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Hat Yai No 3

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Ernesto back in Thailand Hat Yai III

Day 3

In the morning the two of course did not show up, so I started my trip to Songkhla on my own.The travel with the minivan had no end as it stopped on every corner to let people get in or out but at least the driver took me down to the beach. This is not a beach for someone expecting high standards, rather neglected but it was almost all mine.

I just had spread out my towel under a palm tree and was on my way down the water when four girls

lying under the next tree started talking to me.Still very young they could not hide their profession,they did not look serious and well behaved at all, they looked like little depraved whores but that had never bothered me.

They were eating green mangos together with some hot spices and when they offered me to taste it, though their English was more or less zero, I sat down with them and started talking with my limited Thai-skills.They were all four between seventeen and eighteen and were working in two different night clubs in Songkhla.

I gave one the money for a few beers from the restaurant across the street, the other one started to give me a massage on my back and soon came the first offer.They started with 1000 Bhat each for a blow job etc. which they wanted to deliver in their bar which was closed at this time.Just for fun I started bargaining whereby offer and counteroffer were written down on the palms of our hands.We ended up with 500 Bhat each, whereby three of them wanted to participate by all means. But the outlook to get a blow job on a barstool in a stinky bar with the smell of alcohol and cold smoke from the day before was not enough stimulating , so I got up and said good-bye to them.They tried to get out some tip of me but I made clear that three big bottles of Heineken were tip enough what they finally also accepted and waived me a friendly bye-bye .

With all the fondling and playing around I had completely missed the black threatening clouds coming up above the sea and when I finally had found a motorcycle taxi to the Cape Kao Seng, where I wanted to visit a pittoresque muslim fisher-village,the first drops started falling.The Cape had already disappeared behind a gray curtain, the rain became stronger and stronger , - I started to feel the drops like little hailstones - so I ordered the driver to get me back to bus station for Hat Yai.When we finally arrived there I was soaked to the bones.

In the bus I noticed two girls obviously going to Hat Yai for some weekendflirt (or whatever you may call it) and really when we left the bus they approached me : "Where you go ? - What´s your hotel ? , " We come with

you !"," No thanks a lot, now I am busy, maybe later !"

The rain had stopped again ,so what to do with the rest of the afternoon ? Nearby the hotel I had seen a sign

"ancient massage" but there the minimum time was two hours, so I went on and tried the next one.The girl, with a body like a freestyle wrestler, could have done her job in any sibirian sauna and her massage was exactly what she looked like.After I had survived the "official part" without broken bones or contusion she pointed to little Ernesto " 200 Bhat more "?.Her offer sounded reasonable so I took the risk and left little Ernesto to fate,just hoping she would treat him a little more gentle than the rest of my body before. And really she started to show some sensitivity and I let myself pamper for some fifteen minutes, than she had realized that I was not for a finish . After the massage a dinner at one of the numerous hawker stalls and it was already 8 o´clock,time for the ladyboy cabaret.When I arrived there the show was already going on, no control or cashier anymore, so I just went in.

The big hall which certainly had 300 seats was empty, there were about just 20 guests, must be depressing for the dancers to deliver their performance to empty chairs.

When the show was over they lined up again at the entrance hoping for a few tips.When I came back from the toilet - the other visitors had gone already so I got the full attention of the whole crew. The best looker of them all cuddled up to me "1 Foto - 100 Bhat" what costed me just a mild smile. "I dont need any foto darling" she reacted promptly - "I can take care of you " - well ,that sounded a lot better !

I gave her the name of my hotel and my room number and she promised to come after midnight as she had to go for another show in some little town at the malaysian border.

I passed the time with another oilmassage, this time I found a really good looking girl and after she had twisted and dislocated all my bones and tendons the question came up if I wanted a "Ping-Pong- massage " for another 200 Bhat - of course I did !

Little Ernesto got a second time rubbed and anointed, but did not show too much reaction , no good prospects

for my planned midnight-programe !

Walking back home I passed by the "restaurant" where I had a beer with the two Chiang Rai girls the first evening, the main reason was that I was in an urgent need for a toilet,the massage had slightly missed the target and had stimulated, instead of little Ernesto, my bladder close by.

I did not trust my eyes, all girls - and they were quite a lot this night - were sitting around two large tables, together with a few guys so there were at least 10 girl per capita. A few Thais , or Chinese ? - had a real big party going on, nobody took any notice of me ,so I left the place after the main purpose of my coming was fulfilled.

Stroke midnight there was a knock on my door - Nat had really arrived!

She was a little shy in the beginning, I tried to get her more relaxed with some Wodka Cola,she did not want any pics but finally her female vanity got the upper hand,she did not only pose for pics, she also put on a G-string and the netfish stockings out of my collection. As her last sex had been some days ago she fully enjoyed all my attention, the load she splashed made me choke a little.

Then she showed her gratitude in all possible ways, finally we lay side by side,caressing each other in wonderful

exhaustion.When I put 1000 Bhat in her hand she turned them twice but in view of the pleasant mood she did not dare to complain or ask for more.

In Phuket Pattaya a dancer of Simons or Tiffany would certainly ask for the double amount (and she would surely get it !)

As she not had any dinner yet we went out together on her moto once more. Most of the hawker stalls were closed already,but she knew where to go. It was the muslim hawkers who still kept open, and my beer I got from somewhere nearby.Then we were cruising through Hat Yai in the warm fullmoon night, I had wrapped my arms around her,slowly pushed up her miniskirt and played with her hot cock, she lent back opened her visor and we started kissing.

When I jumped down at the hotel there was a sudden end of my dreams - I did not have my Lumix camera anymore ! We raced back to the hawker, but there was nothing,either they had taken away the camera when cleaning the table or I would have lost it during our ride , which was more than unlikely.

So first the bag with the memory sticks and now the whole camera !

Shit happens - because now all my pics from Hat Yai ,including the fotos of the junior whores from Songkhla,

were definitely gone !

Nat seemed to be even more concerned about the loss, she was ashamed of her compatriots, as she believed , (the same as I did ) that I had left the camera behind on the table when leaving.

But as there is an excellent expresion in Thai : " Mai pen rai !"

We had agreed to meet the next day at 12 am for lunch and that looks just like another day in paradise !

NAT the beautiful show girl from Hat Yai





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