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Everything posted by Woodie

  1. It amazes me when I watch a porn video to see guys just plunge their cock into the lb's ass for the first time, with what appears to be nil or a small amount of lube. And most times the girls just smile or dont have much of a reaction. Am I missing something here?. Either the guys have a small dick,(dont appear to be), or the girls are lubed up inside. Does not appear to be any lube there most times. Maybe a silly question but It does not work for me doing it like that.
  2. Yep, View could leave her shoes under my bed. On that point. Any idea why lbs in porn shoots wear shoes in the bed?. Look bloody stupid!.
  3. As far as a well run bar goes, yes Delirious is right up there, but apart from two girls, Palmy and Mona, I dont think the talent is that great.
  4. Damn it, so a session with Poy would now cost you an extra 3 Euros. I will pass the hat around.
  5. I was taught that way. End of story. Now just get on about LB's!!!!!!!......
  6. Actually Pdogg, you are wrong. These girls voices do not annoy as some others do. I guess i could always test out their vocal chords with an instrument!.
  7. Haha, just trying to relieve stress!.
  8. No, just correct punctuation. I was taught proper!!!!!...... Correct spelling and all!. None of this Webster Merican stuff!. By the way another Merican thing that annoys the shit out of me. The way kids now hold pens or pencils. It looks like they are physically handicapped. All their fingers around the instrument, clutching on for dear life!. It has spread to our corner of the world via tv, as has the use of the word like, every third word or so. Also while I am at it, this gutteral way of speaking usually used by girls, between 12 and 35. There is a video circulating now which shows a guy trying to correct a girl serving in a cafe. It was done by a group of actors to demonstrate the usage. Never heard of the term period used in punctuation. I thought it referred to a womans monthly cycle. Geez, I am on a roll here. Why do you Mericans state a date as for example 2/3/23. To us that would be the 2nd of March. To you it would be the 3rd of February. It does not make sense to have the date as month/day/year. Also the use of the Imperial system,(and it is not even the "real" Imperial system. Another concoction!. Only one other country in the World uses it. Liberia I think. Phew, now I can go back to work.
  9. It's the term wank, what does it mean?.
  10. Yes, but BB you pick up on those things BECAUSE you have imagination. Most people don't have that gift. In the past I did have an interest in photography, but it seems to have passed me by. A shame really as I have a lot of what I consider to be great photos. One of the best relates to your country. It is an old type manor house that had been abandoned. The front was covered in ivy and there were two horses standing in the front doorway. Just a pity it was in the pre digital days so it was a print from a negative. A particular one of yours that I remember is that of the old fishing boat tied up to the jetty.
  11. If that is the wife in red,(and I am assuming it is), she does not seem that upset!.
  12. I was just having a contemplate my navel moment. Scrolling through posts and came across one I had written re Brett (Stoolpushers), passing away. That lead me to this video by Sam Harris posted by Sylvester. Funny how one thing leads to another. I have watched Sam Harris in debates with Richard Dawkins etc. This is one that I had not watched. Not really deep, but it gives some perspective on what is our life cycle. As he says, not a hell of a long time really. Make the most of it. Dont waste time thinking about the past. As you get older it dawns on you that life is finite. It does not appear that way when you are young. You think you will live forever. Not trying to be morbid, just accepting the fact that life does not go on forever. Without trying to be too flippant. Go out and fuck LB's!!!!. (while you can).
  13. I know it is an old post, but I get the feeling you don't like him?.
  14. Sorry if it offended you petal, I copied it from a post that Rom made that was included in your post. Does that make sense?.
  15. And I have a bridge for sale. Contact me for details.
  16. Maybe, but the colour gives it away as not being of the superior Southern Hemisphere, New Zealand,(Marlborough), or Australian Whites,( Yarra Valley or Margaret River). They are not as coloured as the one shown, (that looks like piss). Normally grown on a north facing hill in sandy loam with just the right amount of sunshine during the grape ripening period. Gently picked by topless backpackers at the perfect harvesting time, then crushed to the expert vintners specifications. These conditions produce the supreme white wines. Mind you, I would rather have a good Pinot Noir anyway!!!
  17. No, never had the pleasure. Have seen her photos and I think she is a stunner!. It seems that most of those chosen are from another era. Don't know what significance that has. It may be some psychological reason?. Gina is a current lb. I would love to have the chance to see how she performs. Of course I know of Long Mint. If her name had been spelt that way I would have known. Having said that, the Mint at CIB was a bit of alright. Got the chop now so slides down the ranking. Even though I have never been with Areeya, I would vote her to be GLOAT, Long Mint second and Lily down the list somewhat. Don't know the other girls in the photos but from what I see they would not rank highly.
  18. BB's favorite is the one in the red!.
  19. I dont believe those photos. A girl that was that fat and transformed into the one in the black bikini would have stretch marks on her stomach. There is no way she could not have after losing that much weight.
  20. Yes, if you showed these movies to a 16 year old, they would not crack a smile. So sexist and nonwoke as these movies are!.
  21. One of the good movies, along with Blazing Saddles.
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