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Everything posted by Flatpack

  1. She was an amazing talent, so different from the norm but she lived life on the edge. No doubt her ashes will have a street value of £500,000 Flatpack
  2. Hot Tuna bar, walking street but she doesnt usually start until about 10pm, lovely girl mate and I promise 100% you will not regret taking her. Good luck and let me know how you get on if you meet her. Flatpack
  3. Flatpack


    Have to agree with you there AB, you cant beat a bit of Yok, great all rounder and such a sweetheart. Ive spent years mongering and doing as many as I could in one day but I prefer a bit of one on one now, I find everything gets that little bit better if you get to know the girl. Still enjoy the odd one here and there but go for the GF experience a lot more these days. Found a picture of Yok for you AB, ive got quite a few in my archives. Regards, Flatpack
  4. Great pics mate, nice to see a picture of Paeng, always been a favourite of mine and its a shame shes off the scene but I really do wish her the best of luck in her relationship. Heres another favourite of mine, the lovely Maya Regards, Flatpack Ps the girl with Paeng looks like Sasa if im not mistaken.
  5. Was going to just stick to Thailand but after the day ive had I need to vent. Immigrants, all of em The labour government for letting the twats in. Drivers who insist on putting their foglights on when its raining Leaving the bloody things on when they are in heavy traffic, of course I can see you, im 2 feet off your fukin bumber. Girls who say to me 'oh you holiday in Thailand, watch out for those ladyboys' yeah of course I will because I would rather fuck you because you have a face like a welders bench. Girls who want me to meet their friend and come out with the immortal line 'shes got a lovely personality' ie shes a fat ugly cunt. Guys in Patts who think its my first day in Thailand because im with a ladyboy and feel its their duty to tell me while sat with their mates and not a bird in site. Ive probably forgot more about Thailand than those pricks know. Tradesmen who have 'specialist' on the side of their van. Yeah thats because you know fek all else. Tradesmen who have 'solutions' on the side of their van ie plumbing solutions. Whats difficult, theres a bath now just fukin fit it why do I need a bastard solution to it. Call centres who ask me what ive been up to today, shaggin your mum now can we get on with business. Councils regarding parking. Heres an idea lets build council run carparks and then paint every spare bit of road in double yellows so the public is forced to use them. Thieving robbing twats. Vent over for now, sorry for the bad language.
  6. Its good when you have a friend that you can trust Hound, far better to have that than having to find info from bodybuilding forums with advice given by muppets.
  7. In Thailand Indian tailors that talk to me in a cockney accent, as if all life stems from fucking down south. I tore into the last fucker for insulting me, nothing against southerners but im from the north and proud of it. Waitresses who give me a menu and then just stand there waiting for the order. No go and fuck off and leave me to make a decision, come back when I call you. Cleaners in hotels who insist on knocking on my door to ask if I want the room cleaning even though I have put a 'do not disturb' sign on my door. I usually open the door with a hardon and say 'do I look like I want my room cleaning right now'. Arabs anywhere on the planet. Girls without cocks In the Uk The list is too long so I will water it down to just about everyone and anything. Flatpack
  8. Interesting reading Lefty. Its a difficult one, I would normally always refer to a guy called William Llewellyn who is classed as the godfather of steroids, the only downside to the likes of the bodybuilding sites is that they are usually run by body builders and not medical experts. I would take advice on dosage etc from a body builder with loads of experience rather than a doctor because he will have a better idea, but when it comes to the effects within the organs etc I would seek the advice of a medical proffesional. Taking steroids and other chemical drugs can help people in many ways but they can also cause many problems, always go on the side of caution, if we were to believe everything we read and treated it as gospel we could end up with major problems, some of the stuff I have read on sites regarding advice for dosage etc is laughable and in some cases dangerous but guys will go off thinking 'well it must be right'. If I was unsure of anything I would go and ask my doctor rather than take advice from someone you dont know. As to whether it can damage the thyroid for life I have heard this first hand from a medical proffesional so its a tough call. Cheers, Flatpack Edit, just had a tour around a number of sites and the recommended dosage and ways of taking it does vary. You will be able to take more than what I have recommended but I hope you agree that when you give out advice you need to be careful, if I said take 'this much' and it was the absolute maximum but didnt say that then the chances are guys would think that because they took a certain amount and it worked then why not up it a little bit and maybe it will work better. Its human nature to think like that and for someone that is overweight desperation can set in but im sure you understand thats when the problems start.
