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Everything posted by Torurot

  1. Drone Boning http://www.droneboning.com/
  2. Vanuatu is a small group of Islands well north of New Zealand, east of Australia & New Guinea in the Melanesia section of the South Pacific
  3. Loony tune away Willie. Your convinced the mighty fighting machine got their man. Or at least "some one". Never left anybody behind either because that's also part of the myth. Point me to the link that OSB said HE organised and took responsibility for 911. Surely he would want to take all that credit for destroying "the great Satan".... right?? Even the FBI didn't ever claim he did it. Then there was the 911 "truth commission" who was allowed to ask every question and question every witness.... What they weren't?? And the Ship... It was the *US* that claimed OSB body was dumped off a US warship at sea. 5000 eyes and NO ONE saw it. Or at least no one prepared to say anything "Funny" how often the official stories about the raid changed, and two helicopters, then one, and later an OLD helicopter carrying most of the seals who were at Abbottabad crashed... killing all on board. Still black helicopters at dawn.... if you say so. It's not like the US has EVER lied or mislead about previous ops. Some amazingly large and detailed. Your old enough to have heard of "Iran Contra" and many far more recent and just as complex. If your happy with the story good for you. Buying the book?
  4. OSB was dead 10 years ago. NO dialysis machine found at that compound.. BTW he also NEVER claimed credit for 911. NO ONE on a crew of 5000 saw a body dropped off the ship. All a "look over there" moment. The terrr is coming, be afraid. Give your friendly govt "more powers", go on you KNOW they don't have enough already... did I mention "be afraid"...
  5. I pay for evry drink as it comes. Almost zero chance to bill pad. IF I saw it I would query it "so they know". This also means I can pack up and go ANY time I want.
  6. Valor, Remembrance, and Complicity http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2014/11/valor-remembrance-complicity.html Posted on November 5, 2014 by DavidSwanson "Support the troops"
  7. Truly a country divided by "religion" http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2014/11/really-think-matters-party-controls-senate-answer-questions.html "The problem was, and still is, that the Establishment, whether Republican or Democratic, is responsive not to solving issues but to accommodating the special interest groups that comprise the Establishment. For the Establishment, preserving power is the primary issue." ... "Americans have become a small-minded divided people, ruled by petty hatreds, who are easily set against one another and against other peoples by their rulers. "
  8. Putting the new "threat" to the world in full perspective in one little picture Ebola in Africa: This is how much of the continent is really affected http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/africa/ebola-in-africa-this-is-how-much-of-the-continent-is-really-affected-9838206.html
  9. Nice photography.... and a great model. encore encore encore
  10. In an article on how much the US spends on wars & killing in other peoples lands.... meanwhile, back in the "homeland" “A 2013 report by the United Nations Children’s Fund noted that, of the 35 economically advanced countries that had been studied, only Romania had a higher percentage of children living in poverty than did the United States.” http://www.ufppc.org/us-a-world-news-mainmenu-35/12095-commentary-us-is-indeed-no-1-in-violence-a-preparations-for-violence.html
  11. :up: Top blokes, shoot to kill any poachers. Plenty of wealthy nutters still want that trophy/"aphrodisiac" and would be happy to kill the last remaining survivors just for the naming rights. Death is too good for them.
  12. A "triumph" against science & reason. Be proud sucker... School District Strips High School Biology Textbook Of Any Mention Of Birth Control Or Abortion http://thinkprogress.org/health/2014/10/31/3586977/school-district-edits-textbook/
  13. MEN: For pity's sake SLEEP with LOTS of WOMEN - and avoid Prostate Cancer And, um, don't sleep with other men. If that's what worries you By Lewis Page, 29 Oct 2014 http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/10/29/men_for_pitys_sake_sleep_with_lots_of_women_and_avoid_prostate_cancer/ ....A surefire way of holding off that scourge of male health, prostate cancer, is to sleep with lots of women - according to the latest research. However, perhaps unfortunately for those gentlemen inclined that way, sleeping with a lot of other men has quite the opposite effect ...
  14. Torurot

