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blind boy grunt

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Everything posted by blind boy grunt

  1. she was disguised as a tree on the right?.....
  2. you got it Quinn! the problem is that Emmy really has the memory of a Duck... she's probably forgotten which one she is.... but in the meantime my final guess...and i'm confident... bottom front right.
  3. no good calling me about AnnaB.... i still haven't recovered from seeing Lily recently yet. Are you trying to kill me? i bet you would have if you were in Mona's 7-11 and she was handing them out........
  4. i'll plump for the one bang in the middle of the photo... in front of the guy right at the top.
  5. and... i have been a little lax. welcome to Emmy's club BMs Curmudgeon' and 'KhaoSoi'. Thanks for joining.
  6. right...i initially posted this as a new topic somewhere so it showed up on the home page. PD, move it if you think necessary...no worries. Emmy has contacted me because she wants to try live streaming from her bar, she is planning on commencing at 8 p.m , Thai time tonight 9 January. initially just a test run to check camera quality, lighting etc. Unfortunately i know sod-all about this sort of thing, it's all a mystery to me other than i understand other bars do similar. I can't see them as i assume they are on facebook which i can't access because i won't join. I proposed to emmy that i'll do the notification to all of you... which is what this is. the facebook viewing link thingy is... https://www.facebook.com/tutu.wattanasiri please remember it will be a little experimental at the start. Kicking off with Teya and Sara and Emmy. [you won't see me don't worry.] if it proves successful, others will come. anyone who may have some ideas or advice [techno stuff- please speak english!] Emmy welcomes it from you... let's help her and the kittens out during these crazy days. all comments welcome. edit... forgot..... better on the facebook thingy if you add yourself as a friend.... whatever that means...
  7. Emmy has contacted me because she wants to try live streaming from her bar, she is planning on commencing at 8 p.m , Thai time tonight 9 January. initially just a test run to check camera quality, lighting etc. Unfortunately i know sod-all about this sort of thing, it's all a mystery to me other than i understand other bars do similar. I can't see them as i assume they are on facebook which i can't access because i won't join. I proposed to emmy that i'll do the notification to all of you... which is what this is. the facebook viewing link thingy is... https://www.facebook.com/tutu.wattanasiri please remember it will be a little experimental at the start. Kicking off with Teya and Sara and Emmy. [you won't see me don't worry.] if it proves successful, others will come. anyone who may have some ideas or advice [techno stuff- please speak english!] Emmy welcomes it from you... let's help her and the kittens out during these crazy days. all comments welcome.
  8. Emmy came to pick me up last night as my bike seems to be on it's last legs [or wheels as the case may be. I'm just hoping it hasn't got bicycle covid] we popped into Jomty to see Sara and Teya. Both of whom in these awful times are still full of the joy's of life. They are all doing okay. Like everyone else, struggling but okay. jest thought i'd be a -letting you know. It seems that Sunny is now working in Bangkok at Big C, although she has no doubt applied to join the new Thailand space race programme.
  9. thanks QG... as ever, you ease my worries! I don't have to be so paranoid now. so, i don't want to worry others on here about the lizard people... but, just a- wondering here.... How comes our resident cowpoke knows so much about them.....? just thinking aloud.............
  10. you got me scared now Bubba! what if they come wearing face masks? how will we know it's them....
  11. you're learning Seven! about the important things in life.. but it does seem that when these big ones open, small ones near to them are closed down. Two on beach road recently, it seems that 7-11 are going over to bigger stores with parking. Chester...hope you are feeling better. I did know about the new store, but was waiting for them to put the new shop sign up, honouring Duke.
  12. even more exciting 7-11 updates ! The junction of beach Rd and soi Wat boonchana [known locally as 'Soi PD motorbike shop' or previously as 'Soi Nicki'....] Duke...are you there? do you remember some time back talking about Nicki? when you gave us directions to find her...most of us following the directions ending up halfway to Cambodia? Well, 7-11 are quite obviously keeping tabs on the forums and have been for some time. They have opened a new big store right on the corner of the 2 roads and made it so much easier to find nowadays. Here's a photo i took yesterday afternoon. They are obviously grateful to you for putting the road on the map.
