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Everything posted by williethepimp

  1. very interesting Lefty......and you've educated me also.My favourite JW film is The Quiet man........(naturally)....last year I worked with an old Englishman who was in The Quiet Man Apreciation Society....he knew every word of dialogue in the film,and took tours around Mayo in Ireland with other members,to check out the locations used in the movie. I admire dedication like that-55555.......I think only the Big Lebowski fascinates me as much as a film. The Beatles?Their music will live forever-Lennon was a genius.....I'd hate to see any of their stuff "remixed" GlennCampell?-Gentle on my mind is a great song-kudos to him for that......incidentally.....we always used to sing "nine stone cowboy" when it came on the jukebox.....not very original,but me and my mates hadn't a clue what a rhinestone was.
  2. Lung's right...that shirt is cack-your bird needs to go to specsavers...now,JCS-HE,is a snappy dresser!You wouldn't catch him wearing a puce green t-shirt :D
  3. Lung-that was a helluva reply......Ive highlighted a few points that I thoroughly agree with-I hate designer labels also.....unless theyre snides....if anyone asks me are those jeans i'm wearing "real" armani,I take a delight in telling them....nah mate,do you think i'm daft enough to pay£200 for a pair of jeans? anyway.....anyone who spends their money on designer labels must have more money than sense IMO...Your last comment about round 2 had me in stitches......
  4. thanx BB-fukkin classic.....urine,shit,shower.....maybe he was trying to be refined putting urine instead of piss!....im still laughing 5 minutes later.......
  5. I bought a pink shirt recently-am I gay? Seriously,Ive never been a follower of fashion,my ex wife used to have me turned out smart,but since she went,ive reverted to my default setting-borderline slob.....and I'm quite happy with that.....the smartest(best dressed )people Ive ever seen are the Italians....nobody to touch them IMO.....sorry,I can't get passionate about clothes....very unimportant in the great scheme of things.....the only designer labels I wear are snides(moodies to you londoners)........and thats the way I like it...fashion is for girls IMO.....55555-seconds away...rounnnnnnddddddd onnnnneeeee!
  6. yep,gotta admit...wilson pickett was the real deal......I never really got into soul music,for one thing,I couldn't dance for shit.....plus for me ,it never did it for me the way heavy metal/rock music did....another thing....my dress sense was borderline slob,and I needed the money that would be needed for crombie overcoats and ben sherman shirts,oxford bags and brogues to buy drink and recreational drugs....it was a case of priorities for me...drink/drugs OR soul music/trendy threads?....no contest.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZeHg6HKl6E&feature=player_detailpage[/media] my favourite movie about soul music........you seen it yet Lefty? THE Commitments...........the singer Andrew Strong was 16 yrs old in this film!
  8. Very well put Pacman.....I can only echo what Pacman says.....a great read....refreshingly,nay brutally honest...as well as entertaining,and in my case,educational also.....must cross Vietnam off my ladyboy hunting destinations....cheers Ken
  9. 5555-DT-Dontcha know anonymity is the password.......will w (the pimp)
  10. do u know jocky wilson had groupies FFS-just goes to show its dead easy to get a shag when youve been on the telly! btw-Elvis also said that Andy Stewart(donald wheres ya troosers) was the best Elvis impersonator he'd ever heard.....mmmmmmmmmm,not so sure about that,ive seen better down the Labour Club
  11. i dont care what otherpeople wear....why would i be offended?....the scruffier other people are the better i look.....the girls always tell me i am handsome man,so i must be doing something right....
  12. David Gray is very well known in the uk katana....I quite like him.....but I would happily hunt down and kill James Blunt,he of a similar ilk. 9 below zero.....no recollection of them Lung,but theyre good...I must have seen them before coz I watched "the young ones" all the time.As for dr.Feelgood....fekkin fantastic-"milk and alcohol" is a minor classic...it would make my Desert Island Discs anytime.Any of you Americans know Dr Feelgood...I think they were obscure in the states ..... btw-remember Reckless Eric?
  13. nice choice jimslim.....good sound and obscure enough for me never to have heard of them... I could include almost anything by Leonard Cohen ....a true genius and IMO,very underrated as opposed to Bob Dylan who recieved all the plaudits yet is very overrated IMO......I hope to get flamed for that opinion...if so,please state why Bob was greater than Leonard (in less than 500 words) http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=vZ61su9H5RU This songs about Marianne Faithfull if anyone didnt know.....one of my faves...
