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Everything posted by ArchieBunker

  1. So very true. The above is hysterical hyperbole-if there is such a thing. If not, I just made it the fuck up!!! Its so very interesting to see those who preach "TOLERANCE" being so vicious. Its also so very interesting to compare this thread with the recent Chavez RIP thread. Hypocrites...............
  2. Even the TV show Mythbusters blew up this one. As a matter of fact they bounced the laser off the moons surface. you know the one WE put there!!!! Sure they are in on it as well :-)
  3. So capitalism is a barbaric system?? That pretty much sums it all up for me. What did Churchil say? Methinks it went sommat like this, "Our system isnt perfect but its the best of all the other flawed systems." I am sure I butchered it somehow but you get my drift. If capitalism is "babaric", I hate to think what hard socialism and Communism are/were. This is way beyond the scope of the thread. if you wish to mourn Hugo Chavez, go ahead. Guess what?? I dont care. I am certain you lot will be silent and respectful when Thatcher and the Bushes buy the farm...................... BTW, I do feel like I won the lottery when I was born in the goold ol US of A-warts and all. For such a "barbaric" system people I know and hang with have done pretty darned well. The folks I know didnt come from money either. Again this is way of the reservation. To me JS's post speaks volumes........
  4. At the VERY LEAST get your tip wet FIRST!!!! It is incredible how someone so smart can be so stupid......
  5. I truly cannot tell if you are being serious or sarcastic. Anyone who thinks that Fidel Castro is a great guy and a progressive thinker who brought nothing but good to the people of Cuba, I just cannot have a rational converstaion with. This is where Elvis, or in this case, Archie leaves the building. I know you guys want to hate people like Bush and Thatcher but I have no idea how you can compare both societies and systems. I just cannot comprehend it. You think Castro is "good" and then you rail against the "ignorant bastards" at Fox. Mr. Pot please meet Mr. Kettle. To me its mind boggling. You guys that dont know me, might think I am a goofball coz I hold the same world views as you do. But those who have met me can tell you I can give as good as I get. Like I said on the first page, your view on Chavez will depend on your world view. I still hold the opinion that Venezuela was a shithole BEFORE Chavez took over and its STILL a shithole. Maybe Chavez needed more than 14 years just to "turn things around". Where have I heard THAT excuse before?????
  6. In my opinion, they are nut jobs. Some of the stuff they have come out with throughout the years have been downright nutty......
  7. I guess it all depends on your world view how you would view Chavez. Some people just love him for the fact that he stuck his finger in Americas eye at every opportunity. Lets face it IN SPITE of Venezuelas abundance of natural resources, the place is still a shithole and an economic basket case. If Chavez played Robin Hood and redistributed wealth to the countrys poor and downtrodden, I suspect he did a rather shitty job. There is still widespread poverty and the crime rate is out of control. Who knows how much Chavez and his party cronies have squirreled away. I would suspect millions. You know one is judged not only by who your enemies are but also who your friends are. Two Hollywood nutjobs, Sean Penn and Danny Glover, were huge Chavez supporters. I feel quite comfortable taking the opposite side of any issue that those jerks might take. Just saying.......
  8. I am reading the book ARGO co written by the CIA operative who took part in getting the escapees out of Iran. The more I read it, the more the movie gets to be a work of fiction. That happens so often with Hollywood. The dummies that sit on their couch and eat Pringles all day, see these films and take them as the actual version of events. Same same for that other work of fiction Hollywood put out back in the day-HURRICANE. What a load of PC bullshit that film was. But the jerkies/sheeple take it as gospel. They are frauds........
  9. Whats a hard drive?? LOL!! JaiDee will appreciate this!!! Oh BTW my mobile phone (in the US of A) has an antenna!!!
  10. Yeah but did you yell at the lady to have her "chink,slope, slant eyed" child behave??? Oh and then slap the kiddie???
  11. Stop the presses!!!! Hollywood gets shit wrong!! Guess what, the Titanic has sunk and The South lost the US Civil War. It was in all the papers!!!!!
  12. IMHO this is a great way to go!! Have some fun/nookie in the afternoon then go out with no pressure/ you might even shock yourselves in that you get horny and fuck again at night!! Been there, done that and always went to sleep with a smile.....
  13. ESPECIALLY a loud, belligerent drunk in an enclosed tube from which you cannot escape!!! you cannot call 9-1-1, you cnnot call the cops to have them escorted off premises!!!!
  14. ArchieBunker


    But you gotta smuggle one up the pooper, Texas!!! Just think how much it will prep you for your holiday!!!
  15. that 2nd paragraph is oh so true. But reading this thread, you would think if we all voted "D" everything would be just peachy. A bigger bunch of bullshit could never be spoken. Just if I were to say, if we all voted "R" things would be great-NONSENSE!! I still dont know what actually happened when Rubio appeared on TV. You would have thought he took a swig, he started choking, and a flood came out his nose!!!!! Talk about talking about shit that doesnt matter!!!
  16. Hey guys take it from someone who would know-I would rather deal with a baby (screaming or otherwise) than a drunk ANY DAY!!!! In many cases its because the parents dont plan ahead and/or dont have a clue as to what to with i.e. pressure problems or dehydration issues!!! Ahh flying.....these days its like getting on the Q46 in Queens.
  17. ArchieBunker