  13. well it's all right for you old boys.... but i'm a party animal ! ...... I'm missing my morlams..... mowlams? PD knows what i mean. But besides that rubbish above i think that most of the expats here in jomtien, the retired ones, are quite content with things as they are with all this lockdown stuff. However it is a very different story for such as Emmy and others, very different. but a happy new year to all wherever you are. Ciobha... it will be for us... no worries.
  14. oh my my... i don't know whether to laugh or cry. Not, i should say, in my official forum capacity as second-in-command 7-11 reporter i wandered into my local 7 this morning for my usual coffees. to be greeted by the rather surreal and alarming sight of all staff wearing masks [pretty normal] but not only that, all wearing the clear plastic/polythene hair coverings , like medical staff wear in operating theatres.. they were all wearing rubber gloves too. one of them had the welders mask thing as well covid fears of course. i was wondering whether i'd was going to get a coffee or an enema. but besides that....Duke 007.... exciting news from 7-11 in the next few days for you...trust me. i need to take a photo first, so will build up courage slowly. watch this space....
  15. a couple more photo's to come methinks... But here's a quick report. The place was buzzing from around 8.30 to well past midnight. Teya of course was her usual self, god knows how many drinks she was bought. She made sure that everyone who arrived were welcomed, even when she could hardly stand up... Late on we got a bit of a Teya show to no-ones surprise really! Sara almost stole the show, lovely kid is Sara. She worked hard all night with never a frown, in fact all the time i have known her she has always been a happy soul. I don't think she knows how to be otherwise. Standing room only at times, even very late, midnight-ish people were coming as other bars closed, from the DD Inn, Red Carpet bar, and others i didn't know. Emmy of course was her usual gracious self, even when she was yakking Teya! ex-Katty staff on the scene, and i apologise if i forget any... August, and Didi with Bell,now learning nursing. Farah and mates too. other highlights of the night, and i hesitate to use 'highlight' but it's got to be reported... JImbo's new fluorescent red shoes..... they are crackers indeed.... the rumour soon got around that they must have been a christmas present from someone who doesn't like him. I'm sure that when the night got darker Emmy made him stand in the middle of soi 3 to act as a beacon for people who didn't know where the bar is. A bit like an upside-down lighthouse. one more thing... and i know some may disagree, we had a guest of pure class for a lot of the evening. Absolute class. Yes, the now retired superstar herself, which is a name she truly deserves. She was looking wonderful, superstar indeed. you know who i mean? yes... LILY WAS THERE.
  16. don't worry about it Ozzie... i don't mind a thread fuck or two...keeps it all rolling along, anyway i'm quite fancying the 2nd left, next to teya in the 4 small photo's above.......
  17. no you won't Emmy because Quinn will eat it all! and while i'm here...Ozzie...welcome to the Emmy club, thanks for joining.
  18. actually it 's just struck me... and looking at the faces and how teya set up this photo... [ i'll ask her later at her party]pretty obvious to me that the same four in the big pic are updated in the same order in the small pics?
  19. talking to teya last night and going through her photo's. she explained that the youngster above, did become this youngster below. but has now become the lady at the bottom of the page
  20. i prefer to see people not starving to death....
  21. wow Lance...you can speak cowpoke too!... QG, you be a-getting famous! Darn tootin' pard!
  22. i reckon QG that the youngster you first thought was teya is on the far right. but if i'm wrong don't worry about it!
  23. oh my god... so covid has mutated? never expected that to happen with a virus. Somebody help me please because as a poor old boy i do get a bit confused and bemused with all this stuff. so... are we seeing a second wave of the original first wave, or a third wave of the original first wave? or a 2nd wave of the 2nd wave? or are we seeing the first wave of a new wave?
  24. well thank god that is all sorted! i can relax now... might be time for you to get some updated specs QG... i realised that when you kept trying to take pics last time you where here. You holding the camera upside down and back to front sort of gave it away. But of course i would never say anything...
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