  14. head hands and feet-very good-I didnt know chas hodges was in them .......those big American rock bands always left me cold....too much posturing and prancing and ALL THE FUKKIN SAME....grand funk railroad ...kiss...black oak etc etcetc etc...not a bit of originality in any of them,just a different gimmick to enchant the sheeple....I saw Rory Gallagher several times..not obscure,but he never got the recognition he deserved IMO.....
  15. They were well known in the uk lefty,also the Dave Clark Five were another similar pop band....they were too "poppy" for my liking,but the teenage girls loved them.....the best thing about them was their name.....remember Jerry and the Pacemakers and Freddie and the Dreamers also? they just jumped on the Beatles bandwagon and rode along for a while never to be heard of since.......The Hollies and The Kinks had longevity....mainly because they had genuine talent....remember them?
  16. Im getting a 404 cannot find when I try and view them......now that you are au fait with the upload method .....can u post this again lung?-cheers
  17. so tell us at once coxon dix 'bout your rhymes,where u learnt all your tricks was it inspired by love, or maybe, the heavens above or ... a surfeit of ladyboy dicks? (i thought i might as well try tho' my poetic well is near dry to inspire our own bards to go the nine yards and not let this lim'rick thread die)
  18. Yes ,I did have an absolute ball,and the accomodation was more expensive during the high season,but there were quite a few extras thrown in there,such as a trip to cambo,siam reap snookyville and PP.....I also spent 10,000+ baht on dental work,I travelled around a lot,so I didnt have the benefit of long stay cheap accomodation,and I spent another 25k baht furnishing a place for a friend,and 18k baht on a return flight home....as I said I could have done it at least 50k cheaper without really trying to economise....I reckon I could live fairly well on 40-45 k per month....many people spend that in a week in pattaya...if I had to I could live on a lot less,probably 25-30k per month,but I hate watching my pennies.
  19. I find it a minor irritant that people make sweeping statements.....Ladyboyspattaya forum is not dominated by anybody,there is a broad spectrum of posters on there,and also a lot of posters on here who post regularly on there.....eg,Bumblebee,DT,JCS,slimjim,duke007 etc and myself....are we also love sick and sanctimonius? I do like this forum,and I must admit I wanted to join to catch up with lung,kenw and HOTB,who were all banned off the LBP site.There are a couple of good writers on LBP also,one named cheyenne Ive contacted asking him to join us on here,as his work is so good. OK,I dont want to get into a slagging match over the pros and cons of different forums,Ive raised it more than once with the mods over on LBP about re-instating former members ,but they arent having any of it....so its their loss and Ladyboyreview's gain that we have Lung,kenw and hotb on here to keep us amused.
  20. DC's been a hundred times plussed for rhyming his ladyboy lust but don't let him know it that you've added a digit he can barely disguise his disgust
  21. Transexualitis is a serious disease it'll put a fully grown man on his knees to swallow a mouthfull whilst sucking is doubtfull, unless he can breathe thru his ears!
  22. Lung -youre not poles apart from me....i recently spent 5 months in Los and it cost approx £7,500 pounds sterling......and I could have done it for a lot less if I had to,but as you say,if you're just "surviving",that ain't living.I spent a lot of the time in issan,and its a lot cheaper there.Larry is right about pattaya also-its the temptation there that costs the big bucks.I think if I were to live in Pattaya ,I would have to have a regular non-p4p girlfriend,otherwise the cost of whoring would run away with my money.
  23. An LB I met in Khon Kaen, needs her lovin' from more than 1 man three cocks in an hour, she will simply devour washed down with some cheap Evian
  24. A meaningfull Act of Contrition, In lim'rick form has to be written "please forgive me" I'd say, as I led her astray "but your arse,it just has to be ridden"
  25. No matter how I try as I might Dixoncox has me beat out of sight, His rhymes are fantastic, his couplets elastic, my efforts are woefully trite Coz DC has a God given gift to rhyme words like he can in a jiff, A beer I shall buy when next I espy Or I might even roll him a spliff !
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