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Lord Snooty

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  1. In terms of the actual bush, Talisha had an annoying habit of shaving her pubes. I seldom got a good shot of the full black hairy mass. Despite having a well-earned reputation for gruffness and tempestuous behaviour, she was actually a sweetie when away from the bar and the bright lights. On a couple of occasions I took her around town during an afternoon, getting city shots before we ended up with a conventional shoot, and she was always up for it at a time when, possibly, she may have been happier sleeping. On one occasion I remember, on a stinking hot afternoon, she overheated and we had to duck into a cafe for rehydration. Many ladyboys would have given up at that point, but she quickly recovered and carried on smiling. On another occasion I had collected her for a shoot at a friend's apartment. I had the use of the place whenever he wasn't there. We arrived, only to find that all three elevators were out of action. "What floor?" Talisha asked. I looked at her in dismay. "Sixteen," I said. "Come on," she replied, and we walked up. That was a set where I lay on the floor when she was shooting a load, and it went all over me and the camera lens. I think there may have been just a touch of revenge there.
  2. I had been rather disconcerted when Rom emailed me and told me I was dead. I did a quick check of my pulse (one can never be too careful), and was able to reassure him I was still alive. Phew! I don't know how the rumour spread. There was a well-known artist living in Key West who used the name Captain Outrageous, and he had passed away in, I think, 2008. So that was a long time back. Maybe it was because I had stopped updating the site. I had reluctantly come to the conclusion that it was healthier for me to stop, when the military government came to power. They started out with a crackdown on all kinds of farang activity. Doing what I was doing was illegal, and I had already had too many scares. Everyone knew where I lived. I decided I preferred to sleep soundly at night. I had first met Rom in the early days of the site, when he had emailed me and wondered if we could meet, and so we met up in the lobby of the Nana Hotel, which is just opposite Nana Plaza. It's a big lobby with plenty of seating, and pretty good if you want to have a conversation that you would prefer remained private. Meeting Rom, I realised that here was someone who, if humanly possible, was even more obsessed by the fair third sex than I was; perhaps it was the way his eyes spun in their sockets, and sparks came out of his head, when the word 'ladyboy' was mentioned. He began to send me emails of his adventures in ladyboyland, not just in Thailand but other destinations too, and quite frankly some of them made me look like a vicar. I started a blog at third-sex.org. It is still online, but I don't update it or monitor for comments. When I suggested that some of his adventures be put into the public domain, as they were far too entertaining to be kept to myself, he was at first a little modest. That lasted for about five minutes. Then he began to send me the real-life stories. To say I was impressed would be to put it mildly. We decided to give this rampant maniac a name, and thus Sargent Shameless was born. Shameless is as shameless does. I don't mind telling you, there were times I blushed. Also, I felt envious. He was getting more than I was. The Sargent's adventures remain online: I recommend a sedative if you wish to read them. These were the good old days. I wish sometimes I was still taking the photographs, but it had become an industrial process. I was limited for shooting locations, and greatly disturbed by stories of photographers being prosecuted and then ejected from the country - this was even before the military coup. Shooting in hotels had become a worry. I had had several instances of blackmail from models who were getting themselves into trouble with the law, usually over drugs. There was one ladyboy who was on drugs and who was so desperate for money that she and a group of her friends would hang around outside the reception area of my apartment block, waiting for me to come out so they could hit me up for funds. It is quite a respectable building (even with me in it), and this was doing my reputation no good at all. The building management knew what I was doing, but they had until then turned a blind eye. But it could not go on. So, reluctantly, the Captain, although not killed off, was put quietly into storage.
  3. You were lucky to survive. Those who were fucked by the Lady Talisha tended to stay fucked. As for acting as my assistant, you wouldn't believe the offers I had! Actually, my maid was a remarkably effective assistant for the shoots I did at home and in a couple of neighbouring apartments. Her own son was a ladyboy (not a very successful one, although I shot several sets), and he became a very efficient scout for me. So, we kept it in the family.
  4. Here are a few pix from the first set I shot of Schoolgirl O. She was still Aon at that time. She was astonishingly beautiful, the kind of girl you could happily take home to Mom. There was only one tiny little blemish, a miniature birthmark on the end of her nose. When I first noticed it I thought it was a bogie, and politely approached her with a wetted finger. "No!", she said "Natural!" The hormonal breasts were the best I have ever seen, but of course the female hormones did their work elsewhere, and there was only a faint spattering of cum. Interestingly (one does develop these interests in the human anatomy when one photographs so many naked people), she was able to open out her bottom hole into a perfect round 'O' shape, as per the final two pix here, taken from a much later set.
  5. Here are some photos I shot of Talisha before I got started on taking full sets. I was just trying the new camera out. They are early evening shots, with only an offset flash, and so the quality is not good - I was seeing how far I could push the camera in limited light. The Lady Talisha had at that time yet to have a boob job, and she wasn't shaving her pubes. I much preferred the big black bush. She also had a very neat, compact little bottom, a feature that tended to be overlooked in light of what was available on the front side. Incidentally, it was during one of these photo sessions that she managed to cum into my eye. It stung like the blazes, and next day I looked like Dracula. She had only limited English, but she progressed very quickly as her fame increased. I'm happy that I met her at that time, before she went on to be an internet star, and we remained good friends for years, until I lost track of her.
