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Found 9 results

  1. I am starting this thread as I wait at Suvarnabhumi airport for my flight back home after another exhilarating visit to the Kingdom of All Carnal Indulgences. It was perhaps my 70th or 80th such visit, maybe more. I started coming more than 30 years ago and have to have averaged at least 2 trips per year. Over those 30 years I have metamorphosed from a starry-eyed backbacker too self-assured to pay for sex into a crushed-by-life old faun resigned to having more money than I will ever be able to spend on sex with the time and stamina I have left. But it was not just me who changed. So did Thailand. In so many ways, mainly for the Thais themselves who went from a poverty rate of 70% of the population in the 1980s to less than 7% currently. This is a major, major societal shift with broader change manifestations than the diminishing availability of the cheap sex young partners we farangs grew to love Thailand for and with our stepped up presence induced some of the very vanishings we will come to miss. This thread will serve to record my and other BMs' memories and reflections on Thailand as it makes the ultimate transition from an upper middle income economy (currently) to a high income one in the 2030s (World Bank projection). So much of what endeared us to Thailand has been and will continue to be lost in that transition. And I am not just talking about the sex. By chance during this just-finished trip I came across at the Canterbury Tales bookshop a Thai-authored book in English called "The Vanishing Face of Thailand" which I bought on the spot because the title matched the tag I've used for a few of my threads here at LBR: "vanishing Thailand." The book is more narrowly focused than my feelings of "vanishing Thailand" as it covers only areas of traditional craftmanship being lost to modernity. Moreover the book was published in 1993 which is only a few years after I started coming to Thailand, so it means that face of Thailand was already vanishing before I showed up. But the book's broader message remains valid even more today: with more education and social mobility, Thais are no longer bound to traditions with heartfelt dedication and acceptance of the hardships that go with it. So, according to the book, in the 1990s craftsmen stopped bothering to spend a week's labor to make a single Thai-God papier-mache mask or a month to make a hand woven cloth with intricate ancestral patterns. I think we can extrapolate the "loss of craftmanship" to the Thai sex workers who when I started mongering here eagerly sought farangs for open-ended GFE LTs, which is no longer the case... In the coming posts I will focus on specific "vanishing Thailand" developments and urge all BMs to do the same. For now I will post the pic of the book that inspired me to start this thread. I read it from cover to cover and in the end left it in my Pattaya hotel room, so chances are it will make its way back to the Canterbury Tales, a wonderful bookshop labor-of-love that I am afraid will soon become part of my "vanishing Thailand" and I will miss it dearly. Rom
  2. "Soi Cowboy tonight, Wednesday December 1st (...) Prices: 2500 short time and 5000 long time. And no: I'm not talking about (top choice GGs)." Papa Sam at his Soi Cowboy thread This is exactly what I had feared and prognosticated: That despite the economic hardship caused by covid and the scarcity of sex tourists to date, once prostitution venues reopened:.... prices would be going UP, not down, contradicting the logic of supply and demand. My prognostic was that the covid pause would serve as a breakoff chance to upgrade Thailand's sex industry and cull the numbers of sex farangs in view also of inexorable demographic trends of lower birth rates and higher education levels that were already resulting in young Thais no longer needing or being interested in becoming commercial sex workers. I think there is also a less tolerant attitude by Thais in general towards their country being a sex playground for foreigners and the political mindset is turning to curtailing sex businesses starting with the farang-owned. Before anyone counters that soi cowboy and patpong prices are higher than elsewhere, Yes I know that! and that savvy mongers like us can still get laid in Thailand for 1000 baht or less... but the choice and quality of partners and service is nowhere near what it used to be when I started going to Thailand in the 1990s and LTs were 1000-1500 with Patpong-NEP GGs or ladyboys with 100s of 18-25 year olds to choose from, a Thermae GG freelancer could be had LT for 500, and a blowjob at the bar was 500 also. (since then cumulative Thai inflation was 75%, which means the inflation-adjusted price equivalent of a LT today would be 1750 -2200 LTs, less than half of the 5000 reported by Papa Sam) But I think the high prices worse service are here to stay... The next part of the Thai plan is to get rid of riff-raff sexpats and sex tourists to show that the country is serious about upgrading its image. Do other BMs see prospects as irreversibly deteriorated like I do? How long do you think we got ? GGwise, I say another 5-10 years max before it becomes like HK or South Korea... Ladyboywise, I think we have a little longer, but we better get used to the old ones...
