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Swedes Love Thailand


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From 1 January – 12 November 2023, 130,563 Swedes had visited Thailand.  

Bangkok, 16 November 2023 – Thailand was voted as the ‘Best Affordable Long-haul Destination’ in the Travel Great RES Prize Destination 2024 awards organised by RES and Travel News, a Swedish leading travel industry magazine.

The Travel Great RES Prize Destination 2024 awards ceremony was held at the Travel News Market in Stockholm, Sweden, on 9 November 2023.

The TAT Stockholm Office is promoting Thailand’s direction towards responsible and sustainable tourism, while highlighting the kingdom’s rich history and culture, abundant nature, and warm Thai hospitality.


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I think I had mentioned this place here in the Board.  It's an exclusive retirement community for Swedes between Pattaya and the airport and I went there once 10 years ago with a Swede who lived there and it was all old Swedes, including women, and the community was not open to non-scandinavian farang nationalities.  I think my aquaintance said they even get reimbursed or subsidized from the Sweden welfare systems for most of their housing and healthcare costs there.

My acquaintance also said Swedish men living there with Thais was frowned upon, but that a few of the residents had entered relationships and were challenging that.  For the most part, the men chose to have their sexual trysts in BKK and Pattaya (where I met him at Sensations) and not bring prostis into the community.  But that was 10 years ago.  Wonder how the place is doing?



In the outskirts of small town Bangsaen, on Thailand’s Eastern Seaboard, lies a truly special senior living project called Scandinavian Village. As in the name, it is dedicated to Scandinavian people only. And after 15 plus years in operation this residential living community is really thriving. A visit is really an eye-opener about how this senior living project has become a true success and the factors why that is the case. A Dane, a Norwegian and a Swede who reside there explain why they have chosen this as long-stay home away from home, and what makes it so unique.

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On 11/17/2023 at 6:39 PM, Rom said:

they even get reimbursed or subsidized from the Sweden welfare systems

Those days are over. We can't afford treating in-house patients anymore. The free market drained our tax financed welfare and  put a stop to all benefits unless you have a private insurance.

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