 9-9:30pm, probably at famous, then hire a bahtbus from tuk.com. of course, being that this is pattaya--
  25. thaibound


    that's just his commission.
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