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GRETA: Shame on Pathetic, Cruel Thailand

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Fox News commentator, Greta Van Whatever calls Thailand lame. 



By Greta Van Susteren

Let's go "Off the Record" just for a minute. The country of Thailand, well, they get the prize - the prize for being the lamest country of the day.



Yeah, I know. Putin rolling over President Obama and annexing Crimea is pretty bad, perhaps making Russia look like today's lamest country. But Russia is no surprise; we expect bad behavior from them. The award goes elsewhere, to the surprise, Thailand. We never suspected them of being so awful - more accurately, cruel. How cruel?


Well, while the world has been frantically looking for Malaysia Flight 370, which really means we are looking for 239 missing souls, hoping they might be in alive, but obviously in trouble, Thailand has been sitting on the fact that its military detected a plane thought to be Flight 370 just minutes after the jumbo jet's communications went down. Yes, for more than 10 days, Thailand didn't bother to tell anyone. Why? Well, because they are jerks.


And their excuse is pathetic. They say they did not tell because no one asked them. Really? No one asked them? That's their excuse? That's pathetic, and it's cruel. Shame on Thailand. Yes, Thailand, that same country the world rallied to help when they got hit by a tsunami in 2004. That Thailand.


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It's an unfair accusation she makes. The Thai radar operator had no way of knowing what plane they were looking at. With the transponder turned off & with MH370 tracking over Vietnam, how on earth is he or she supposed to know it's the same plane that's on its way to Beijing?


I don't know how many planes their radar is picking up at that time of night but with private jets, etc, it could be a few. And all the radar shows is a ping on the screen. Now if I was sitting there trying to figure out what just flew past with no call sign being transmitted, the last thing I would be thinking would be that I just saw Malaysia Airlines regular flight to China........     heading in the wrong direction with their transponder turned off.


She's right that Thailand was slow in saying something but with their culture of being subservient to those above them in the chain of command, who knows who was at fault in bringing this to world attention earlier. And with their Asian culture, they are not disposed towards jumping to conclusions.


Rather than being deliberately cruel, what Greta has just caught a glimpse of is the heavy handed bureaucracy that bedevils the workings of the Thai government.


I hope her remarks are the catalyst for some action in Thailand's moribund way of doing things. I'm sure someone is feeling an acute loss of face after all this. 

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Thailand To Protest Fox News Over Flight MH370 Criticism


(22 March) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has hit back at an American reporter who called Thai authorities "jerks" for their alleged delay in publishing the flight data of the missing Malaysian jet.

Today Mr. Sek Wannamethee, spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said the Ministry will send an official letter to Fox News headquarters detailing Thailand's displeasure at Ms. Susteren's remarks. 


"She should not have hastily drawn up conclusion, or criticism, or comments without studying all the facts," Mr. Sek said, "Such action will also affect the credibility of Fox News, which is a leading news organisation in the US"


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