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Everything posted by Tomsurfnj

  1. I'm not sure if you need a local number or not. Google has a phone that starts at 200$. The plan is 20$/month. I like that the plan/phone works in 120 different countries. No swapping sim cards or filling up. https://fi.google.com/about/?u=0
  2. I had a Bali LB as my guide/sex companion. I met her via Tinder. Most of the girls on Tinder seem to be there for business purposes. I paid for her meals, gas, and partying 1 night. She seemed sweet until she started to ask for money after I left Bali. Tata is her name. From Padma area. I suggest to go to every Massage/salon and ask if they employ a ladyboy. Most do. I'd then ask that girl for her name and #. Why pay when you can get it for free.
  3. I know Bali has lots of Ladyboys. I'd stick to the ones who have jobs in massage, hotel and Salons. Beware of scams. Here is a link to Jakarta site. http://www.jakarta100bars.com/
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