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blind boy grunt

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Posts posted by blind boy grunt

  1. 39 minutes ago, Quietguy said:

    I should return to Jomtien Hospital on Friday to take test.

    sunday QG? it was said last night.

    yup... give those test bollocks to me, i'll take care of them.

    43 minutes ago, Quietguy said:

    and upload photo of result on my phone. I've no idea how to do that.

    i guess she just means take a photo- which will automatically be saved in wherever photo's are saved in your iphone

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  2. saw him last night!

    actually, i saw him coming from 100 metres away. Strangely, his mask arrived 15 seconds before the rest of him did. I've never seen one quite like it. I thought it must have been designed by Boeing or the people who built Concorde. I'm still unsure if he hadn't stolen it from an Ant-Eater. Honestly i felt like a Bowery bum with my bit of old rag that i've been using for the past year.

    But, good to see the old boy again. Looking well he was, what bit could be seen anyway.

    And along came PD! I wondered what him and QG would talk about [ i should have known really....]

    Ho-hum, somehow their conversation turned to Covid, and then bizarrely French Kissing with Covid. I dunno about Quinn but i was baffled, i thought they were talking about doing strange things with Alain Breizh. Luckily Al wasn't there. After a graphic demonstration of French kissing by PD. Teya and Emmy starting a betting school laying odds as to whether Quinn or i would be the first to throw ourselves under a passing tuk-Tuk. I could see Quinn getting noticeably greener and i guess that i was too.

    but, being as Emmy in QGs honour was playing some country music for him, no tuk-Tuk drivers or indeed any vehicles at all were coming anywhere near.

    We live another day Quinn.


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  3. 1 hour ago, Pdoggg said:

    We'll have a grand ole time talking about masks, hosses, and hazmat suits!   B)

    there's loads you can talk about,...  loads, you can even put QGs favourite things together..  Here's one for you..."QG, how has Covid affected Country and Western music?"


    Grunt.. "Yawn"..

    Everybody in the bar..."Yawn"..

    QG. ."Well , it's been terrible PD, statistics show that 100s of 1000s of people are no longer listening to C/W. It's sad, some great new stuff out recently too.. here's one i'll sing for ya! this is by 'Dolly Saddles' she's from Oklahoma"

    'My momma got corona, My Papa did too.

    My sister Fiona, she went out a - shopping

    to a place near the zoo.

    she got ravaged by a rampant Gorilla

    with a booster shot he did fill her"

    sing along PD!

    Covid and delta and Omicron.

    it killed my fambly

    now they are gone"


    ya cain't beat a spot of C/W.....





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  4. sometimes you get lucky..

    i suspect not a well known song nowadays, but i was thinking about it [the song] this morning, as i liked it way back when, and decided to see if it was on youtube, and lo and behold it was indeed.

    added bonus! David McWilliams was Northern Ireland born.

    The Days of Pearly Spencer.

    And if Quinn tells me that he used to sing it in folk clubs. i'm gonna hit him...


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  5. all it is JSG is pure unnecessary panic from the Thai's.. They are not difficult to brainwash..

    it is all very ridiculous indeed. One bar probably  stuck a notice on the wall so others followed suit. All are confused by the constant mish-mash of petty rules and regulations announced by every person who loves to get his name in the papers.  All this bullshit about 100s of 1000s with omicrud in Pattaya is just that.. bullshit and fear-mongering.

    oh my god! Talking about scaremongering...QGs on his way today.... PD! are you a-coming to meet him? what will you both talk about?....


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  6. 3 hours ago, JustSumGai said:

    ok,  here's my question...what's the proof of having an ATK within, what is it? 3 days? If you buy a test kit, run it and show positive do you have to carry the damn thing around with you for the next 3 days or what? Clearly any paper copy might be faked, but maybe they don't care? Take photo of it with your camera? but then who's to know that was YOUR test? As usual the regulation comes with many more questions than answers.

    as far as i understand it all JSG. it's not up to you to prove anything at all. It seems that when you go in some bars the staff or boss does the test, [whatever an ATK may be] and they keep the result for when you go to the bar again. it also seems that if you have a jibby-jabby phone they will copy a picture of the result to you if you want one.

    so, it's the bars responsibility to check, not yours to provide proof.

    i imagine all this nonsense would get pretty wearing if you are a bar hopper type. I don't know about Pattaya itself but here in Jomty most bars have their regulars  so once checked that's it for 3 days.. or maybe forever...

    noticed last night that already the 'you must be checked to come in here' signs are beginning to go.


