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  1. On 12/21/2022 at 5:19 PM, Hard1 said:

    Check In - Bangkok


    On 12/21/2022 at 6:40 PM, Woodie said:

    In BKK, CIB takes it hands down. The best anywhere.


    On 12/22/2022 at 12:43 PM, The-Sith said:

    The Lounges in BKK are favorites as well. I second the nomination of CIB.... it's an institution....and at times features the hottest LB hookers in Thailand.

    It cannot be disputed that CIB has mighty hot talent, arguably the best in BKK.

    I have never been a big fan of it, though.

    The venue / space of CIB is awful. The low ceilings drive me nuts. I always feel cramped and uncomfortable in there.

    And then there is the 'buy me drink' pressure. Horrible there. I haven't been in CIB since 2019, but I was told during my time in Patts recently, by a frequent visitor of CIB, that the 'buy me drink' pressure/pestering is still there, and worse.

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  2. 4 hours ago, The-Sith said:

    Its anthropologically how they work.... especially the hotter they are.

    Can't disagree that this is true. But I would just add that what you are talking about is also psychobiological.

    Most anti-science feminists in academia go nuts when they hear the word "psychobiology." 


    Psychobiology of Sexuality


    Sexuality is an important component of human personality and behavior. Its development follows a multifactorial model, since psychological, biological, and sociocultural characteristics play a major role. The majority of basic research mainly comes from animals, while epigenetic, cognitive, and sociocultural factors play an important role in humans. The hypothalamus seems to be the main brain structure involved in sexual behavior, while various of its areas such as the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area, the median preoptic area, the ventromedial nucleus, the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, etc. are sexually differentiated in humans. Androgenization is mainly based on steroid action during the sensitive period of brain development in the fetus, while also other factors (e.g., hormone and neurotransmitter metabolism) play a role in the development of sexual identity and orientation. Central nervous system dimorphisms regarding the regions that modulate sexual function are also a biological basis for the differences in sexual desire, arousal, and orgasm. Hypothalamic structures, limbic and cortical areas, are activated and deactivated during all the phases of the sexual response cycle, while the role of hormones, neurotransmitters, and its receptors is crucial.



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  3. 42 minutes ago, The-Sith said:

    It also depends on the level of enlightenment of the person who has enough sense to know kindness is a display of strength and quality in a human.

    a Farmer girl might understand this.... but when a girl hits the streets...gets ripped off.... has asshole customers and watches her friends descend into getting wasted every night and eventually hitting the pipe....  girls can get jaded and are also looking for "naive" people to rip off.

    You hit the nail on the head.

    I would imagine it is a constant struggle for sex workers to not become jaded with all the shit they experience daily. Some have told me so.

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, The-Sith said:

    Women will always test men....

    Mostly agree with this and the rest of your post. Being too nice will definitely not score you any points in the mongering scene, or in life for that matter. The vast majority of Thais and the sex-workers therefrom mistake kindness for weakness and stupidity. I've learned this lesson the hard way, as have most of us, I reckon.

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  5. 3 hours ago, Laawman said:

    Just curious as to whether anyone knows how long this can be used for once in country. I know they are usually valid for 12 months but I've a sneaky suspicion it can only be used for 90 days once you are here, then you have to re-enter and it starts again?

    If so, I'd better get mine converted into a Thai DL sooner rather than later!

    I used an international driving license several years ago while visiting Thailand for a long stay, issued from the States. It was valid for 12 months. 

    I was stopped numerous times in Chang Mai and produced a copy of this license along with a copy of my passport/visa. It was accepted without question by two Thai police officers, but was challenged by one, to whom I said "US consulate/embassy told me not to carry original documents in Thailand." After I said this he smirked and sent me on my way. 

    It think it is safe to assume one may encounter a Thai police officer who may say or do anything to extract a few hundred baht from a filthy farang. The trick is to politely make it more trouble for them to extract said baht than it is worth, or to simply give them B200 and be on your way.

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  6. A worthy addition to the Hall of Legends, @Rom.

    @Pdoggg was the first forum dude I met on my first trip to SE Asia in 2014. We met in Phnom Penh, where I spent two weeks before moving on to Thailand (Pattaya and Chang Mai, that trip). Despite my mature age, I was a fresh-meat newbie to the SE Asia mongering scene, and Pdoggg was a patient and generous mentor to me back then, and remains so. :drinks:



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  7. 2 hours ago, The-Sith said:

    I accept that challenge @Sylvester

    ..... and I want the "Soi 6/1 Spicy Mouth Special" so my cockhead can be elated with the tiny whiskers of sexy man lips and the exhilaration of triple red spice curry at the same time.

    at the same time want my anus licked by a Soi6/1 ladyman who just ate garlic to see if it feels any different.


    Good man, Sith! 

  8. 20 minutes ago, bumblebee said:

    Not too bad, directly facing  Koh Larn, this shot was taken a tad further north but you get the idea :). The beach is pretty decent just there, not many passers by.  I’ll get some snaps next time I pass.



  9. 1 hour ago, bumblebee said:

    More or less yes.  It’s actually about half way between Bach Road and Wongamat, not far from the Cape Dara resort resort.

    That looks like a great bar. I may have to consider staying in that part of town next time I visit Patts, or at least spending a few late afternoons / early evenings there. 

    Does one have a good beach view from this bar, BB?

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  10. 43 minutes ago, bumblebee said:


    Alas still a pipe dream that trip, sleeping too well these cooler nights.  To be honest I hadn’t paid much attention to the place in the photo until I was passing it at dusk and it was lit up.  Saw it in a different light literally.  As I said previously, Naklua is a big area, let’s get specific-ish :)

    Well then I would have to guess it is on Wongamat Beach, not too far from the rocky areas you like to wander around.

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