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Everything posted by Gutsy

  1. Jell seems to be trimming down and gaining confidence. Looking good girl, were looking forward to seeing more of you. .
  2. This table is missing the rack, however I'm not at all.
  3. Two things that go a long way with me in buying them multiple drinks is I'm genuinely interested which I can usually find that out in the first drink. If I'm still interested and they dont ask me for a drink I will then offer them a drink. I won't buy shots for a first drink as I want to share a social drink, and I don't like it when they chug their drink. I also won't buy a soft drink as a second drink. No way am I paying 150 to 200 baht for a small glass of fanta. I would much rather give them a 100 baht instead of buying soda pop for them. I also find the negotiation goes much better for me after a couple of drinks. It loosens us both up and they usually agree to MY price knowing they have already made some baht from the drinks.
  4. Some nice racks at Darkside and a lot of good sticks.
  5. Peach came to Darkside on her first night without heels or makeup and still managed to get barfined.
  6. Myx and her whip on the table
  7. Wan is a fantastic enthusiastic topper. She is equally keen to bottom for you if that floats your boat. This girl loves to cum. I wouldn't say she is 6 inches as her profile says but she is a nice hard five. I had the pleasure to be with her twice both before her bolt-ons, which I've yet to try her out since then unfortunately. Likes to fly solo as she doesn't like to share the sex. She gave me a sound topping in our first meeting then I got sweet revenge vowing to fuck her so hard her whole family would feel back in Nakorn nowhere. Well I tried anyhow. Highly recommended and if I have my way there will be a three-peat. I think she is more aesthetically pleasing with the straight hair and the bolt-ons.
  8. Funny you say that, as it's been done before. Tar was telling me how she felt sorry for the victim and was being nice to him after Myx abused the poor guy with a whip. Kind of a good cop bad cop workover it sounded like.
  9. Hi Myx, Do you fantasize about me when you dominate other guys?
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