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Posts posted by JaiDee

  1. Of course the best part is less than 10,000 troops deployed;  what person wouldn't want to see all of our brave men and women in the armed forces back home where they belong?


    The rest are just the ancillary benefits of having a democrat in the WH.


    • Upvote 2
  2. Yikes





    Texas Ranger Drops Jade Helm Bombshell: “There Are Trains With Shackles On Them”


      See, these are the trains which are coming to take away anyone who dissents, Obama and company will take them to the camps......and yes, there are hundreds of thousands of people who really believe this stuff. Hell, maybe millions.

  3. Yeah, Ted Cruz is on board for sure.....but seriously RX, there are LEGIONS of people in this country who still believe that the mean black guy is coming to take their guns, their freedoms, have sex with their sisters, install communism and sharia law, wants to turn everyone gay and is basically worse than Darth Vader and Stalin all rolled into one.


    Texas is just one state of many, basically anything below the Mason-Dixon is TEA party territory and filled with toothless goobers who really think the mean ol' gub'mint wants to take them away to some FEMA death camp.


    And you can't talk sense to them or reason with them, we can only outvote them.

  4. Walker, Texas Ranger is now involved.





    ''Chuck Norris: Don't Trust The Gov't On A Possible Military Takeover Of Texas''


    ''Some conspiracy theorists have warned that the exercise, which is set to take place later this year in Texas and six other western states, may lead to a covert takeover of some of those states. Last week, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott ® ordered the State Guard to monitor the operation.''

  5. OK, I will try to keep this brief because if it got too long it would turn most people off.


      But it turns out there are some going to be some kind of war games being played by the US Army down there in good ol' Texas -  AKA, hell on earth.  So the army is preparing for said exercises, and before they can even get their shit down there they already have blowback.


      See, the good ol' boys down there in the Worst state in the Nation think this is Obama's chance to come in and create Martial Law. And of course they have their hunting rifles and believe in the 2nd amendment, damn it! and will not allow this Kenyan Muslim to come in and take over the country starting in Balstrup county!  So they are pushing back; and now even the Governor - yes, the chief executive, and of course an {R} - is getting involved, by calling up the Texas State Guard to kind of watch over the federal troops to make sure they don't put us all under their federal jackboots.


         It's true, there really are people this paranoid, crazy and dumb in this country. Thankfully [some of them] live in a state I wouldn't go to if you paid me.



    Texas Governor Deploys State Guard To Stave Off Obama Takeover


    "Your letter pandering to idiots ... has left me livid," former state Rep. Todd Smith wrote Gov. Abbott. "I am horrified that I have to choose between the possibility that my Governor actually believes this stuff and the possibility that my Governor doesn't have the backbone to stand up to those who do."

    • Upvote 2
  6. Seems his family can only raise a fraction of what's needed and have even sold off his vehicles and anything else they can to raise the cash.  I am sure if most of us had the same thing happen to us there would be people back home trying to raise the cash, but 100K is a lot. Methinks the families of the victims will drop that price by maybe half, but not for a long time.  He also has his own hospital bills to pay, plus a room and food, maybe a plane ride home, etc.....


    The funding page is only at 13K, still has a ways to go.


    Looks like his very first night on holiday he got tanked, drove, and hit another bike. Tragic way to start and end your vacation all at the same time.

  7. The stooges' firm was similar, if not the exact same.


    How about this one; some cute lady [dame?] is stuck on the side of the road in her vehicle, in the mud.


    She says "I am in a terrible dilemma."


    Moe - "yeah, I don't care much for these foreign cars either."

  8. Took this photo while on that road.....too bad it was so cloudy,  but you can clearly see the Himalayas in the distance; I was probably 50 or 60 miles from Mt. Everest at this point.


      In my shadow you can see my winter hat and bulky clothes, it was bloody cold!  Probably 10C or so.





  9.  but the roads are filled with debris & they are walking back to the nearest big town




       From what I have seen and experienced, the roads over there are rough to travel on even in the best of times. Can't even imagine what they are going through now, especially in the very remote areas.


      I once took my 'cycle and left out of Bhaktapur in the morning, headed East......the yellow road on the map was fine, albeit a little windy, and paved....just north of Panchkal I took that road in the white, headed north and figured I'd just do the loop back to Bhaktapur; took me about 6 hours  LOL......on a good road it would have been one or 2, but those curvy, high-altitude dirt roads were insanely bad. 


    Most people just walk because the roads suck and frankly no one has enough green to own a bike or a car.


    • Upvote 1
  10. True, and while I don't have a story THAT bizarre, myself and PD know a German guy named...... Adolph.  And he was born in 1961; who the hell would name their boy Adolph just 16 years after that weirdo almost destroyed their country?


     He goes by the name Addi, I never really made the connection until I saw his passport.

  11. Is it Volgograd?   Not certain.


    Archie got it!


    Reading a great book right now called Enemy at the Gates, about the siege of Stalingrad in 1942-43, also made into a movie with Jude Law in 2000.  It was Volgograd before Stalin was in power and took that name back after that lunatic died.

  12. If you've ever been to Bhaktapur in eastern Nepal this video will strike home for you.  I stayed for 3 weeks in a little guest house just steps from where this was shot.


    This was taken the second of the actual, 7.9 earthquake last week.


    Even if you haven't you can see the damage done to Shangri-La, tragic.



  13. I think it only works with young people jaidee....the 1st foto isubmitted put me down at 6 years younger than i actually am......yesss!feeling very pleased with myself ,i submitted another foto,which guessed my age at 15 years older than i am!!!.....i should have quit while i was ahead....story of my life i suppose 555

    edit:....or should i say...it only works with good looking people...!


       I found a photo of myself with 2 Ladyboys in Hong Kong in 2006; they had me at 50 {I was 43} and they had the 2 girls I was with as 13 and 14 respectively!  I mean, I know these Thai people look young but come on.....


    So obviously not spot on, but they get it close at times. The three ladyboys I entered above, they were either dead on or just off by a year for all 3 of 'em.

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