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Everything posted by mikibyne

  1. Keyboard Ninja'ed on South Africa. Valencia is close but ............... BB would recognise it in a flash.
  2. Looks like this group of farmers got duped by their 'leader', ex-Chart Pattana MP Chada coincidentally a close ally of the government. But hey nevermind, they've been promised their money by next week
  3. Mutual back-slaps in order.........indeed Lisbon. Howsabout this one.
  4. Not Istanbul. Your clues are really difficult, but I'll take a stab at Wales.
  5. Indeed. The elephants form the gateway of the Carlsberg brewery in Copenhagen and provided the name for Elephant beer that some say was the actual inspiration for Chang beer.
  6. 'Twas a clue for the beer enthousiasts, obviously too subtle. Last clue
  7. Rotterdam's flood barrier in Holland. Kind of relevant for the Brits at the moment Other one must be Kiev in the Ukraine.
  8. The rowing Santas are in Venice, so I'd guess that the first pic is also in Italy.
  9. Best is difficult, but memorable would be Malaysian Borneo. Crocodiles, hornbills, orangutang and enough proboscis monkeys to never need to see one again. Kuwait just a week after 9/11. Together with my travelling companion, we must have been the only pale-faces in town. But the locals were fantastically friendly, the food good, the heat insufferable and the city itself mind-numbingly boring. No wonder the Gulf Arabs escape to Pattaya for some fun. Cambodia before Angkor Wat was constantly overrun with bus loads of tourists. Had a guide and driver who started getting a bit nervous when the car got stuck on a muddy track. When asked what the problem was the guide explained that we were in an area with Khmer Rouge veterans. Time to help push the car.
  10. Not many choices left...... Sri Lanka and Mongolia
  11. If Zen Buddhism also counts then Japan must be one of them.
  12. Tibet, Bhutan, Nepal, Thailand, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia,Vietnam(?)
  13. 10 points to se7en. The first pic is the Hermitage in St Petersburg.
  14. Snick is actually correct. According to the EU St Martin, belonging to both the Netherlands and France. is the most westerly of it's 'Outermost Regions'. Apparently the Dutch Antilles are 'Overseas Territories' so not part of the EU.
  15. Portugal. The Azores islands are officially part of Portugal and the EU.
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