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How do Americans feel about Transgendered youth?


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Well, that all depends on who you ask!  Some feel it's perfectly fine, surely the same as every single person who follows this website, and some think it's bad news and something to be afraid of. Or maybe that the Gay agenda is harming young people by turning them gay or into transsexuals; everyone here, once again, knows that is not how the whole thing works.


Anyway, it's hard to generalize based on politics or where people stand in overall current events,  but I stumbled over an article today about a young kid from America, 14 years old, who is a Ladyboy and wishes to live her life as a female rather than a boy, and The Learning Channel will now have a series about her.  Good for her! We see it all the time in Thailand, but much less so in the West; good for them for trying to open people's minds.


But some people don't quite see it that way and view her as a threat or as someone to have pity upon, or that she may even be "mentally Ill".  You all can read the article and judge for yourselves which side of the social/political construct these people probably side with, I am simply sending up a link to the story and some samples from the comments section below it. 




''Transgenderism is a psychiatric disorder, yet we approach it as though it were something to be celebrated and accommodated.''


''I hate degenerate trash''


''What trannies need more than anything is a shrink. There is obviously a screw loose somewhere.''


''This is most likely a child abuse from his parents who supported him in this''


''Another freak by choice show is what the nation needs.''


''They are inherently unstable. It is a disorder.''


''Mental illness''


''Side show freaks''


''This poor, mentally ill kid and his criminally negligent parents will fit right in.'' {On TLC}


''They are suffering from mental delusions on par with 'feeling' that they are George Washington or perhaps a head of lettuce.''


''I'm always shocked at how these severely mentally ill people are exploited by the entertainment industry, and liberals in general. This poor child should be in an institution - receiving treatment - not being paraded around as a one-child freak show - for fun and profit.''


''This poor BOY needs help, not enabling / glorification.''


''Body Dysmorphic Disoder is a very very serious mental illness. Legitimizing peoples' delusions like this is wrong.''


"Homosexuality results in unhealthy,destructive behavior,and it spreads diseases at FAR higher rates than normals,per CDC scientific data. it is not to be encouraged,enabled,or accommodated.''


''SICKO! YOU'RE SHOW WILL FAIL!'' {Bigots aren't all that bright, this is how they usually spell}


''Sounds like the parents wanted a girl, so they just made one. The parents are seriously messed up. If they had just ignored it and treated him like a boy, chances are he would be one. Now the kid is a star based on a mental disorder.''


''Maybe a little electroconvulsive therapy to straighten (figuratively and literally) out those neurons.''

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By the way, this isn't some little-read, fringe website;  it happens to be very high in the most-viewed rankings, ahead of such mainstream websites as Newsweek.com, MSNBC.com, and a very popular newspaper from a large American city.


Lots of people get their views and opinions here, tens of thousands a day are reading these stories; and these style of comments.







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