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  7. 46 minutes ago, Woodie said:

    Mmmm, maybe the girl that went to work in Seven Eleven, then the Middle East. Maybe???

    Woodie Woodie Woodie...  way off the mark! here's a picture clue ... and the kittens trying on their new outfits for when he mosey's into Emmy's..



  8. 4 minutes ago, Cherjam said:

    I've seen no police activity and enjoying my special coffee out of a mug after 9pm

    i haven't seen any either. certainly none at Emmy's.

    whatever is happening give it a few days and as ever it will stop.


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  9. it's hard work sometimes! i thought that you [quinn] had been checked by your soi 7 bar? and that they were checking all customers? i.e it's the bars responsibility to check, not the customers responsibility to be checked.

    and that check is valid in that bar for 72 hours?

  10. as far as i understand it , but i think that Quinn knows more than me, it is not the customers as such being checked by the police, who are really checking that the bars are conforming to the  latest insanity rules. i.e a customer goes in the bar and is checked and the bar owner/manager keeps the record. the customer can have a copy if he wants one but doesn't have to keep one.


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  11. firstly welcome to Emmy's club, BMs Sexy69 and Vikon.

     a strange night last night pre-livestream.

    Emmy and pals entertaining us with a sing- a- song.

    followed by a certain moderator [no names but it wasn't Bumblebee] also singing. Which is when it became obvious that Elvis is still alive.

    followed by the same mod [not Bumblebee] upon seeing Teya emerge in her nurse uniform, started steaming from his ears, gazed into her eyes, held her hand and said " Teya, i would happily get covid if you would come and look after me wearing that uniform!"

    i assume that he meant that she should wear the outfit, not him. But, you never know.

    unbelievable! that he should say that... but it's true, Quinn heard him and was gobsmacked. Just to prove it, Quinn has signed a witness statement..



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  12. 1 hour ago, Pdoggg said:

    It's everywhere. 

    stop frightening Cowpoke! how do you know it's everywhere? you never go out... nowadays if people have the slightest sniffle then they have covid..  are they buying dodgy 7-11 test kits for 90 baht or whatever? actually probably no dodgier than the kits the professionals use, thinking about it.

    What is happening with people?.. how many cold viruses have people of our age lived through in their lives?

    dear god almighty!

    young Quinn had a 3-4 day bug recently, did he blab on about omicrud? no he didn't, just did as all most of us always did, stayed in and recovered naturally.

    Anyway Cowpoke, don't you worry, T.C.S.G... The Cowpoke Support Group, understanding that you are definitely coming have sprung into action! yes, we are here for you!

    relax QG! forget all the scaremongering stuff... already the group have nearly finished building a secret tunnel from the basement of your condo block to hopefully emerge via a shaft hidden behind Emmy's bar. We'll keep you safe! It's wide enough that you can wear the hazmat suit too! but unfortunately you'll have to leave the hoss behind.

    I say hopefully because it's a bit hard underground to tell which way we are heading. Being truthful you could just as easily emerge on Koh Larn i guess, but fingers crossed....


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  13. 3 hours ago, seven said:

    I had a text today from a ladyman in Pattaya: 

    “All people on Pattaya get covid

    Ladyboy on the street get covid All

    Pattaya big problem

    U see Pattaya new Get covid a a lot

    All my friends get covid

    Now full hospital"

    Take that, BBG :biggrin: ( don’t tell QG).

     a thai sneezes or  coughs.. they have covid.

    well remember a few weeks back, one thai telling me that "Tiger has covid she got it yesterday!" i was riding along beach road to go home, Tiger and her mates happily dancing around on the sands.....


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