  3. I came across on my FB this succinct compilation of current prices for standard mongering rates in Pattaya, and I must say that, from what I observed last January, I broadly agree. I pretty much paid all the rates quoted (beers, barfines, STs,...) except I managed to get LTs cheaper (1.5K-2K). On the other hand, I spent a bundle on my LTs club-partying with them as part of the LT ... At first I was going to post this update in an ongoing existing thread, but then thought it deserves its own thread here in the Romscars Club so I can come back and provide further updates. There is no point in looking back. The 500 barfines for hot gogo spinners and the 1000 all-inclusive STs (barfine, room, fuck) ain't coming back. I think "lbar" in the compillation below refers to ladyboy bars: 2K STs; 3K LTs. Again, I did them cheaper than that, but they were eager to come with me personally... What do other BMs think ? Namely the Pattaya sexpats? Are you still consistently getting better rates with quality Pattaya prostis ? Sighhh Rom
  4. Below is an excerpt of the personal profile of a Filipino trans woman who liked me on an online dating site. It speaks for itself. If what it says makes you uncomfortable about yourself or your convictions, please don't bother accusing me of making it up because I did not. Instead go ask a trans woman friend or lover if they like being called or referred to as "ladyboy" as opposed to "transgender/trans woman." I playfully was using "sissy" in my mongering-related posts and apparently it bothered several BMs. So I shall use "trans woman" from now on as to be EDITORIALLY as respectful and considerate as I can. But I, like most other BMs here and especially the sexpats, will still take advantage of youthful Asian Trans Women's economic hardships to have sex with much younger partners who otherwise would not accept. Please express your views without personally attacking me or your post will be hoovered. This is not about me despite me bringing it up. It's about discussing what several BMs saw as a major ethical issue that made me change my posting ways. Perhaps they want to change theirs to be even more respectful of the trans women they profess to respect so much ??? Keep Calm and Debate On... Rom
  5. Greetings gentlemen, Already prior to this COVID-19 madness I was a bit of a Dr. Doom regarding the outlook for Pattaya that, from personal observation, peaked mongeringwise in the early 2000s for GGs and in the early 2010s for ladyboys. The reason has been shrinking demographics and rising incomes in Thailand that have reduced the supply of new P4P talent, while demand is (was!) increasing with more and more mongers coming every year. The end result of these 2 market forces can only be less value for the buck, which spells the end of mongering Thailand as we know it. From this perspective, COVID-19 could set back the clock on this trend as Thai incomes fall and fewer mongers will arrive in the foreseeable future. HOWEVER, COVID-19 has also set in motion what everyone one expects will be PARAMOUNT social and economic shocks in Thailand that will change Pattaya for the worse. Two in particular come to mind: (i) mass business closures, especially farang-owned; and (ii) possibly, a change in national tolerance for sex tourism and sexpats. THIS THREAD IS NOT ABOUT THE NEGATIVES AHEAD, which are dominating the discussion in the other COVID-19 threads. THIS THREAD IS ABOUT THE SILVER LININGS IN THE CLOUDS: HOW WE CAN MAKE THE MOST OF WHATEVER COMES NEXT ! Let me start: As a 30+ years veteran of SE Asia, I view myself as a SEASONED MONGER who can compete with the best of them in the pursuit of Thai pussy or ass. I enjoy immensely the bar scene, but I don’t need it to get laid. The way I see it, Pattaya’s COVID-19 apocalypse will wash away the competitive nuisance that are the lesser mongers, and us surviving seasoned players will rule the scene more than ever. Many of the hotter GGs and ladyboys who might otherwise have shunned old sharks like me ... WON’T ! If you are a SEXPAT you are in an even better position. You will have more natives than ever chasing after you and you will feel less cramped by the sex tourists. Other positive outcomes will be LOWER PRICES for many of the expenses farangs incur like condos, rents, taxis, restaurants, maids. Forecasting the exchange rate is complex but, ceteris paribus, the Thai baht will depreciate if there is less demand for it from tourists and investors. And some positive micro-outcomes are already evident: From what she tells me, TJ’s Lilly is down to 2 or 3 STs a day max. She is even willing to do LTs. And get this: she is even being turned down by cautious sexpats, which is a long overdue humbling experience for her. How's that for a positive outcome of COVID-19? Can you gentlemen think of OTHER POSITIVE POST COVID-19 SCENARIOS that give us all caged mongers something EXCELLENT to look forward to ? Party on, Rom
