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Everything posted by 4:17

  1. Damn, Pdogg, I was all over that, then I scrolled down and saw you beat me to it. Mardhi, you're killing me with the additional photos of Luk Tan ... If I could only go back in time three weeks. Damn it's going to be a long wait until the last week of October, at this rate ...
  2. It's Minority Report: Pattaya style ... I think Tom Cruise would look sharp in a BiB uniform.
  3. http://news.yahoo.co...-235329178.html Mandi's in the middle ... And no, I don't have her contact info or x-rated photos of her, nor do I know what bar she works at.
  4. As someone who spent much of a misspent youth slinging drinks and eventually managing a few bars – this is back in the States – and as a patron of the ladyboy scene in Thailand for several years now, I've found this thread particularly interesting. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone, but particularly Mardhi, Flatpack and Pacman. I've always been kind of curious as to how that freelance vs. salaried staff model played out in bars where there are both. Of course I've talked to the girls about it at length, but have never really had a chance to talk to a bar owner about it. I did discuss it with Lita once, but that was followed by much drinking and debauchery and the details of that conversation are vague at best. So again, thanks to Mardhi and Flatpack for the illuminating discussion. As a patron, I suppose perhaps it's because of my time in the service industry, but as long as they are reasonable – this being very subjective, of course, what's reasonable – I've never had a problem paying barfines, ladydrinks, tipping (when its deserved) etc. I understand the reasoning behind a flat-rate for barfines regardless of what time it is, and that the larger go-gos can charge higher prices, etc. Bit off topic, but since others broached it: I'm of two minds on paying for pool. I understand its a source of revenue for a bar, and a consistent one (much more than one might think), and it brings in at least a few customers who might not otherwise come in, or compels them to stay longer than they would otherwise. Buddha knows I would have spent considerably less time and baht in the past in Guess Bar were it not for the pool table. I probably would never even set foot in VooDoo in Nana were it not for its tables. On the other hand, sometimes I've made it a point to go to a specific bar simply because I didn't have to pay to play pool. Sometimes its a bar that I might not otherwise patronize (and spend money). So I guess it works both ways. But then there are other factors – there are few enough places I can go and hangout with ladyboy bar girls that aren't go-go bars, so I'm even more willing than usual to pay to play – heh – pool in a place like Guess or Anaconda. That doesn't mean I'm going to pay something exorbitant, but 20-baht a game? Sure. But this also cuts both ways. I've walked into Guess and some guy has 20 coins lined up on the table and he's playing with his teerak and isn't interested in playing anyone else. Unless there is a girl I'm interested in – which granted, is often the case – I'm not going to be hanging out as long as I would otherwise, if flying solo. Of course, there have been times when I've been that guy, but then usually if a fellow punter walks in and wants to play, I'm happy to shoot a game with him, and if he wins, it's his table, if he wants it. Anyway, that's my $0.02/0.64 baht (at current exchange rates).
  5. Squeeeeeee! Mardhi, can you give me some clarification on this cutie, please? This is Luk Tan, who was just temporarily down from Guess Bar, yes? And grats on the renovation; I was there in May while it was in progress. Looking forward to seeing the finished product.
  6. I'm just catching up with this thread; Youtube feeds of the show seem to have been taken down. I get the same copyright violation notice (this video has been removed blah blah blah), even when I try to view it over vpn (fooling Youtube servers into thinking I'm in Britain). But, as someone mentioned previously, the first six episodes are now on torrent sites ...
  7. ORLY? Don't listen to him, honest2012 -- you are quite lovely. And while it's true many guys on here don't like post ops, many of us like ladyboys period -- pre-op AND post op. And with curves like you've got, I don't think you'll have too many problems finding friends. If I were in Pattaya right now ...
  8. Are you kidding? I came to Southeast Asia just so I wouldn't have to wear shoes anymore. As for Anita's lovely bum, I was just killing time while Kip was caterwauling singing karaoke; she had already marked me as her territory, at this point.
  9. And just to be clear, before someone gets on their high horse -- I'm having fun at my own expense; that would indeed me indicated by the big yellow arrow.
  10. Had a great time while I was there during the party a few weeks ago -- but there was one uncouth customer there. Best avoid the likes of him. He's pretty ting-tong, trust me. I've taken the liberty of pointing him out in one of the bar's photos posted earlier in the thread: He needs to get in the gym, too. And maybe start riding his bike again, too.
  11. Once again stellar photos, Rx. That was a fun night. And No. 1 is still just that, in my book -- but then they were all incredibly gorgeous. And yes, Ms. 2000 still has it going on.
  12. Thanks Ciobha. And yes, we shall drink to La Bamba (and consequently the winners). Now that I have the time off squared away, I need to look into flights and the hotel. Gonna be like a kid waiting for Christmas (as always). And yes, thanks Rossco, well done. That's excellent to hear about how much money has been raised. You are indeed the man!
  13. So this is how focused I was a few weeks ago -- I was in Pattaya, and it never even occurred to me to purchase my ticket while I was fucking there. But this is the 21st century; I just sent Rossco my 3,000 baht to sponsor La Bamba via PayPal. Yes, the London Olympics may have Coke and McDonalds, but La Bamba has 4:17. So who all has sponsored La Bamba? I'm too lazy to read back through the eight pages ... I suppose I could search the thread ...
  14. Danka Rossco, I saw the paypal info, but wasn't sure if I needed to contact you ahead of time. Using Paypal while over hear in SE Asia can be tricky, but I can usually get around it with vpn. But if I have problems I'll let you know and pick one up in person one way or the other next week -- now I just need to confirm that I can indeed take off work at that time (don't anticipate it being an issue this far in advance, but have to go through channels, yada yada yada). Anyway, thanks for the prompt reply -- and all your hard work on this; helping out three worthy charities makes it just that much easier to spend money on ladyboys. ... not that it's particularly difficult to do that, mind you.
  15. Hey Rossco (P. Coltrain), If someone wants to buy a ticket or sponsor a team, should they contact you first at LBWVB@Hotmail.Com prior to shipping the money via PAYPAL? And will tickets be on sale next week in the participating bars? I'll be in Patts Monday afternoon for a few days, if all goes according to plan/Buddha willing ...
  16. King size fag ... lulz. Reminds me of the time back when I was a young man slinging drinks and an Irish visitor to my bar -- this is in the conservative heart of the States mind you -- asked me if he could "pinch a fag." Confusion and hilarity ensued. Curious to see what you two found ...
  17. Hi Flatpack, what time do the festivities get underway? I should hit town that afternoon, if things go according to plan ...
  18. Awesome images Rx. Many of them look like you were shooting from the balcony -- was that you sitting behind me? I was there with Sonya -- if it was, it was a pleasure to meet you; hope our paths cross again.
  19. 4:17

