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Everything posted by seven

  1. Multiquote won't play for me, my apologies. I fully understand some people don't find Gervais and brit humor funny. Personally i love it. Theres a new The Office revisited out in 2 weeks. Billy Crystal was my fav Oscar host. Letterman was misunderstood. Jon Stewart could be good? I´ve been watching Late show for 25 years, and Letterman is my fav. One of his writers Gerard Mulligan, sometimes came out on stage doing his jokes, and was very very funny. He quit a few years ago. Letterman was better 20 years ago. I´ll never forget when Cher came on, and left 2 mins later.
  2. Whos Ted? Yes, QT himself thought he(himself) nailed the casting. Nothing was lost in translation. Gervais is one of the funniest men alive.
  3. And it won I have to admit i felt a little proud. What a lame show it was though. So boring. The host wasn't funny , never heard of him before, maybe the Affleck/Kardasian joke was. Is Gervais too much to host this event? Tarantino showed his hubris in his speech how he nailed the cast, with Foxx nodding. De Niro looked like 100 years old, and Nicholson 120. Its painful to see your heroes so old. Is it correct Bradley Cooper was nominated for a supporting role???? That´s a joke , surely. Him winning an award is as likely as Kutcher or Ryan Reynolds would. http://youtu.be/0M0AmVnsKLM
  4. This being a lb dedicated board, you guys seen this one ? Midnight of the garden of good and evil. Directed by Clint Eastwood , great cast, John Cusack, Kevin Spacey. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119668/ The crying game? Unfortunately i knew the secret of this movie before i watched it, but i can still remember the buzz of that bedroom scene.
  5. This was maybe 15 or 20 years ago when they came out, somehow i had more time back then. Instead of internet it was VHS tapes late nights. I still have favorites i watch over and over again. The Right stuff, Godfather trilogy, Sea of love-Pacino, Goodman, Cop-James Woods, damn he was good back then. Slingblade-Billy Bob Thornton. Like jaidee i have a bigass Sony Bravia tv and a very comfy couch, going to theaters is too much of an hazzle these days
  6. I must have seen No way out 20 times. Very good movie. One of Costners best along with JFK and Bull Durham (which i also recommend. Tim Robbins is great here). No mercy is pretty good too.
  7. Its a fantastic movie. Seem it many times. First in theaters, then on tv. When Pacino rips Spacey for not keeping his mouth shut before he knows score, f**king up a sell for Pacino. Its a long movie but you cant stop watching its so interesting. Acting at its best!!
  8. Yeah, its all over the news here. I hope they find and castrates the pedo
  9. http://youtu.be/nhGBQH0Kv_A
  10. I used to check Dev teams blog. Is there a JB for the 4gs?
  11. Its a good clever movie. I can't stand Farrel either, but Gleeson is the star in this one. I like Downey Jr though, but Farrel is in the same C-league as Bradley Cooper and Ryan Reynolds.
  12. Of course. And my company had already seen it but she wanted to see it again.
  13. Thank you for that. I thought i was alone thinking Avatar was too hyped. It was more boring 3 hours than the Titanic remake.
  14. No worries. Problem is, nowadays going to the theaters in the west is nothing like in Los. You get cellphones ringing, a bunch of loud teenagers commenting and talking through the movie. Recently a man who was disturbed by a group of teenagers politely asked them to be quiet and show some respect to the rest of the paying audience. He got his nose broken by said fine young men. Its much nicer going to the theaters in Los, but then you have to settle for either Ironman or Avengers.
  15. Ill probably watch it, because its Tarantino. Not because its a western. I don't have high hopes though, Inglorious basterds was crap, and i think we´ve seen the best days of Tarantino. And like jaidee, i have a pretty good idea of what kind of movies i will find good. Actors, director will tell me. Is it a Scorsese or Coppola movie starring De Niro or Pacino you know it will be a good one. Unfortunately 98% of the movies that makes it to theaters in Thailand are imo crap. Ironman, Avengers ,Underworld, and the worst of them all : Fast and furious. Who enjoys that movie? Its for kids and Thais. Same with music, i don't need to check out all the r&b stuff, because i don't like the genre. Why is that so hard to understand?
  16. Agree in almost everything here. I do like some country though. Not the Garth Brooks shit, but Emmylou Harris , Gram Parson. Techno and house i don't understand, just gives me a headache like all other noises in Patts.
  17. No. Its not a problem stating i don´t like western movies. I don´t like fantasy movies either. There. Not a problem.
  18. I´ve tried so hard to "like" westerns, but i just can't. Not my cuppa. Last one was True Grit and i was bored to tears. Ive seen many of above mentioned movies like Ballad of Cable Hugh, Unforgiven,Pale rider, Soldier blue ( Candice Bergen was my wet dream after that) but i guess i just don't get it.
  19. He was packpacking in SA and came across this story. It was recently awarded at the swedish "Oscars" for best documentary. It also won Critic's choice movie award, Vancouver film critics circle , National board review and Cinema eye honors. I believe you, everyone says it´s great, so i will check it out.
  20. I agree with that. I really liked Pulp fiction too though.
  21. Made by a swedish guy. I haven't watched it yet, but i will
  22. How about if we use the thaiversion; Chocolate man?
  23. I think you confuse it with Leaving Las Vegas, which i think is a great movie. Fear and loathing is about Hunter S Thompson starring Johnny Depp
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