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Emmy Emmy

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Everything posted by Emmy Emmy

  1. My christmas tree. We are ready for the Christmas party.
  2. ok. No problem. As long as you still come to us and don't disappear, we're happy.
  3. Yessss, After 2am we moved inside the bar. Drinking and dancing until 8 a.m. Very drunk and very fun How do you know?
  4. My bar usually opens at 5 p.m. But if last night it closed very late. Might as well open the bar a little late. Why do you ask?
  5. Oh, you probably have to wait for Pdoggg to fix it. @Pdoggg, come here.
  6. I've also had this problem. But after about 3-4 days I was able to click likes normally.
  7. Last night we had Moon's birthday party with Mind. and Teya dancing, it was so much fun. received_765715708708555.mp4 received_669596731718243.mp4
  8. Hello everyone! I would like to invite you to join us for opening party of Emmy's bar in Jomtien soi 2 Friday 8th December 07.00pm-02.00am. Cold beer, Free food, Emmy's kittens, no karaoke
  9. You can use the room now. Last night the room was used 4 times.
  10. Tonight, Short Time Room is finished and ready to serve. Who will be the first? Come on. The girls are waiting for you. Bar fine price includes room above bar 400 baht
  11. Teya, Pla and May wait you at Emmy bar tonight. Let's have fun.
  12. Update the status of the Short time Room. The walls and doors are now complete. Next will be painting work, laying carpet on the floor, and buying furniture. and improve the bathroom It is expected to be completed within 1 week.
  13. Good idea, maybe I'll do as you suggest. Thanks for your advice Rom.
  14. Thank you very much for the information. I'm looking at a reasonable price for a bar fine including short room, maybe 300. baht if customers use my short room and 500 baht if the customer takes My kitten went somewhere else. But I haven't decided yet.
  15. I would like to ask everyone, how much should I charge for bar fine and short time room rates? Has anyone ever used the service elsewhere? How much is the price? Please advise me. Thank you
  16. My bar is almost complete. Thank you to everyone who came to visit and Spend money at my bar. Welcome everyone.
  17. I have a Short time Room in the next building, price 300 baht for 2 hours, can be used temporarily until my Short time Room above the bar is finished decorating.
  18. I've never been to a weed shop because I don't like weed. It made me very drunk. And very horny too
  19. Yes, I will do the same as Katty Bar before. If I can.
  20. Breaking news: Tonight will be the last night of my bar in Jomtien Soi 3. Tomorrow I have to move the bar to Soi 2. Tomorrow night I might open a bar in Jomtien Soi 2 if I can. You can sit and drink, there's music to listen to, there's a toilet, there's cold beer, there's a lovely Lady Boy taking care of you. But the pool table will be moved to Saturday the 11th. Short rooms and rental rooms will be built later. See you tonight or at the new bar. Emmy
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