    You know I have no idea how much these things cost in the US of A. I was watching the Thai bkfast news the other day and it seems these things are all te rage. Evidnetly, they go for $100 US or more! What?? There was this famous actress involved in a "Furby Selling Scandal" where she would promise to deliver Furbys, collect the money then NOT deliver the goods. What is this Scarface ripping off a fellow dealer over 5 keys of blow?? My bag is usally pretty empty when I travel these days, maybe I could earn some extra bucks being a Furby smuggler. WTF????
  18. I just went to see a movie in a theater for the first time in about 5 yers a few months ago. I saw Argo and really enjoyed it up until the last 10 minutes. I see the agent wrote a book about the operation. I think I will read that and see how it REALLY ended. methinks it was a tad more mundane than the overblow, sophomoric ending in the film........
  19. I forgot to mention you guys should be cheering on the Republicn party as they continually shoot themselves in the foot!!! They think Rubio will court/pander to the "hispanic" vote as if it were a monolith. Rubio is Cuban and thats quite a different thing than being Mexican, Salvadoran, Honduran, or Puerto Rican. Many white Cubans come from Spanish stock actually from the region of Galicia-NWest of Spain. They are basically considered white europeans........
  20. Well, I would rather be Rubio than Jesse Jackson Jr. or Bob Menendez right now!!! Its nuts that we are talking about the 2016 race. I am still sick of the 2012 elections!!Why dont we get the unemployment rate down to 5% or so, cut our horrible deficit and can we PLEASE have at least 3% GDP growth?!?!?! FFS!! Lets not even ask for 4%!! The next time this administration achieves 3% growth in a tear will be its first. Thats shocking.......
  21. Anyone ever see a show of Nat geo called "DONT TELL MY MOTHER". Its kind of like hard core/danger tourism. One episode takes this guy Diego Brunel, who is Spanish/French I believe but his English is 100% Amercian, and he goes there. Its piss funny and totally absurd. I dont know why but I have only seen this probram on Nat geo in Thailand. I looked for it in the US of A and never found it. Its a few years old.
  22. I really do not believe that the inflation rate is as low as the govt says it is. Just look at the things we normally buy and how much things have increased over the last 5 years. I am just thinking off the top of my head how much we are apying for fuel and lots of different food stuffs.....
  23. You might be surprised JD. There are a lot of old farts that do. These arent Depression Kids but more like KIDS of Depression kids. I know a couple of older folks who have done well in thier lives and inherited some rather valuable property that was sold about 6-7 years ago. It was in California and the market was quite high. Now I know one of these geezers is VERY conservative and has it stuffed in matresses. I have no control over this person and am not comfortable talking about money/investments with them. Now the other old fart is a different story as it is someone very close to me. I have been working on this person for years and they are VERY risk averse and have really little or no uinderstanding of investing. They also tend to be very negative in nature when it comes to this sort of thing. The bottom line is I have beena bit successfull about getting this person to invest some of it the past 5 or so years. They have reaped some benefits. But to tell you this person has a LARGE amount of cash in these almost zero yield accounts. I have talked til I was blue in the face YEARS AGO, before it became quite fashionable, of buying solid dividend bearing stock. No dice they said what if I lost all the money. I was talking YEARS ago about putting in 6 figures into things like this: Coke, McDonalds, Altria, Exxon Mobil, Con Ed etc.. I had a list of about 20 from which to pick. Yeah these companies are going out of business overnight-NOT!!!!! you have some money and those quarterly dividend payments come around before you nkow AND they add up. I tired but I have basically given up so this person has, like I said, well over 6 figures in these loser type accounts. BTW I remember the Jimmy Carter days when these accounts were over 10% as interest rates were SKY HIGH!!!
  24. It might just be me but the older Ol' Arch gets the more his dislikes hanging around the bars. I mean I do enjoy sitting outside chatting with some friends. But when I get my horn on for LBs I think alternate searched might be better. How many other guys get their LB freak on other ways besides from going to the bars at night?? I have searched CraigsList before and I just found an absolute cracker on there. I have just seen another web site dont know if I should mention it as I dont want to piss off the fine gentlemen here. Of course there is the obvious-using this fine web site. Perhaps I should look into this fine site much more. I also like to partake in some "afternoon delight" as I am not a night time person. I know LBs are not known for gettnig up before near sunset but there are plenty who would partake in some daytime nookie for a payday!!!!
  25. Was anything mentioned about Bob Menendez?? LOL!!!
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