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Posts posted by pacman

  1. Don't know the song....


    OMG Hefe, your education is sorely lacking. As soon as the questions are answered, someone should post the clip. 


    I can remember when EVERY bar & club in Thailand played the song every hour at full volume. I can also remember dancing so hard to it that sweat was spinning off my head. That was in the disco in the Hotel Nana, then a very smart establishment, with the most beautiful Thai dancing partner. 


    We retired to my room for some horizontal folk dancing after...          :hot:

  2. Oh, sorry. Well, lets see if i remember correct. I haven't seen this movie in 20+ years. The guys were discussing band names, as they didn't have one, and one  came up with Smell the Glove after some sleazy porn mag, he read. It was very sexist and not  very political correct( that wasn't invented back then), i think the image was a woman on a leash smelling a mans glove over her face. I'm not sure, but this is how i recall it. 

    Really, check it out, paccers, the irony and sarcasms will not be lost on you  :biggrin:


    Sounds good but I still don't know which band almost used the name. Which guys were discussing band names? 


    Don't forget I haven't seen the movie....         <_<

  3.  My favorite guy in all of America is Bernie Sanders, an independent from Vermont.  Looks like he will be running in 2016, but he really has no chance.   Damn shame.


    I don't know anything about Bernie Sanders. I will keep my eyes open for his name to come up. If he talks sense it is bound to come up. Interested observers outside America are always keen to talk up American politicians who come across as sensible.


    The last guy who received that treatment was Ron Paul. I really got to like his no-nonsense approach.


    Is Bernie anything like him?

  4. Interesting information about fluoride. All the water supply in Australia is fluoridated & Australian children haven't been found to be disadvantaged because of it. And there are people monitoring it, there are a few here who think it is a terrible idea.


    There was one town council in Queensland who voted against adding fluoride to the city water supply. They were shown to have the worst teeth in Australia. Kids had teeth rotting out of their head, there was nowhere else anywhere in Australia who had teeth anywhere like it.


    There was a revolt by the parents who overwhelmingly voted to have the council's decision reversed. 


    It will be a very long time before any other council ever gets the idea to ban fluoride from their local water supply. At least not any time this century.

  5. Nope, Not Michael Winner.


    Mind you the answer may not be that simple. 


    Sams's tradition of giving clues reveals the answer. 


    Read his last post, even the silly people will get it.

  6. Of course. Danny Boyle who went on to direct one of my all-time favourite films  -  Slum Dog Millionaire. And he also directed the opening for the London Olympics. 


    I am trying to think of the name of a dead director. Sadly I don't think I know who it is.

  7. Thanks Hefe. It is a movie that is referred to & talked about so often that I feel I know it but somehow I missed it. 


    I will make the effort whenever I next see it programmed. I should order it but I never seem to get around to watching DVDs.


    Some movies rise above their place in time & become entrenched in the popular culture. Spinal Tap is such a film.

  8. A deceased film director made them famous.


    Did he direct Trainspotting? This question rings a very vague bell but like Hefe, I have the answer buried somewhere back in the deep recess of my mind.


    I know I read once about a band taking their name from a Bowie song. But that's all I can recall. Damn it.

  9. I think we all know the story of Pheidippides who ran from Marathon to Athens but that isn't the question. JaiDee wants to know how did the word 'Marathon' come about.


    And I don't think the ancient Greeks recorded how they arrived at the names of their cities & towns.


    Or have I got it wrong again?         :biggrin:  

  10. OMG. I haven't heard this yet but it will be all over the news by now.


    Phil Rudd was kicked out of the band in 1983 & moved to New Zealand. He re-joined in 1994. I bet the band wishes they left him in New Zealand if this proves to be true.

  11. I was going to say Clint Eastwood. I have a vague memory he met the guys when they were starting out. Or maybe it was when they broke up, did he have anything to do with them getting back together? 


    That's a rhetorical question, I don't have the answer but if anyone does they are welcome to tell us.


    What band was almost called Smell the glove?


    I've never, ever heard of this but if the band are well known today, how about a hint before you give us the answer?


    Cheers....           :hi:

  12. Is anyone still following Homeland? I thought it turned really weird three episodes back when Carrie seduced the young medical student. I still don't know why she went the whole way with the guy, they could have dreamt up a better plot complication than something that unimaginable in real life.


    And after last night's episode, I don't know if it is even going to be significant. Great scene at the end where a little Taliban justice was meted out.


    I will stick with it & see where it goes. Brilliant move taking Saul hostage. IMO.        :hi:

  13. Doc Pomus?


    I had never heard of him till the weekend when he featured in a doco I saw. I don't know if he wrote these songs but he wrote a hell of a lot for many artists. 

  14. Wasn't there a member of Jefferson who had a liver transplant? Was it this guy? If not, who was he? And didn't he die? 


    Sorry for being morbid but that's all I can remember about the band. 

  15. Yeah that's right Sam, those Poms are such a happy-go-lucky lot while those miserable Irishmen have never made a joke in their life....     :biggrin:


    Meanwhile in the real world...............................         :flirt2:

  16. Sam, did not have an answer. :-(


    Come on Sam. After my faux pas with Paul Anka you might have expected me to come back with a Barry Manilow question.


    One good turn & all that...         :hi:

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