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Everything posted by SiamSam

  1. Just so everyone knows, the shirt has not been laundered. It has been retired and I will keep it in its original Stringfellows conditioned form (albeit it stiffed dried) in the event there ever is a LBR auction of memorable events. Not sure what it will fetch but hopefully more than it cost me to generate the starch. Do I hear bids?
  2. Is the world a better place when you swallow? Truth or fiction? Yes? No? When was your first time? Was it difficult to cross over? Did you cross over? If not, why not? If yes, did it grow on you or the contrary? Is it the same crossover leap as having sex with GGs to having sex with ladyboys? Your thoughts gentlemen? Please excuse me for the query but I am deep into a Canadian February and my thoughts have turned to warm Asian loads aplenty. Please feel free to pose other ladyboy "Truth or Fiction" topics. Might turn into an innard-resting thread...unless it doesn't of course.
  3. They will have made the movie by then BB.
  4. Congratulations FatCat!!! I wish you, the girls, and the bar the best.
  5. I thought this would be fitting for my 2000th post:
  6. She's pretty. Love to be wackin' what she's packin'!!!
  7. BB, How I wish I could share tomorrow (today) with you to bid you farewell with a jog or two or three or four of beer. I thoroughly enjoyed the time we spent together, (albeit it brief) earlier this month. I hope to do it again in the not too distant future. I wish you well. I wish you good happiness, health and fortune. Happy trails mon ami.
  8. He'll go to hell for that Lefty!
  9. My hard drive has been around for about 58 years also but recently it has been losing some of its memory and speed due to considerable substance and other sundry abuse over the years. I tried rebooting many times but to no avail. Like the drives above, it too has skunk in size however its capability has diminished rather than the contrary. Perhaps if I had been born a MAC rather than a PC...hmmmm.
  10. Don't worry Willie. We have other plans for a good boy like yourself.
  11. No, ladyboys. I am surprised you asked!
  12. Yes, absolutely and totally inappropriate. I am appalled!!!
  13. Here are my LBR Cardinal nominations for the next Pope: Pacman Jai Dee PigDogg & of course Mr. KenW Please feel free to nominate others as you see fit. We should convene the LBR conclave ASAP and begin the voting process accordingly. I suggest the conclave meet at PBG during the day and reconvene at Stringfellows from dusk to dawn. Once we arrive at a majority we will have our choice of ladyboy blow the white smoke out of her ass to alert the masses of our collective decision and celebrate our new spitual guidance. Bumblebee will document the proceedings for posterity. What say thou?
  14. SiamSam


    Just opened a bottle of New Zealand sauvignon blanc called "Omaka Springs". A little tart but not bad overall. Bought it in Sweden at the Systembolaget. I'm thinking of you Mr. Ken. I am sure we could turn a few of these bottles upside down.
  15. And that second passion would be...??????? Missed you at the GOTC this year Mr. Foggy. Hope all is well.
  16. Last time I was in PP I could not get laid and it certainly wasn't for lack of trying. I just found it difficult compared to LOS. Perhaps it requires a different approach unique to Cambodia. DC, if I come for another visit you gotta promise to get me a date. If I strike out a second time I'll start taking it personally and we wouldn't want that, would we?!?
  17. Well, you can't beat the compensation even though you went through all of that nightmarish hassle. Good for you. You should complain some more and perhaps they'll up grade you to business or first class. Certainly worth a shot. Nothing to lose. Go for it.
  18. Good for you DC. I concur completely with your reaction.
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