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Posts posted by strocube

  1. Just thought I'd update you guys. I'm all healed up from the recent hernia operation. It went off without a hitch. I'm good as new,100% ok.

    Since I'm here,thought I may as well take advantage of the excellent and affordable medical services available. I've had my teeth whitened, had some skin stuff looked at (totally begnine), and I'm having my hearing checked. Playing in a garage band in my 20s, and all those concerts have taken their toll. Also, over 1500 dives over the years have not helped either.

    In an ironic twist of fate, I have not hooked up with any travestis since I have been spending some quality time with a local chica. She's a real sweetie, and it's been quite the cultural experience in all kinds of ways.

    I have to leave Colombia by August 23. The plan is to head back to Peru. I'll do two or three nights in Lima, then I'll go to Cusco and the Sacred Valley where I will trip around and explore some San Pedro medicine. In mid September I fly to Tarapoto for a 10 day ayahuasca retreat. That will last through early October. After that, the plan is to head to the LOS. I hope to be in the kingdom from early October through the rest of 2012. Not sure where exactly. Prolly spend a bit of time in BKK getting my ladyboy on, then maybe see if I can set a cheap living situation on an island somewhere and just lay around reading, playing guitar and swimming.

    I have to go back to the fucking Matrix sometime in early 2013. To sort out some shit and to do some continuing education in order to keep my state interpreter certification valid. After that, I'm pretty sure I'll be heading back to the LOS.

    Well, that's the tentative plan. But, as John Lennon said, "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."


    BTW, I do not seem to have access to those groovy little emoticons. Is that because I am using an iPad?

  2. What up lads, strocube here.

    May have met one or two of you in BKK the last time I was there.

    I am loving this forum after leaving "that other place" and never looking back.

    Currently on the lamb in Colombia, my ancestral homeland, after leaving a soul-crushing gig back in the U.S.

    In this hemesphere doing some deep perosnal work with ayahuasca/yage. I'll prolly be in South Amaerica through 2012. After that, quite possibly Thailand, as the kingdom, and especially ladyboys, are never far from my thoughts.

    Very happy to be here with all you fellow pervs;)


    • Upvote 1
  3. What alleged "news" is shown on TV in the U.S. is nothing more than corporate state propaganda.

    It's just that the Fuax version is targeted to the toothless mouth-breather demographic, which are essentially the idjits living in the states mentioned by JaiDee.

  4. Inspiring story and very well written JaiDee. Dude, you really bought the ticket and took the ride; hat's off to you sir:)

    Here's hoping the next chapter is just as rich and interesting as the first.


  5. Nice one Sam Saim:)

    Yes, while time wise I would be able to, ahem, "fit in" three or four short times; unfortunately, I'm only good for two on a good day:(

    Ah, to be 30 again.

  6. Hefe, excellent summing up of the current sad state of affairs in the U.S.

    Yeah Snick, unfortunately most people in the states are a buncha fucking mouth-breathing retards who wouldn't know what their own interests are if they bit them in ass, tragic really:(

  7. The thing with my aunt, like most things, is a mixed bag. I can't really begrudge her too much because she has treated me as if I were her own son. Of all my aunts, she is actually the least religious and is actually, like me, anti-Catholic. It's jus that she worries about ever little stupid thing. Also, appearances are a BIG deal here. I get that you can pretty much be the most vile rat bastard, but as long as you maintain the appearance of bougerious respectability, it's all good.

    Anyway, once I'm healed up from the surgery; don't want any stray travesti juice near the incision, I'll be following up on a few hotties I've seen online. The going rate, apparently is 100K pesos for whatever you want. With the dollar around $1800, that's about $55 U.S. Not bad.

    I just need to figure out where to find a decent ST hotel for a reasonable price. Around where I am staying, hotels are not cheap. At the equivalent of about $100 U.S., they actually cost more than the girl. Will have to do further research on this side of things.

  8. Holy fucking shit you guys, I was just down to have a look around the area mentioned by Wldrover. Dude, you are a far braver man than me to even consider taking one of those creatures.

    Took a taxi, and as we were approaching, saw a woman covered in blood rolling around on the ground, with a few people standing idly by. She appeared to have just been stabbed.

    Drove a bit further, and saw where the girls were plying their trade. They were fucking hideous, and I'm being kind. The place was fucking scary bad in the daytime. I felt I would've been risking my life just getting out of the taxi,

    This place is not an option under any circumstances, ever.

