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Everything posted by bumblebee

  1. As it looks like there is a Morlam on 7, we can have another meet up on the 8 perhaps. Nothing is set in concrete, we are the "Play it by ear" gang.
  2. Seems there is a Morlam that night, straight into the action for you BT.
  3. Yea your right Lone Ranger it could be a big turn out indeed. The long tables in that section are great, because as more become available we can keep putting them together. I think the most last year was perhaps 20 guys one night. 8 pm can be busy enough with regular guys dining with their ladies, but we always managed to get settled pretty quickly. I wonder can we reserve one of the big tables, I guess I can ask when there.
  4. Generic 'viagra' available next month: I see this article was in the Bangkok Post recently. http://www.bangkokpost.com/lite/topstories/310979/cheap-viagra-available-next-month
  5. Looks like there will be a gathering in the Pattaya Beer Garden on 5 or 6 November. I'd imagine a meet up around 8 pm for members to get to know each other, have a few drinks, food for those who have the munchies and then head out into the wilds on Sin City.
  6. The odd one slips through the net from time to time but they don't seem to hang around too long.
  7. Haha yea I remember that well. Thanks for the link Katana.
  8. Good stuff Stealth. Great to see the quality of LBs in PI and very helpful for any guys thinking of heading that way.
  9. Welcome to the forum Poesface and thanks for making your first post. There will be a few of us around in December so let us know your dates nearer the time and hopefully you can find the time to join us for one of our meet ups and put faces to names.
  10. Thanks for the update Quinn. Looks like we will have to play it by ear regarding a meet up there in November. Will scout over in early Nov. and get the lay of the land.
  11. Hope your plans come to fruition Ripper and that you can get over to Los asap. All the parties in November will be covered on the forum so at least you will feel like you are there.
  12. Breaking News: Another LBR exclusive. Noon has informed us that she is single again will be back in Pattaya sometime in the first week of October. Her contact details are: 0892399162 and 0897098922 Have fun all you size queens.
  13. Fantastic set of shots there Mardhi. They really capture the raunchiness of the night.
  14. BigTel has suggested having a forum gathering in the Roadhouse aka Sally's Bar, Soi 5 Jomtien on the 16 November. This coincides with Som's birthday so hopefully we cam muster up a good turn out of guys for a relaxing night out over the other side of the hill.
  15. Have to look at it twice to spot you, but spotted you finally were.
  16. Sounds like a plan. I'll pencil it in on the Party Season News Desk thread as it bridges a gap between 10 or 11 Ciobha's Party in La Bamba and 21 Paeng's Birthday in Sensations. Som is a great kid so good to have a big crew show up for her birthday.
  17. Sounds good BT. A night out over the hill on Soi 5 is a fine idea. Pull a few tables together and get a crowd of us gathered.
  18. Nicely put Mr. K and soon the production of said memories will be in motion again.
  19. Yep you are correct buddy, just 6 and a bit weeks to go and it will be time to jump through the vortex again and resume my alternative life. The mild mannered janitor (copyright Hong Kong Phooey) will get back to "reality"
  20. Was sitting at home tonight having a few beverages and there was a program about Cambodia on TV. Watching Phnom Penh and seeing some familiar sights, it seemed so strange to be watching these places I know so well, from the comfort of my home, the living room I have spent my life in, easily the most familiar environment in my world Under the mild influence I smiled to myself and wondered did it actually happen, was I living in that place not so long ago. I am sure we have all had those moments, when our regular life is interrupted with reminders of the other life we have in SE Asia and elsewhere. With a few beers on board it's quite an enjoyable feeling.
  21. Alis looking more amazonian that ever, I am sure those photos will make a few of you happy campers.
  22. Good to have you here with us Fatcat69. Welcome to the forum, and good luck with the party and the bar in general.
  23. Party tonight in Sensations.
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