  6. Por was an absolute sweetheart, and like Rom says, I never could understand why she worked in a crappy little bar like Pinocchio. But they always had a couple of ladyboys on the payroll, and over the years they had some lookers. So maybe they paid well. Por was an early model, and I'm happy that I got to her before the hormones did their work, and she was still able to shoot a full, creamy load. She was also a thoroughly decent, level-headed person - helpful, a good person to talk with, and always good company. I really did like her.
  7. Hah! I had to look up what 'fluffer' means! So young, so naive. There was sometimes a little encouragement needed, just a leetle tweak to get things into the right position, just a teensy little stimulation for the camera, but I always checked with the model first if she was okay about it, and I never pawed them. I always treated them with the greatest of respect, which I think was appreciated. And I speak conversational Thai, so I was always able to say nice things about their appearance, and to crack jokes. Taking photographs of that kind, I always felt a degree of detachment. I never had the inclination to throw the camera to one side and throw myself upon the model. It was business, and mutual trust in that we both wanted to get the best result. If I liked the model (and I quite often did), I would arrange a rerun without the camera. As for those photographers who insisted on inserting themselves into the frame, I always found those pictures disgusting. The last thing I ever wanted to see was someone's hairy beer-belly intruding into my fantasy.
  8. Thanks for posting this. I have now read it all - he certainly goes into detail. I had never met up with JaiDee, but I knew of him of course, and would frequently come across his footprints when I was lining up my own models. In those early days we certainly were out on a frontier. And it was difficult to market the sites. These days it would be far easier, but paradoxically perhaps the market itself has diminished because of all the free stuff available.
  9. The great Talisha was, to coin a phrase, outstanding. She had been discovered by one of the Grooby photographers, who did a brief set. I immediately went to Casanova in search of her, and she became a good friend. She would come to my apartment on Rama III Road about lunchtime, and stay until the evening. In those days she was drainpipe thin, and had bad skin - the latter probably due to the fact her lunch invariably consisted of sticky buns bought from 7-Eleven. I actually paid for her to have a boob job, as she was terrified of being conscripted into the army, during the annual lucky draw. My concern was for the troops. Hers still remains the most spectacular cock I have ever seen, for although I have seen a few bigger ones, the size and shape, with that enormous glans like a fireman's helmet, combines size with beauty. Another favourite was Schoolgirl O, whose name was actually Aon. I had taken a set of her under the Aon name, and then had the idea of making her a schoolgirl for future sets. She was one of the most naturally beautiful people I have ever photographed. Perfect skin. I asked her once if she had ever had any cosmetic surgery, and she promptly squashed her face and nose into the kind of positions that could not be achieved had she been pumped full of silicon. She had the most perfect hormonal breasts: most genetic girls would have been proud to have a set like that. The corollary was that she sometimes found it difficult to get a stiff one. On one shoot, she said she would like to try Viagra, to see if that improved things. She hadn't tried it before. I was a bit wary, but she was over 18, and so I gave her a half tab. Well, it worked. And next morning she rang me, cock still hard, and hissed down the phone: "Not gone away yet!!" As to sexual favours, going into a ladyboy bar would be embarrassing, as they would flock around; and it would be easy to inadvertently ignore or upset several of them. But of course I got nothing that wasn't available to any john - it was just in a huge volume.
  10. In the old days, as far as my experience went, shaving or trimming pubes was a comparative rarity. And then suddenly I was seeing a whole lot of elegantly shaved pubis. It might well have had something to do with the girls seeing themselves pictured for the first time. Or maybe it was just that, suddenly, there were a whole lot more ladyboys than ever before, and that they were starting out younger, and that a certain amount of groupthink was involved. Or maybe they were trying to look as young as possible. Or maybe it was just the hot weather. Personally, as a connoisseur of pubic hair, I have always been disappointed at seeing it shaved off.
  11. I get the blame for everything! But seriously, if my photos had such a profound effect on you, then I honestly am humbled. I was only someone with a camera, trying to capture a beauty and eroticism that I saw, but which few at the time were able to see and appreciate. Only the internet and the digital camera made it all possible: were it not for the development of affordable digital cameras, certainly, ladyboys would have continued being regarded as a joke. I well remember when I first set eyes on a ladyboy, in Singapore's Bugis Street in 1980, I had no idea what I was looking at, or why I felt so deeply attracted. I had no interest at all in men, and in fact I was married. But there was this exotic, erotic beauty, and it took my breath away in the same way the sight of an attractive girl would had done when I was an adolescent. Photographing ladyboys, 20 years later, became utterly absorbing. The early photo sets could be rough, owing to my lack of experience at indoor photography, but as I gained experience and bought studio lights, I was able to use a little more imagination in the setups. Thank you for your comment.
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