  6. Manliness and bottoming are still seen by many ladyboy mongers as contradictory, which leads some of us to refuse to even consider it (like our most off-the-beaten path BM) or to be ambivalent about it and not enjoy it as often or as thoroughly (like myself). Of the mongers who enjoy it (the majority of BMs here I suspect) most keep quiet about it, the one exception in our Board being our illustrious fellow BM who was prison-style raped 6 times in one night alternating between the shower and the bed and posts about it every chance he gets. It's not that I don’t enjoy being penetrated. I totally love being fingered by the GGs when I missionary top them, or when they are blowing me. I am also game for strap on bottoming which I view as the price I have to pay for routine anal access into the ladies wearing the straps. But with the ladyboys it’s case-by-case. With only a very few it happened spontaneously that they showed eagerness to fuck me. The rest it never happens unless I propose it, which I only do with repeat partners. This has mostly to do with their own notions of femininity, which they may put ahead of their sexual pleasure. If I insist it means I have to choose between having them in the subservient feminine kathoey mode or becoming a bit of a kathoey myself (for Thais "kathoey" has a default strictly passive sex connotation). I always choose the former for the sake of the overall sex and GFE. Let me give an example: 3 years ago I met this 18 yo filipino sissy who had never gone past giving blowjobs (or so she said). On our first time in bed during the foreplay I put my mouth to her cock and she jumped in horror at the thought of role reversal. I told her to close her eyes and relax, and then I licked a little lower while jerking her off to orgasm. Then I took her virginity (or so she said). I became her sex teacher and 2 or 3 sessions later I slid a condom on her cock and sat on it. She fussed and protested, but took to it like a duck to water and ejaculated in less than 30 seconds once she got me positioned doggystyle. We did it 4 or 5 more times after that and each time the same reluctance followed by quick intense release. But the fact that she never showed interest led me to stop asking and on my last trip I was with her at least 10 nights (she now has a daytime office job) and she never fucked me once and we were both OK with that. BMs who are open-minded (and open-assed) enough to post about their bottoming, may want to share how that affects their overall roleplay interaction with the sissies? Especially those BMs in long term relationships where the intimacy should be there to put sexual pleasure ahead of gender pretense and where the much younger sissy partners presumably rise to the occasion more often than the elderly farang ones …
  7. Non-binary is an umbrella term for gender identities that are not solely Male or Female‍ (the strictly binary classification) with non-binary people typically identifying with the gender that is different from their binary birth gender, an intermediate or separate third gender, more than one gender, no gender (agender), or have a fluctuating gender identity (genderfluid). Gender identity is separate from sexual or romantic orientation; non-binary people have various sexual orientations, just as cisgender people do. If you are not already familiar with the "non-binary" gender identity concept, get familiar fast as it has become mainstreamed as the self-identity breakthrough of the 2020s that is being adopted by a lot of people who used to be thought of as just "gay/homossexual" or "bisexual". To me, it stands to reason that men who pursue other men in women's clothes are not all there in the binary Male corner. Yet, over and over (at PY mostly), many ladyboy mongers affirm precisely because they are so attracted to boys who look like girls and only to such boys while remaining attracted to girls in general, their binary masculinity is actually enhanced by their attraction to the feminine boys. Personally, I also prefer to see myself as one of those strictly binary masculine ones even when I have big juicy sissy cock pressed against my tonsils. I don't do drag and rarely bottom, which I actually prefer to do with strap-on GGs more than with the sissies I top. Yet, I am often told, by people who know me, in general (not just sex partners), that I have a very feminine type of awareness and sensitiveness to the world around me. I agree that I do and that it is perhaps more than the cocksucking the major non-binary dimension of me... What about other BMs ? Do you see yourself as non-binary ? Do you see other ladyboy mongers as non-binary ? Goes without saying that the ladydoys themselves (as other transgenders) are non-binary even if they wish to identify strictly as females or a third gender (the unerasable non-binary dimension of having been born men remains, along with the dicks in many of them). Should they/we stop referring to themselves/them as "she"s as is the default now (or as "he"s as I do sometimes) and use the non-binary "they" as in: Teya is awesome for their skinny ass, hairy balls and sinewy cock... Do you agree that ladyboys are non-binary and LBR should take the lead in referring to them individually as "they" ?