    Guess Bar Update

    As always, thanks for the pictures and updated info Mardhi. As you can see from my profile image, I've got a soft/hard spot for a certain Guess vet, but I think she might have some competition for once when I get up there next week.
  20. Oh I'll be filing that little tidbit away for possible near-future reference. Thanks DLLarry.
  21. Wow, Johnlbx is litterally Johnny on the Spot! Nice photos. I was going to head over there this afternoon, but last night extended into about 6:30 this morning, and my vicitim didn't skedaddle until about an hour ago. Fortunately I have these great shots to warm me up for the main event on Friday. Again, much obliged, Johnlbx. There is some mighty fine flesh on the hoof there. BTW, I stopped by Linda Bar last night to catch up with Sonya, whom I have the pleasure of escorting -- heh -- to the big wingding on Friday night. She picked up the tickets for us, and said that there were a few floor seats left when she bought the tickets late last week, but they were way in the back; we got tickets in the first row of the balcony.
  22. Cool, thanks Mr. Duke. You are always a scholar and a gentleman. I doff my chapeau to you
  23. Okay, I'm a little late on this, I suppose, but anyone know what time the May 1 morlam gets underway? It's 8:30 p.m. Thai time as I type this; just updated the trip report and was going to get cleaned up and then head out for another bout. Don't wanna bother going up there though, If I'm just going to miss it ...
  24. 4:17

    Off the grid

    Wow, great report, JaiDee, and glad to hear that there were no mishaps. It sounds like quite an adventure. It makes me want to get out of HCMC and hit the road, although I'd be tempted to do it on a bicycle. I can fix those myself (usually) and I don't understand wrist throttles (and have the scars to prove it, heh). Please keep us all posted ... -4:17
  25. Ditto for Ri-Ri; Rihanna has got it going on. Oh for the opportunity to be her rude boy ... And as for Venus, I wouldn't mind her *and* her sister, Serena. Scrumptious, the both of them, even va-jay-jay equipped. And as for this Lydia from JSB, ¡Ay, caramba! Of course if she's in JSB (or whatever it's called these days), that means she's seven feet tall in flats, yes? Do they still have free shots of tequila once an hour? I might need it. BB, dude, you are the Wikipedia of Thai ladyboys. I don't suppose you'd care to share that Facebook link, eh? No lists for the upcoming trip next week, of course, but I figure gathering pre-trip intel never hurts ...
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