    Have found some online that looked hot. Gonna call one and see what I can set up. This will have to be in a decent part of town or it ain't happening.

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  9. I just thought I'd add, that like many of you guys here, I also like them small, pretty, feminine, and without any surgery. Don't care much about dick size, as long as it's fully functional. Though, this not a strict regimine, as I have been known to sample other variations.

    Have been super horny to try a more femboyoish type, and to also get topped by someone like Moo from Guess Bar.

  10. Interesting bit of trivia, Wildrover, one of my maternal grandfather's businesses supplied the brick for the construction of the Metropolitan Cathedral back in the day.

    The family has deep roots here, going back to about a hundred years after Columbus, around 1590, or there abouts.

  11. Widrover, dude, thanks so much for that intel, brother! I really appreciate it.

    Will check it out for sure, once I've mended somewhat. Will report what I fund here.

    Have found a few on line that looked good. Not my type, bolt ons, but still hot.

    Stay tuned for further reports, you pervs:)


    • Upvote 1
  12. Thanks everyone:)

    Been in Colombia for a little over a week, 11 days actually.

    I have my surgery scheduled of 4 June, at 1:30. I am so lucky to be here. The guy doing the surgery went to med school with my sister in law, and he works out of the finest hospital in Medellin. Also, the entire procedure, with everything included, is only costing me the equivalent of $1000 U.S.

    Back in the land of fat and stupid, without health insurance, this little thing would've easily wiped out most or all of my savings. Also, I am among extended family who are taking really good care of me.

    Feeling super grateful for everything.

    In other news, when I first got here I noticed some hot little travestis, but no way could I even have looked without freaking out my aunt, who was with me at the time. If I'm here for a while, I would like to investigate the scene. But it will have to be a deep undercover mission. If I get spotted chasing a travesti, things cold get complicated for me

  13. Wait, it gets better. So after the ordeal of just trying to get out of the country, the flight from Lima gets diverted from Miami to Ft. Myers for about four hours due to weather in Miami. I miss my connecting flight out of Miami to Medellin, and I'm out $80 because the airline will only give me a "discount voucher" for the hotel since weather is not something they have any control over.

    My phone is not working, so freaking out trying to call relatives who are going to pick me up at the airport. Had to borrow a phone from a fellow traveler. Called my brother in LA, had him call my brother in San Diego, who then called Colombia to tell them not to meet me at the airport because I missed the connection. FUCK!

    If all goes well, and that is highly doubtful at this point, I leave Miami for Medellin tomorrow at 5:00 pm.

    You can't make this shit up.

    Thanks for tips about working in the kingdom. Will explore those in detail later.

  14. Been super horny since I quit smoking weed about a month ago. I am not all anti- weed now or anything like that, but I am realizing that the amount I was using/ abusing was causing me some pretty significant side-effects.

    In the future, I'll only be using it once in a great while for a special occasion; like a long awaited sex session with someone special, a concert, a walk in nature or perhaps a really great movie experience, not the superhuman amounts I was doing every single night for years.

    Anyway, will be at loose ends after my recovery form surgery in Colombia. Been thinking A LOT about Thailand. BKK is way too noisy and polluted for me, but maybe Phuket or Chiang Mai are possibilities.

    During my time in Peru, I found I have a real knack and love for teaching. Thinking about exploring that in Thailand.

    With an MA, I might even be able to get a university gig somewhere, who knows?

    Could also teach scuba, but that market seems a bit saturated, as PADI turns out instructors like McDonalds does burgers.

    Any ideas about living /working in the kingdom with my skill set would be most appreciated.


  15. Bloody fucking hell, it's been an ordeal just trying to get the fuck outta Peru. Thailand is a model efficiency and convenience by comparison. Spent 7 fucking hours on the phone just trying to change a flight and leave. The only thing I was ale to get was Puacallpa, Lima, Lima Miami, Miami, Medellin. Fuckinig absurd and wrong.

    Sorry, boys no time for any mongering, just a few hours sleep before I have to be at the airport again at 4:00 for for a flight to Miami at 6:45.

    Arrive Medellin tonight at 7:50. Can't wait.

    Thanks for the well wishes.

  16. Thanks, guys.

    Yeah, not in a lot of pain, and I'm not supposed to lift anything heavy or sit for long periods of time. Kinda difficult when traveling. Prolly not gonna be doing any serious sport fucking either, but that does not mean I can't get me a little sumtin, sumtin.

    Cheers lads,


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