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Posts posted by pacman

  1. The piano player for Bette is Barry Manilow.


    Congratulations Hefe.


    That question was actually for Sam....          :obscene:


    Thanks for the description of Barry, he sounds like an old camp whacko....          :unsure:

  2. The Continental Baths in the basement of the Ansonia Hotel were a gay bath house from what I read. 


    And many artists performed there, some for the first time. Bette was one & she had a piano player backing her.


    Who was he?

  3. 3 bands from three different Countries ... anyone know any of the home countries..


    No idea but I'll take a guess  -  in no particular order, Finland, Denmark & Germany. 


    (Now I have to hope I'm not right....   you know why)

  4. I hate to say it but if the police know the guy & they learn he or she has stolen something valuable, they aren't interested in helping you, they will just go around & take it themself. I never thought that until I experienced it. And our corruption levels are not as bad as LOS or the UK. Or so I'm told.


    The police stealing from the thieves, how can a crime get any better than that? There's no victim to complain & there's no one to investigate. Perfect.

  5. Yeah, the ''mildly successful'' was kind of meant as a joke, should've clarified


    I know the humour well, it's something we do all the time. You caught me by unprepared.


    Completely off-topic, imagine my surprise when I discovered Issan girls share the same ironic sarcastic style humour that I do. They all knew when I was joking & most of them played along with the gag. Some of the funniest girls I've ever met.

  6. That would be one Mick Fleetwood.


    Of course! However I wouldn't describe Fleetwood Mac as "mildly successful". You got us with that one JD. I will be more wary...        :wacko:

  7. Hint; the band has his name in the title.


    The only English bands from that era I can remember who were named after their drummer were the Dave Clarke Five & Manfred Mann. 


    I wouldn't call either "mildly successful" but of the two I would suggest Manfred Mann.

  8. Earlier we had a question about Angus & Malcom Young from AC/DC, but what about their older brother George who produced their early hit albums?


    What band was he in that had a big international hit in the mid-60s? Or what was the name of that song?


    Hint: Everybody's working for the weekend (not the name of the song)


    George Young along with Harry Vanda formed the Easybeats & the song you remember is Friday On My Mind. They wrote many major hits as well as mentoring AC/DC. Vanda & Young are rock & roll royalty in Australia.

    • Upvote 1
  9. I had something put into my beer a few years back while in JennyStarBar with Petesie. I remember going there, I remember being asked what I wanted to drink, I really don't remember much else. I only had a mouthful or so before I had to get outside. The next thing I remember was waking up in the Penthouse with someone next to me who I have no recollection of talking to.


    Apparently I went back to Ezy Bar (it was a long time ago), friends thought I was drunk, somehow I was able to walk the few hundred metres back to Soi 13/1. I was out cold for 13 hours & when I woke I had no memory of anything after Walking Street. I do recall the bar was so busy that my beer was passed through several sets of hands before I got it. I suspect something was dropped into the bottle while it was being handed over. In fact, I am sure that's what must have happened.


    It was very scary & I am so glad the other party hadn't tried to rob me. She wasn't my type at all & was happy to go after I gave her some money.

    • Upvote 1
  10. Yes. And the Big Bopper's real name was what? What was his biggest hit?


    Chantilly Lace.


    What was Richie Valens' big hit inspiring a famous bar name?


    Seven is correct.

  11. Earlier in this thread we mentioned Buddy Holly and the Crickets. Holly died in a plane crash. Who were the other two rock artists on the plane who died with him on that fateful night? 


    Richie Valens & the Big Bopper.

  12. Blind Faith & G....?


    Sam answered in Post 172. Unfortunately he got the first name wrong, he called them Bad Faith.....         :mad0261:


    You'll kick yourself after I tell ya.  :biggrin:


    "Bad Faith" and "Go"


    As for the second band in his question, who the fuck is Go?


    There's another band I've never heard of. This is not doing my street cred any good at all....        :(


    Sam, at least I've still got all my hair.....            :movethatass:

  13. Nice try Sam but I've met you & I can tell you you're not short enough & not fat enough to fall into Little Stevie's category.


    Sorry to hear about your hair, any idea where it went?         8P

  14. Lillyhammer , Norway unless you meant Sopranos


    Correct the first time. (He wasn't the lead in the Sopranos & we know which country that was made in.)


    Watching Van Zant in Lillyhammer, it seems unimaginable this old guy, short & fat would even own a Springsteen album let alone get out on stage for three hours every night to play guitar with the band.


    Few things surprise me but I must say that did.

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