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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/29/2013 in all areas

  1. I'm an 80's baby so I didn't use much magazines. My thing was buying bootleg DVD's from a Chinese dude that I would always see walking the streets. This guy had everything and it was actually how I got turned on to LB. One day going through a stack of DVD's I saw this hot Brazilian chick on the cover, then looked at the back and she had a cock. The rest is history. I amassed an impressive stack of LB DVD's and I used to just stack them next to my T.V. in my room. I thought I was slick by putting 2 or 3 regular movies on top of the stack. Well, my mom is also the spring cleaning type and one day she decided to clean the whole house. When I came home my stack of DVD's where missing, my heart instantly sank into my chest, I really thought I was going to pass out from the shock "My mom thinks I'm gay!". I sat in my room thinking of what the fuck am I going to tell her? "I'm holding it for a friend" That never worked for pot and it sure as shit isn't going to work now. My mom called me in for dinner, I walked in the dining room and I couldn't even make eye contact with her. She started off with casual conversation "How was your day? school? blah blah blah" My mom is a bit of a meanie (and really cool, to be fair) and I know she could see me squirm because she knew that I knew that she knew. All through dinner, not a word about the DVD's. As I'm leaving the table to go back to my room my mom says "Oh, and by the way I put all your DVD's in a box under your bed." I turned around, eyes looking at the ground and mumbled "Thanks". I felt like the lowest scum of the earth, I was close to being sick. However, as I looked up at her she flashed a smile and said "Your Welcome." Not an evil smile, just that smile a mom can give to make everything all right. From that day since not a word of this has ever been discussed and she never cleaned my room again. I held onto them DVD's for a few more years until the internet got popular then I just threw them out.
    2 points
  2. I have no idea of the methodology or reliability of this study. I also have no idea if ladyboys are considered gay men pertaining to this study. But I would think if 29% of gay men in Bangkok have HIV then the percentage should be higher for sex workers (unless sex workers use condoms more often than the general population. Where your raincoat gents! According to this research it's always rainy season in Bangkok. http://medicalxpress.com/news/2013-06-hiv-syphilis-gay-men-bangkok.html
    1 point
  3. They retire to Facebook Globtrotter... And then they just get greedier & greedier & greedier. Gone are the days when theyd be taking out the plastic tits to endure an uncomfortable marriage or just sit around the viillage self harming. The age of the transexual MILF is upon us lads, both the times & the Thais, they are a changing. Now we all know that I was being fecesious, but in all seriousness, the Thai infatuation with Facebook & other such social media outlets has really changed the game for the oldens, if they still take good photos, have a good command of English & are clever enough, then they've got it made right now. I've mentioned before that my last close, retired, LB 'MILF' friend recons she could earn far more now than she ever did in Pattaya (and she was a really popular high earner)... The punters & potencial suiters are besides themseves, falling over one another, trying to out match & desperately carry favor... And her supposedly 'star' status is now at an incredibly obnoxious all time high. And this applies to a few other old blasts from the past that I'm currently contacting too. One old 'Hi Boss' beauty (out of the game for 7 years now) & a flame from years ago, is now getting a surprise 'new lease of life' too... And I just can't wait to get stuck in! 2/3 years ago you just couldn't have predicted any of this! Greeds, just that 'greed' Globtrotter & short shelf life career's a factor, but don't think that gets any better with age, it don't, they just get even more desperate as the clock click starts to get louder & louder
    1 point
  4. Remember the hardcore playing cards you could buy in every shop in Spain ? I brought a pack of these home from Majorca when I was a teenager and would take them out once in a while for a spot of pole juggling before sleep . Unfortunately my mum found all 52 plus jokers tidying my room one time and was not best pleased , my dad was instructed to give me a talking to but seemed rather taken by the cards and spent most of the time rotating them and saying things like "Holy shit what the fuck is that in that girls ass ?"
    1 point
  5. Where? Have shovel Will travel.
    1 point
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