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Everything posted by anthony70

  1. I tried boardwalk empire and four episodes was enough. shit series, shit music, constant dancing, the british guy playing al capone was a joke. the boardwalk part is obviously a set. rubbish
  2. The chrystal meth stuff is not the whole show. the show is how they buy the chemicals, where to cook it, sell it, the problems with dealers, keeping it secret, the DEA trying to find who the new cooks are. its a cat and mouse rollercoaster of problems all the way. brilliant.
  3. While the chat is on about movies, i have to recomend breaking bad as maybe the best series of all time. i say maybe, as it draws level with the soprano,s. 4 series, all available to download on torrentz. episode one is a pilot, and will get you hooked. a science teacher starts to manufacture chrystal meth with an ex pupil. enjoy.
  4. London to Brighton. Rita Sue and Bob too. East is East. The final cut. (ray winstone, jude law, and all that london crew) more british great films.
  5. Seven pages and not one mention of Ken Loach. british obscure films. start with Riff Raff. and then go for Kes. Raining Stones. Looking for Eric My name is joe. Sweet sixteen. you dont know what you,ve been missing.
  6. My take is you cant please everyone. for a guy who has spent a lot of time in thailand and around ladyboys, its easy to pick holes in it. should have done this, should have done that........ but for your average factory rat in the uk, who has only ever been to majorca, constanly working overtime to feed the kids, and has heard stories that "you have to watch it over there, the women have got cocks" it at least showed ladyboys as something not to be ridiculed and laugh at.
  7. Excellent DT. thats what i needed to read and makes perfect sense. however. is Dog diferent in that he is the bondsman who puts the money up.? and rather than hire a hunter, he does it himself.? thats what it looks like.and thats why im confused. they have a sticker on the door "da kine bail bonds" i presume kine means dog.
  8. in the uk, if you were nicked for something serious like murder, you just do not get bail. you are locked up on remand until the trial. ive never heard of anyone i know paying bail money, i think that is something the rich might ask about. but for small petty stuff, everyone is bailed (let out) and expected to turn up for court on a certain date. if people dont turn up, it the police,s job to track them down. on a certain day, they will smash the front door off at 5 am. so maybe there is something to be said about using a private company to track these down, instead of wasting resources on the police.
  9. I watch Dog the bounty hunter, i find it hilarious. it seems he puts up his own money to get a meth head out of jail for drug charges, and then chases them down when they (surprise surprise) dont turn up in court. whats the point.? why would he bail anyone out in the first place.? how does he make money.? we dont use this system in the uk, can someone explain how it works and where the money is.? there must be a few quid in it, he dresses up in all the gear. cheers.
  10. i know, and it would be the falangs fault. i can even picture the thai,s taking your picture as they load your body onto the back of a pick up.
  11. great pics, and something id like to try. however, my instinct tells me not to trust a thai with my life. its bad enough in a taxi.
  12. No surprise there my friend. but would you let her anywhere near a business that you owned.? i wouldnt.
  13. am i hearing it right that the tattoo,d , pierced skank Noon is working at sensations.? (shhhhh, we are not allowed to talk about her on internet )
  14. episode 6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjmPxlgdRoc&feature=channel&list=UL
  15. i remember when a few tourists trusted a certain old geezer called franck. it wasnt pretty.
  16. Has anyone ever had their levels checked in thailand, or know if it is possible.?
  17. Every trip, i make it part of my routine to buy strips of andriol testocaps and take two tablets a day. i look at it like a sex vitamin. when people talk about side effects, have you seen the side effects of alcohol and cigarettes.? one of the side effects of alcohol is it will lower your test levels, so whilst on holiday, it think it wont hurt to top them up. you can buy an injectable from TOP pharmacy, and any clinic will inject you. you will feel a diference, wake up with a hard on etc.... also, testosterone is a natural product, where as sidenefil isnt. when you see extreme bodybuilders, they are taking an extreme amount of steroids. sometimes stacking a few diferent ones at the same time, hence the extreme side effects. but a sex tourist in thailand for a month, getting injected once a fortnight, is pretty harmless. and well worth it.
  18. I thought it was good in the way that, at the start im thinking, yep i would. then she starts hitting the booze, putting on the kilo,s, smoking cigarettes and working in a brothel. by the end of the show, she looks like the lad out lord of the rings, or harry potter, one of the two.
  19. it is on channel 4 on demand. try this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WJsu8nB0UE&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fresults%3Fsearch_query%3Dria%2Bdiary%26oq%3Dria%2Bdiary%26aq%3Df%26aqi%3D%26aql%3D%26gs_l%3Dyoutube.3...2013.3196.0.4221.
  20. Episode 5, from youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_ZWd5HaGrQ&feature=channel&list=UL
  21. This was shown last night on channel 4. (british). you can catch it on demand . i thought it was good. http://www.channel4....transsexual/4od
  22. I must be getting jaded to this game. i find myself checking out the background more than the lb. i recognise a few of the apartments, and also caught a glimpse of the legend donnykey.
  23. Congrats to you both, i hope it is a success. it should be, there is room for a bar in pattaya owned by "one of us". respect man.
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