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Everything posted by duke007

  1. Lots of Tootsie girls there last night (pics courtesy of Batman)
  2. Batmans post... 5-5-5-5-5-5 nice to see you do the dishing last night Jim... i bet you have soft hands today Like Jim wrote... What a party last night Beside all of the bars girls...the whole staff from Tootsie showed up helping celebrating Swaney... (pics courtesy of Batman)
  3. Posted Yesterday, 02:40 AM (Sunday 16th June) Looking forward to seeing some pictures from last night. An absolutely amazing night with the BMs in top form for Birthday Boy Swany: inmarset, farang, Bullseyemaco, Artie99us, Full German, and hartmut. Fantastic atmosphere, and so busy i barely had time to look up from my glass-washing duties. With an incredible 17 Bell Rings (yes 17, smashing the record by a wide margin!) i washed up over 300 shot glasses, to the great amusement of certain people. Thanks guys for giving the bar its best night this year so far, and for making it such fun. Oh, and happy Birthday again Swany !
  4. last pics from the party... (pics courtesy of Batman)
  5. To quote Batman "you actually have to do some work!" last night, as the bar was rocking. Very busy night, and a lot of fun. Happy Birthday Batman ! With so many cameras popping i hardly used mine, but here's a few sundry shots, including the birthday boy getting his cake:
  6. Weds 12th June...Batman's Birthday Party great party last night, all the girls were wearing their finest dresses as they apparently celebrated some stupid cartoon-hero the bar was the most busy Ive seen a long time and all seemed to enjoy the evening (pics courtesy of Batman)
  7. A few pics with kind permission from Batman4ever
  8. Tuesday 11th June Anna has just left The Skylab, but before we got down to it i told her i wanted to have a word about the make-up, and shot these 3 pictures (rather than show her this forum). I told her many guys were commenting about the overly severe eyebrows, and she should tone them down. I don't think she'll have changed them for tonight, as she doesn't have time before bar open, but it'll be interesting to see if there's a new look tomorrow. Personally it doesn't bother me, but in her best interests, i hope she takes note of your comments.
  9. It is and she didnt drink that pint, she had a sip of it but it was all mine mine mine, there are some things you cannot share with your girl
  10. Laura Lola Aom struts her stuff Patricia (x2) Parade, while wild-eyed Pat plays pool Parade rear
  11. My hearttfelt thanks to the handful of gallant customers that made it to the bar, and who were so kind to the 18 staff (yes 18!) who made the effort of coming to work in atrocious conditions, ensuring all of them got at least 1 ladydrink and a 50 baht tip ! That kind of generosity encourages their loyalty, so important in these tough times. Thanks again guys!
  12. Felt slightly smug at seeing soi crocodile deserted, and under a foot of water!
  13. Sunday Night (9th June) Took me nearly an hour to get to the bar, including a 20 minute wade down soi Sansabai, having abandoned the bike on a dry bit of land at the top. Sainamyen Road
  14. Pink with a wardrobe malfunction. All is forgiven as she brought 2 new recruits: Lola (24) and the chocolate delight, Laura (23) The interviewing process isn't complete yet, but i do like a bit of chocolate, and can report that Laura is delightful in the room - gorgeous smooth dark skin and an ample hard piece of equipment. Only a single tattoo that i could see, on her shoulder. Her "receiving" ability neeeds to improve, but that'll come soon, now that she knows what's required: Pink Lola Laura
  15. Saturday Night Welcome to Bullseyemaco who showed up bearing tea and Johnny Black
  16. Cabaret Nam Cabaret Poppy gets make-up lessons from seya
  17. Friday Night A less boring night, although the bar had emptied by 12.30 ! Farang presented Patricia with a cake, prepared for her monkey-house visit with a metal file in it! Fortunately she was already out. But it'll come in handy next time...... OH FFS, CAN'T LOAD PICTURES
  18. Nuoy, and by now the "itch that needs scratching" has become almost too much to bear. And isn't it always the way: you hold back on making your decision and you miss an opportunity. And if you act too quickly, you find another opportunity comes by and you can't take advantage?! Having agreed to take Anna home with me, Nam came on strong and was obviously up for some fun. I've never taken Nam and would have liked the chance of taking her for a spin. Then almost last knockings, Pink takes me to the dress shop just down the street, where her friend Pollar is trying some clothes. Now Pollar has the biggest tits i've ever seen on a ladyboy, and i've always wanted to rummage about in them! Alas, i've made a decision already, and i know its fatal to change horses mid race. Not that Anna wasn't great, mind. But i bet i don't get the same opportunities tonight.
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