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Everything posted by Tomcat

  1. the answer to this is " The Voynich Manuscript" still a mystery ..a riddle unsolved
  2. Thanks Syd , you learn something every day
  3. The ???????* manuscript, an illustrated codex , has been studied by many professional and amateur cryptographers, and also puzzled scientists. Its still a great mystery to this day .The item is named* after a Polish/ American emigre who bought it in 1912 its dated around 500 years old and priceless . To what is the name given to this very famous manuscript.... if anyone can figure out what it means a noble prize awaits... it was in the news recently as someone thought they had de cyphered it but alas it was not to be below an ingenious fold out section ( its 500 years old remember ) and some text from with the codex i know .. its a trivia question ... maybe the eggheads over there can get it if no one here can
  4. Tomcat


    your probably right ... i think the vaccine will have to come in reality... anyway i booked a flight 6 months ago for xmas... maybe a small chance i think long stayers can go from October with strict rules..STV program.... https://www.thaienquirer.com/18277/government-to-allow-extended-stays-for-tourists-starting-in-october/
  5. Tomcat


    no .. not now.... still time though for things to improve....i think its called Pavlovian optimism The issue is i have a stop over in Hong Kong so im not sure about transit through there either Anyway .. should the Thais open up i will the there .. be sure of that Even if i have to build one of these
  6. Tomcat


    Thailand has been added to UK travel corridor list.... some good news then... so maybe my xmas trip may still be on
  7. https://tokyocheapo.com/entertainment/sensoji-temple-guide/
  8. Yes BB this is spot on.. there are two shrines in Tokyo but the below one is the more popular as of last week Sensoji-Temple, Tokyo, Japan. https://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=AwrE19fKoF9fvR8AwfVXNyoA;_ylc=X1MDMjc2NjY3OQRfcgMyBGZyA21jYWZlZQRmcjIDc2ItdG9wBGdwcmlkA0k1VnBRQUhrVDl1X095bk5nRFVVU0EEbl9yc2x0AzAEbl9zdWdnAzAEb3JpZ2luA3NlYXJjaC55YWhvby5jb20EcG9zAzAEcHFzdHIDBHBxc3RybAMwBHFzdHJsAzM5BHF1ZXJ5A21vc3QlMjB2aXNpdGVkJTIwc2FjcmVkJTIwc2hyaW5lJTIwaW4lMjB0aGUlMjB3b3JsZAR0X3N0bXADMTYwMDEwMjYyOQ--?p=most+visited+sacred+shrine+in+the+world&fr2=sb-top&fr=mcafee&type=E211US0G91344&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9zZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKjG-mWZBD1knCix1ZqMpw-CPiO4W0BgJAUvAWrMfr2HCF3p0TgUOrJr-RuVj1fZzcLQYCTkH2_9WO68tnjFaFq0BtcMIofKfm6qtzPSJRZidRZqeha4mAzWLyA2x9TfI_Fu4v-yJ4PKMKUZavnEz36lvZNNWWBBPmGFb_2PZmVA&_guc_consent_skip=1600363606
  9. no its not Medina.... the most visited can change each year but the Economist Magazine states another place is top now, i lost the magazine so i had to look it back up online...there is also another site in same city and is number 2 in the world .. i just found that out..feel free to have another go as a new clue below Another clue , the gate is also known as.... Kaminarimon
  10. Thanks Dixon Yes i get it, i think i tried that gazing thing ,, its difficult to get the eyes to trance but i understand ...i can see 22s and 7s and maybe a 9...must be the medication..
  11. The worlds most visited sacred site , some 30 million people a year pass through its imposing entrance ..( the entrance has a name that is known as " Thunder Gate" in English ) where is it then ?... nice easy one eh.. it was in the Economist Magazine this week so best put it to you guys
  12. why dont you tip your mit then Syd... ? i cant see anything other than a carpet with some marks too erratic to be a code ..i tried the eye squinting and all that stuff
  13. the puzzle and conundrum page now has a announcement border to the right... its buggered the page up and the images are scrunched up all other topics are normal... how can i get shot of this border... help someone for example this page is normal so why are some other pages with a border ? ... call the mechanic
  14. intermission a pesky announcement bar column has embedded itself to the right of the page in this topic how do i get rid if it....i dont how know it appeard but its ruined the layout help
  15. If you get a small piece of white card and cut two small holes in it and then place it over A and B you will see they are the same colour. Otherwise your brain fools you into seeing two colours , light and dark Incredible ... or unbelievable.. https://www.businessballs.com/amusement-stress-relief/shadow-optical-illusion/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Checker_shadow_illusion
  16. Is Quinn giving us a clue here Dixon or have you driven a Tractor over his new carpet
  17. well you were partly on track Syd... if you think about it , without giving anything away we will give you a Bronze . its all to do with Psychophysics or so it seems. The word squares is just a description and one could just call them tiles or checkers. ...the answer is a bit of a hammer blow to the head when one finds out whats going on here
  18. this one is very well known among those that like these novelties...i see it in a copy of Scientific American ... the best of its kind and a real fooler in every sense of the word. This is E.H.Adelsons gift to the world. The answer to this poses a sort of conundrum of its own....can you see what is remarkable about the two squares A and B ?
  19. No one .... ok it was Edward Teach AKA "Blackbeard " and the QAR was his ship
  20. Tomcat


    thats the real deal ...full fibre
  21. Tomcat


    These routers only work on Fibre Optic installations ...or so it seems Basically you have three types of cable installs and they will each need a different router, the issue is that many Companies tell lies... 1 Fibre Optic.... the best but many companies tell lies and dont really have full Fibre unless you live Seoul so you probably need to get the router from the service provider so it matches up in case its not full Fibre 2 Fibre to the street Cabinet and short copper link to the home.. ( what many claim as Fibre) 3 Copper wire...... hopeless of course then you have the Dongles ..most of these are useless ... may as well tether to your Device via smartphone You will probably be limited to what wire the Condo has installed ... but u need to check it out
  22. " Queen Annes Revenge" was in the news last week for some reason what was the QAR ? to whom do we associate with the above or indeed their nickname ? Please only answer if you know both
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