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Everything posted by katana57

  1. Pale Rider..."There's nothing like a piece of Hickory" Cincinatti Kid(if it qualifies) Tell 'em Willie Boy's Here and last but not least...... Evil Roy Slade
  2. I loved it,best series for ages. Downloaded it all from the web,and couldn't stop watching it. Bring on the new series.
  3. Denzel does "mockney" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P46rQthxtfU
  4. Sorry to quote myself....but this is the movie trailer.You can watch the full movie on YouTube:
  5. Watched it today,after seeing your post. Cracking movie
  6. Just added the "100 more movie insults" in a new topic. Hope you like them!
  7. U-turn was excellent,especially the scene at the end when Sean Penn looks skyward with that"FFS" look and says "Arizona!!!!!!!" Once upon a time in America is a MUST watch(DeNiro's coffee stirring scene,and the kid waiting for the hooker,but decides to eat the cream cake for himself). This is one of the better Brit-gangster movies http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119092/ Great track by Monkey,called "Subside"
  8. Always liked the the way Jimmy Cagney did this:-
  9. [media=] [/media]a bit weak: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhUvUgDde9I&feature=related
  10. Cheers,Garry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIq0rbXWgYQ&list=UUeO7_mfa-Vrzf3gW10G11Rg&index=9&feature=plcp
  11. Very general,but will give you an idea of prices: http://www.agoda.com/pages/agoda/default/DestinationSearchResult.aspx?asq=pEslzwTbP67UXv%2fhMk8NEqbOEC3bfZgsAUY%2foP4mudx3R2TYGGSjOWjVKGXoE9EQOaQ9vp9%2bFg%2f39tk%2braFUsF2gCF8I%2b6028zdU2uHLBpLJNKr9OWEUoHhPeL6ekpHK4vYBSd86EVFMQNW14nE%2fIg%3d%3d
  12. Sorry boys. I've just come home....blathered Was listening to the master,thought I'd share
  13. How good were Dr. Feelgood!!!!!! And Wlico....FFS ,cool or what I remember tuning in to The Geordie scene everyweek(No remotes then,no fuckin' colour either!!) Tear to my eye
  14. Sorry,I just couldn't resist it
  15. Also known as the "Samui Tattoo"
  16. I put this in the "Accommodation around Thailand",originally. Thought I'd paste this here too,as there are quite a few in Pattaya: http://bangkok.craigslist.co.th/vac/ And just incase: http://bangkok.craigslist.co.th/search/cas/?query=t4m
  17. http://www.nationmultimedia.com/business/AirAsia-to-shift-to-Don-Mueang-by-Oct-30184904.html
  18. Quite a few vacation rentals from all regions Thailand,including Pattaya,BKK,CM,etc. http://bangkok.craigslist.co.th/vac/ And while you're there,have a look and see if there's someone you like!! http://bangkok.craigslist.co.th/search/cas/?query=t4m
  19. They were supposed to have started operation of new scanners at "Swampy" yesterday. http://bangkokscoop.com/2012/06/13/new-luggage-scanners-bomb-detectors-installed-at-suvarnabhumi-airport/ Teething problems??
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