  9. Lol Yep your dead right Lefty, wrote it late on last night and must have been half asleep. Cheers Ps have made an edit to correct it
  10. Thanks for that Hound, Congratulations on your weight loss, its also very good to see that you are not just relying on the drug, the weight loss is highly accelerated if you combine it with exercise and diet. I have been in contact with Solice and the guy really knows his stuff, I wouldnt admit to being any more knowledgable than he is. Good luck mate and I hope it continues, would be interested to see how you get on. I will post shortly on another amazing but not too well known weight loss drug based on a lipo suction effect, if I was ever going to try a weight loss product this would be the baby. Regards Flatpack
  11. I will get to look at some ladyboy cock on this forum at some stage im sure 555. I may be wrong in mentioning this product due to the fact that some guys may be desperate enough to try it but on the other hand I think its best that guys know about it incase it is offered to them. Never take anything you havent researched guys and stay away from body building forums, most guys on them havent got a fukin clue. DNP One of the most controversial drugs ever. This is now not sold for human use anywhere in the world but is actually available as an industrial chemical used in the production of certain dyes, as a fungicide and insecticide. The fat loss properties of this drug were first noticed in world war 1 when overweight men working with DNP munitions plants started losing substantial amounts of weight, it was identified and soon after packaged as a drug. This drug seriously increases the metabolic rate and body temperature, while this produces rapid weight loss there is no ceiling to the temperature increasing effect in fact it can rise to fatal levels, a physician in the 1930's who was using it literally cooked to death. Guys have died after taking this drug for only 4 days using only 600 mg per day, people have been blinded and hundreds of cataract defects reported along with many other serious side effects. The only good side is that you can quite easily lose a half to 1 pound of fat every day. It was pulled in 1938 so if you are ever offered it whatever you do dont take it. Flatpack
  12. Jimslim, The quick answer is yes, loads of things but need a bit of background first mate. First of all do you train in the gym and how often? Secondly nothing in the world puts bulk on better than diet. You can take as many chemicals as you want but if you are not pulling your puddings out in the gym and eating correctly then its all in vain. Steroids work by synthasising protein, therefore if you do not have a protein rich diet then they cannot work. I cannot stress diet enough, it is responsible for at least 75% of muscle building, add to that your training and you will find that chemical help is about 10%. I also need to know if you are capable of injecting, understandably its not for everyone but we need to know to tailor the roids. If you want advice on training and diet I will gladly point you in the right direction and of course chemical help. Cheers, Flatpack
  13. Hi Lefty, There are a lot of people with the 'every other day' school of thought. If you are going to do that then you would need to up the dose and by rights you could stay on the cycle longer, however if you are stacking it with Ketotifen then you may need to decrease the dosage because Ketotifen will increase the sensitivity of any other beta-2 drug. The best way to judge if the Clen is still working is to monitor your reaction to the drug ie if you are no longer getting the hot sweats and increase in body temperature then the chances are its stopped working and you need to off cycle. Ketotifen (Zaditen) is an antihistamine drug again used for the management of asthma. When used with Clen it may (never been proved) increase the thermogenic potency and noticeably extend the window of lipolysis. There are so many guys that swear that it works that I guess it must have the desired effect, if it does then Ketotifen will extend the Clen time period considerably. There are side effects and these are usually dry mouth, appetite stimulation, dizziness, drowsiness and oddly enough weight gain. Administration would normally be 1mg twice a day, if necessary this could be increased to a maximum dosage of 2mg twice a day but more is not necessarily better. I find with most things is to try the minimum dosage first and see how you get on, after all its not a race. The other thing I should have mentioned when discussing Cytomel is the reason why you pyramid the dosage. The reason behind a slow build up is to help the body adjust to the increasing thyroid hormone levels and avoid sudden changes that may initiate side effects, Cytomel should really only be taken for a maximum of 6 weeks and should never be halted abruptly, the body needs time to readjust its endogenous hormone production at the conclusion of therapy, bear in mind that if you dont take it properly you can seriously fuck up your thyroid and there is no turning back, it is fucked for life. Another way to take Cytomel is to start on 25 mcg a day, this can be increased by 25 mcg every 4-7 days usually to a maximum of 75 mcg per day. Cheers, Flatpack
  14. Cheers for that Lefty, good to know it comes in the 40's. When I was last there I tried to find the injectable Clen but to no avail, I could make a fortune selling that stuff if I could get hold of it. Thailand is renowned for selling good gear in body building circles but no doubt its open to abuse but compared to the shit that is floating around the UK and USA its still probably better. I buy a lot of gear from Thailand and the best out there is anything by Bayer Scherring it really is the best you will get, the guys that I have put on it are astounded by the gains thay have made in such a short time. When your in the pharmacy just check which products have a licence, if you stick to those you wont go far wrong. Cheers
  15. Some good information and advice there espically by Lefty, but there is a number of ways of taking Clenbuterol (Clenasma) Clen is an anti-asthma medication belonging to a broad group of drugs called Sympathomimetics which affect the nervous system in a number of ways which I cant be arsed to go into. However Clen has an extremely long half life in the body which is about 36 hours long thus requiring only a single or twice daily dosing schedule. Clen directly stimulates fat cells and accelerates the breakdown of triglycerides to form free fatty acids thats why its such a popular fat loss drug. Side effects Shaky hands, insomnia, sweating, increased blood pressure and nausea, these effects will normally subside after a week or so of use. Signs of overdose include rapid breathing, blood pressure irregularities, irregular heartbeat, unconsciousness, trembling, shaking, panic, extreme restlessness and severe nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. It can be fatal. Under no circumstances take this drug if you already have high blood pressure unless you want to be in a box. Administration Usually supplied in 20mcg tablets but if you want the real deal try the injectable Clen, trouble is its like rocking horse shit to get hold of. When using the drug for physique purposes its dosage and cycling is generally tailored on personal sensitivity to its benefits and side effects. Some bodybuilders often begin on 1-2 tablets a day and gradually increase the dosage every third day by half to 1 tablet until a dosage range is established. At peak therapy some users can tolerate as many as 6-8 tablets per day (120-160mcg) however dosages like this should be approached with a great level of caution. The drug usually elevates the body temperature by .5 to 1 degree sometimes a little more this is because you body is burning excess energy largely from fat. You only take Clen for 4-6 weeks for one reason and that is because the benefits of the drug only last for a limited time and then diminish due to beta-receptor downregulation, ie your body adapts and basically tells the Clen to fuck off. You will achieve nothing by carrying on with the dosage and it should be discontinued for 4-6 weeks to let the body return to normal upon which time you can recommence the drug. Can be taken in many ways but for the best results that I have seen the following seems to work very well if combined with Cytomel T3 Week 1 – 1 Clen Week 2 – 2 Clen and 1 T3 Week 3 – 1 Clen and 2 T3 Week 4 – 1 T3 You have been given some good advice there Hound Hope this helps Regards, Flatpack
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