  8. “Holy shit..... this Covid (…) being away from (…) ladyboys (…) I have seen a trend emerge where I am definitely loving being with hot GGs (…) making me love licking pussy again.” The-Sith, Feb 24, 2021 @ladyboyreview I hear you The-Sith: my experience exactly ! I last plowed ladyboy ass in Feb 2020 during my last trip to TH & PI right before covid spread beyond China. The first 4 or 5 months that followed coincided with major complications in my life, of which the absence of sex was the least of my concerns. I moved back to Europe where I am slowly rebuilding my life, including my sex life. Here where I am, there are no ladyboys or feminine-looking european boys to be had for pocket change and I am not interested in grown men with wigs or itinerant old trannie$ from South America. So I accepted early on that GG orifices would be the only orifices I might get my dick into until world travel is restored. At my age, 20 yo western pussy is out of my dating reach unless I pay the kind of money The-Sith does, which I can afford but is against my value-minded ethos. But other than that, my status, personality and looks (?) render me quite attractive to white ladies my age or even as young (I mean !old!) as the mid-30s… I have gone out with a few and slept with a fewer, but all of them wanted commitment beyond the booty calls I had in mind. In the process, I developed an unexpected appreciation for saggy-soft mature flesh (especially big SAGGY boobs) and, in my twisted mind, for that motherly-fucking feeling of being a young stud servicing sex-starved older women. Anal sex happened with a couple of them and, honestly, it felt even better than sissy ass... On a separate front from over-the-hill white ladies (and to quench my addiction to sex with Asians) I pursued for months all the filipino overseas workers (maids!) I could ferret here (not so many) by going to their Sunday masses every week until I finally scored a minimally-acceptable one. She is in her mid-40s and looks it and in Asia I would not have given her a second look. But here she is like Miss Universe to me… she wants a relationship but is resigned to fucking on her days off (she works too far from me to come more often). Her face shows her age, but she has a very nice soft body that I’ve come to relish every inch of. We do it bareback, which is something I rarely did on my mongering trips to Asia and it really feels like I am rediscovering sex all over again. I don’t have the heart to post her pics here, but below is a shot of her 40+ yo hairy pussy that I have lapped at for hours. ISSUES FOR THREAD DISCUSSION: Are there any more Thailand-deprived BMs (like the The-Sith and I ) who also have been rediscovering the joys of sex with genetic women their age and culture ? Since covid, are sexpat BMs in Thailand having more and cheaper sex than ever absent all the sex tourists? Am I the only one here at LBR who feels my sex life will not be the same going forward due to the disruption caused by covid and the adjustments I had to make? thanks rom PS - Please someone post something or it’s back to 7-11 stamps and live shows nobody is watching anymore…
  9. Let me start by reminding everyone that I awarded the 2020 Bar of the Year and 2020 Bar Owner of the Year Romscars to Sweethearts and Youngone precisely for their pioneering of the livestream concept that I thought was a win-win idea to keep ladyboys employed and our monger community engaged. So I am NOT predisposed against livestreams and I assure all BMs I eagerly watched them (Sweethearts, CIB, Emmy’s, Delirious,…) and bought far more lady drinks than I would if I had been sitting at the bars for the same amount of time. BUT NOW, I think I’m done with it … The novelty wore off and I feel I am just spending more money than I should even if it is to help the ladyboys get some income and the bars stay in business. I am also troubled by the fact I expose too much of my real identity by watching on facebook and paypaling… What do other BMs think?
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