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Everything posted by duke007

  1. And the reason for my mellow good mood? - The return of Sonia & Kung. As they've declared an interest in starting at C & Ds tomorrow, it seemed only right to give them another Road Test - together. The proceedings were utterly depraved, but afterwards Sonia was happy to pose in some of the sexy underwear she's brought with her.
  2. Unfortunately, as the rainy season starts, so does Bogan Season - i'm in too good a mood just now to start a about these c***s
  3. Thursday 4th April A busy day, and a horribly early start for me, with a plane to catch at 8am for KL (visa run). Naturally as i had decided to drive myself to the airport rather than give the taxis any ill-gotten gains......it rained an hour before i left. hasn't rained for 10 weeks, then it decides to start just when i don't need it ! Mercifully it stopped just before i set off at 5.45, and only returned, in spades, during the evening after i had got back. I had a few hours to prepare the payroll, then off to the bar. Great to see Nicole back from looking after mum:
  4. Incidentally, it came up while we were talking to our landlord: Chiang Rai restaurant pay 250,000 a month rent !! Ffs, how can the poor bastards make a living after paying out a quarter of a million every month?? Its only a fuckin tin shed, ffs! These thai landlords make those in the uk look a load of softies. And i cunted mine out plenty of times when i had a business there! But our fat bitch (yes that's you Mrs Ruoyrin) is taking the piss
  5. A Sign of the times? My favourite steakhouse has succumbed, and up for sale. I've enjoyed many an aussie fillet steak here with BMs, such a shame to see it go.
  6. Last knockings i went for a stroll with BM emerald and we noticed plenty of freelancers back on the street including Jet and her friend. We stood admiring the rear view for a minute:
  7. Hot work doing the cabaret just now. Seya looking mysterious
  8. Even the normally white-skinned Nuoy is getting a tan. looks great on her too. I just love this pic of her.
  9. Monday Night (1st April) As i post this the gauge has finally hit 40 C ! Fuck its hot! And the island's running out of water too. Plenty of beer in the fridge though. How Pat & Kitty can bear to wear thigh boots in this heat, Gawd only knows!
  10. Finally roused her 30 minutes ago, as i have to meet the guys for a chinwag at Tootsies. Here she is, in civvies, on The Stairway to Heaven
  11. I dropped the girls off in Nanai Road and made my way back to bangla. I arrived at 2.15 to find the shutters down in all the bars and a mass exodus. 500 people leaving at the same time is just plain stupid. Apperently a big police cheese from bangkok is in town and the local BiB were showing that everything works "according to law". haha. Back to The Skylab, where shortly after arriving Tui called me and reminded me what i had promised for her birthday. "Oh yes, Happy Birthday" i said, going pale at the thought of a Third Encounter of the evening. Agreed she could come over, grabbed a sachet of Kamagra (thank God for that stuff!) and set about clearing up from the earlier session. Whilst the sex was great, Tui can sleep like only ladyboys can:
  12. A fun packed 90 minutes, although not quite as naughty as i would have liked. You know....you want one to fuck the other but it didn't happen like that and....oh well, it was great nonetheless with these two smoking hot bodies. Here they are on The Stairway to Heaven
  13. Towards the end of the show i strolled down the soi to where it meets soi Bangla, and saw Jasmine and May standing just down the road. They usually work in soi croc, so i went to find out what they were doing in the street. They explained that it was Daeng's widow's birthday party and the soi was full of loud drunken thai women. I was offered a threesome and being strong willed, i politely.....accepted!
  14. Emma in a new frock, still looking glam without make-up
  15. Saturday Night (30th March) A sweltering today with the temperatures barely drpping in the evening. It was registering 32 Deg C when i got home at 12.30 (more about that further down!)so Lord knows what it was at ground level. All the fans and cold towels were in full use last night. Well done to those that left their air conditioning to come to the bar. Here's Nam in Emma Peel mode
  16. Friday Night ( 29th March) A great sociable evening that got pretty messy at the end, as stated in my drunken ramblings earlier. So good when a bunch of BMs are in town and everybody gets along, the drinks flow, the girls get naughty, and the evening swings along with its own rhythm. I forgot to mention BM emerald (i think that's his forum name!) who brought in a box of Twinings tea. Many thanks mate, and hope you're still in one piece after barfining Miss Sex-on-Legs. After my experience with her i'll bring a big soft cushion for you tonight! Here's a few rather blurry pics. Or is it just my morning vision that's blurry?
  17. Money Night Bar which occupied our old site, finally capitulated yesterday. The staff were seen emptying the contents in the afternoon. Whilst this was a total clip joint, ripping off tourists, with their touts out in the street flapping their laminate "price lists" in front of people, and a bad advertisement for Patong/Thailand, i'm not happy that our soi has another vacancy. I think this is going to be an increasingly common sight over the next few months. Most businesses seem to scrape through last year, but they surely won't manage it again this year. And do the landlords offer any help? Do they fuck! We have appealed to ours for some assistance in either reducing the rent or allowing us to downsize the bar. Have we had a positive response? Have we fuck! So we battle on, and appeal for those few of you coming on holiday this year to help as generously as you reasonably can. Thanks.
  18. Cham & Annie waiting in vain for customers to show up Waas entertaining with a customer and looking amazing with some extra tan, acquired during this incredibly hot spell. (Its 39 deg shade temperature outside, as i write this!)
  19. Wednesday Night (27th March) A scarily quiet night, but good to see Emma looking so fit and well, and performing with gusto on stage:
  20. Seya leads the carnival, while the rest of us prepare for this weekend's British Occupation
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