    Band Names

    Just for interest Brian May El Reg spends One Night in Hell with Queen's Brian May Move over Google Glass, check out the Owl http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/10/28/one_night_in_hell_diableries_animation/
  15. From your link "I would love to see more world water sports" The mind boggles, with more than one meaning, but who the hell would want to swim in that sewer water? Sharky staes it quite clearly "Look out there . . . it's [polluted with] sewage. Who is going to sit on the beach all day and swim in that?" he says, pointing to Pattaya's waterfront. "Without the sex industry, what else would people do here?" Quite; As usual the "authorities" are dreaming $3Billion + going into the economy, there is going to be a LOT of unemployment. "Under the plan, tourists would be enticed away from Thailand's popular destinations of Pattaya, Chiang Mai, Koh Samui, Phuket and Hua Hin, all of which have thriving sex industries, to other provinces." Surely this will just mean the sex industry will move to these "other provinces" "I can count the number of rats I've encountered in the city on one hand". Define "rats"
  16. From elsewhere. Good advice for the hysterical: Stop the Ebola Witch-Hunt! http://lauren.vortex.com/archive/001080.html There's a wonderful old 1963 episode of the classic original "The Outer Limits" series called "The Sixth Finger." It stars David McCallum as a man who is artificially and rapidly evolved into the human of the far future, both in terms of physical appearance and vastly enhanced intellect. At one critical juncture, as he surveys the pitiful confusion of the ordinary humans who want to destroy him for being different, he proclaims, "Your ignorance makes me ill and angry." But you don't have to be a super-intellect to feel both ill and angry at the spectacle of the current Ebola witch-hunt, being largely orchestrated by so-called radio and television "journalists" and lowlife politicians, with masses of ordinary folks being whipped into a frenzy of hate and prejudice as a predictable (and we may reasonably assume, intentional) result. The worst offenders are the usual sycophant suspects. Moronic right-wing talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh, the FOX News clowns, and the rest of the theocratic, anti-science, anti-health care, racist boosters of the rich and haters of the poor. You can tune them in anytime, ranting that Ebola is all a plot by Obama, that we should ban anyone who has been in Africa, and that we're about to be destroyed by an Ebola mutated into an airborne horror. Sad to say, CNN -- once a great news organization -- now spinning out of control into the pit of mediocrity under the reigns of Jeff Zucker, has been a particular offender, going wall to wall for ratings with breathless, panicked Ebola stories, only sidetracking into other items if they're bloody enough or feature globe-trotting chefs or the new retread of "Dirty Jobs." In fact, one of the few sane recent commentaries I've seen on cable news lately about Ebola actually was on FOX News -- proving once again the old adage about a stopped clock not being incorrect quite all of the time. And the Internet is now playing a major role as well. Blogs and other social media are being used to spread completely false rumors about Ebola outbreaks and deaths in the U.S., or attempting to capitalize on fake Ebola cures. Facebook and Twitter are being used today to vilify a doctor back from treating Ebola patients who has now tested positive for the disease. Naturally, these purposeful attempts at panicking the populace are having nightmarish, sickly effects. One of those effects is to terrify health care workers, who know all too well what the sorts of demands now coming from talk show hosts, politicians, and panicked citizens would mean in terms of making a horrible situation in Africa even worse. Attempts to ban persons who have traveled or transited from Africa would decimate relief efforts, as would country-specific travel bans in general. Demanding that every symptom-free health care worker who has been trying to help Ebola patients be quarantined upon return is not only unnecessary but would vastly undermine the willingness of health care workers to volunteer for such efforts in the first place. Meanwhile, where Ebola really is endemic -- in Africa -- it would continue to spread in the horrendous living conditions and primitive health care environment there -- putting ever more people in Africa at genuine risk. Now, get this through your thick skulls, you idiot Ebola panickers and profiteers ... The only people who get Ebola are ones who are in direct, close contact with persons in the throws of major Ebola symptoms -- like vomiting, horrible coughing, and other symptoms you wouldn't want to be anywhere near even if all they represented was a case of the flu. It is not an epidemic here. It is not going to be an epidemic here. And speaking of the flu -- now that's something you should be worried about! Thousands die every year from the flu here in the U.S., many for lack of simple vaccinations (thank the anti-vaccine nutcases for contributing to that). Unlike Ebola, the flu is airborne and easily spread. Oh yes -- and ironically, the same GOP fanatics so desperate to repeal the Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare") that has provided millions with insurance and preventative care against diseases such as the flu, are the same hateful creatures who are out there now seemingly demanding draconian restrictions against anyone who even utters the word "Ebola" in public. And just to be clear, this isn't just a GOP-orchestrated witch-hunt -- though they're the masters of the method. There are also Democratic politicians who are playing the Ebola scare card for all it's worth. Given the toxic political landscape, it's six of one and half a dozen of another (and I don't mean "Outer Limits" fingers in this case) when it comes to reigning in our politicians on this. Ebola is their natural element for exploitation. You might as well try keep a bear away from a beehive dripping with honey. But there is one thing I believe we can do. As I noted earlier, social media is being widely abused to spread Ebola panic and prejudice. When you see this occur, I urge you to call out the perpetrators publicly for what they are. Don't sit silently and let them get away with their hateful garbage. Yes, this means having a thick enough skin to deal with the inevitable trolls, but this is a situation where we're talking about real lives being ruined not only by Ebola itself, but by purposefully orchestrated false stories and resulting panic, often using the Web as its carrier. Thankfully, the Internet is still one place where we individually and collectively still have some real control. Take care. --Lauren-- Lauren Weinstein (lauren@vortex.com): http://www.vortex.com/lauren
  17. Or if your using Firefox, right click over the image, then click "Copy Link Location" This will copy the URL (Web link) into the clipboard and you can later paste it where ever you want
  18. Welcome Jerboa and this thread is as good as anywhere to dip your toe in
  19. Pew Finds: Conservatives Get Their News from Fox; Liberals Get Theirs Everywhere Posted on October 21, 2014 by Eric Zuesse http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2014/10/pew-finds-conservatives-get-news-fox-liberals-get-everywhere.html The Artists’ Road to Serfdom: The Commoditization of Creative Content Posted on October 20, 2014 by Charles Hugh Smith This is the net result of commoditization: there’s no premium for commoditized capital, labor, goods, services or content. http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2014/10/artists-road-serfdom-commoditization-creative-content.html
  20. "Breaking stories is their main job, I'd find it hard to believe someone could come up with a MAJOR story and not tell it to the world just because their bosses say "shhhh, we don't want this getting out." You have FAR too much faith in their integrity and ability. Money & politics trumped many stories. Perhaps you don't think a story of the State spying on all it's citizens communications all of the time is not news worthy in the "land of the free" (sic), but take my gun from my cold dead hands.... The so called self appointed "newspaper of record" the NYT SAT on that story for over a year. They have also sat on other worthy stories, not to mention mislead the U.S. nation with FALSE stories of WMD et al. Nothing anti Israeli ever got printed by the MSM back then.
  21. " No need for me to ever "get" his special brand of humor, I just stopped going to his bar;" Why didn't you say earlier... That particular .unt attacked EVERYONE who was not an Aussie and probably a shed load of Aussies as well. He had no sense of humour worth the name and as a close cousin of the Aussies I can and do get their peculiar SOH which MANY U.S. Americans find hard to "get"/take just as Packers said. Others will no doubt have differing views of him.
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