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Everything posted by bumblebee

  1. I agree with not wanting to seem to be patronising them by speaking in broken English when in fact they might appreciate us speaking with simple, clear words. One guy who has mastered the art of communicating what he wants in Los is Dav26. His verbal gymnastics of mixing Thai and English in his distinctive manner is something to witness. It may be pigeon but the locals love his sanook charm it seems.
  2. Some great outdoor shots Karl. Man the next 2 months cannot go quick enough.
  3. You're not wrong there Mardhi, wonderful shots.
  4. Good to see another Ken thread coming along. I always enjoy reading about places off the beaten track in Thailand and SE Asia in general, and I just know you are going to do this Vietnam report justice Ken.
  5. Not sure how popular the bar is with members anymore as we don't hear much about it. It has changed its name to the Roadhouse also. I am sure a few of us will pop over in November some evening to see how things are. Welcome to the forum Ripper, always good to see a new member posting.
  6. Looks like it has been a busy and fun weekend in Famous. Happy Birthday Lita.
  7. Nah it's none of the above Turkey, good guess thought. Her id is not important but the fact that even the nice ones can get pissed off at certain times.
  8. I was chatting to an Lb who is well known to many of us and is pretty well liked and popular. Well according to herself she has been messed around by a guy, god knows to what extent, it could be anything from a lost text message to a missed 10,000 Baht monthly payment. Basically she is not a happy bunny. The message she told me was: "when u see him "me" (name deleted) say fuckffo don do that with lady boy" We all know how erratic and volatile our chosen opponents (cheers Foggy) can be, but it got me wondering what could happen to this particular guy when he next encounters this, to me reasonable LB. I have my own thoughts regarding the extent, loss of income, loss of face etc. The bottom line is even the nice ones can turn nasty it seems when times are lean or face is being lost.
  9. Damn its not appearing now on Opera or Explorer.
  10. Another Morlam on 7. For the biggest selection of LBs and femboys in one place get your ass to Morlam.
  11. Looks like Brucie had a good turn out, great to see as he is a true gent. Thanks for some photos and the video of the night Karl.
  12. October 27: The Volleyball Competition.
  13. Big Tel has just informed the office that there will be a Morlam on 7 November. Boys I think we will have to start getting in training for all the events coming fast and furious in the first week alone. Also Josh has made a reassuring post that his attempts to sell Baby Boom will not affect any parties planned there. Have a great weekend gents, only 9 weeks to go now before all the fun starts.
  14. Yep gotta agree with you there JaiDee. Nothing as bad as waking up with a dead arm contorted around someone else. I remember one night heading home along Pattaya Tai and seeing a well known member sitting looking bored shitless at a street stall while his chosen partner for the night had her nails painted. Having to break down our English to basic words and sounds is something amusing to observe as long as its not me doing it.
  15. Sounds like as good an excuse as any for party. Your birthday party last November, a fantastic double event in La Bamba and then Famous was my last party of the season and certainly one to remember. Here are the memories of that do. Looks like a certain Harry was there that night also, man he gets around. http://www.ladyboyre...;s +birthdayfor http://www.ladyboyre...e/page__st__315
  16. I wonder how the news that Josh announced about selling all or part of Baby Boom will impact of the scheduled parties during this period. At least plenty of notice if things need to be changed.
  17. Famous:Donnykey's Birthday Party Friday 24th. Get yourself down to Famous to celebrate a great night with one of the true gentlemen and living legends of the LB scene. Happy Birthday Brucie baby.
  18. There was also Long Tail bar which back in February had some LBs working in it along with some GGs. Not sure of the situation now, it may have potential if anyone is in the area.
  19. Good luck with the sale Josh, let's hope it does not affect the planned parties in November.
  20. It's an interesting coincidence that most of the posters in this thread will cross paths come early November. We could nearly name a place and time already.
  21. Yea if I saw a photo of someone on my "maybe list" she would become a "not a chance" if I saw a photo of her posted with any guys, not just one particular one's, jizz all over her mouth and teeth. No amount of Listerine could banish that image. See her crunching down on some insect snacks would have a similar effect also mind.
  22. Being honest with yourself about your sexuality and what you want from life is the big step it seems. Many people seem to hide behind the facade of normality to please others. For sure some of us hide our LB activities from our family and friends, but at least we have the balls to go out and deal with these desires in SE Asia and elsewhere. How many guys keep these desires pent up and never act upon them, staying at home and never stepping out. That is the real shame, not being able to be who you are, even for a short holiday in Los.
  23. Decided to have a butchers at this thread to see what's the craic (crack as above). Gordon Bennett! Good idea Duke.
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