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Posts posted by pacman

  1. The Newsroom was an HBO series that ended just recently after 2 1/2 seasons. A lot of it was like this video: smart to the point of smugness & nobody was ever at a loss for quick witty repartee containing instant recall of exact dates & facts in a very artificial manner. It had a tendency to go off into liberal monologues like this a bit too often & was 50% comedy & 50% drama, an uncomfortable mix to me. Excellent cast & good writing otherwise, I felt it hit stride the last season but that turned out to be only 3-4 episodes. OTOH it was far better than 98% of the other crap on the boob tube. 


    Smart to the point of smugness with quick witty repartee! Sounds good to me. 


    I would not have recognised it as a "liberal monologue" but if the alternative takes the opposing view, then put me down as a liberal. Thanks for that Hefe, I will look out for the series if & when it ever gets to the Antipodes.

  2. Beginning scene of the new HBO series The Newsroom explaining why America's Not the Greatest Country Any Longer... But It Can Be.


    The above line accompanies the clip on Youtube. I don't know the program but the link was posted June 26 2012. Did the program go to air? Is it still on?


    Also, I can't play the clip from here, I get a message saying it has been disabled for playing on "other websites". You will have to open Youtube to watch it I guess.

  3. I've been following the story & it all appeared cut & dried until a recent update. Just prior to the plane going off the air, the pilot requested an "unusual route change".


    I don't know the significance of this but it will lead to speculation of another hi-jacking....   just saying.....        :hi:

    • Upvote 1
  4. In Asia is the price of gold jewelry based only on the current price of gold?




    In other words if I bought a gold chain today, could I sell it at some other shop tomorrow for let's say 90% of what I paid for it?


    90% is about right, it varies from country to country, shop to shop. But it is 90% of today's gold price, not of the price you paid for it. If gold has gone up since you bought it, you've done well. If it went down, bad luck.


    And the gold price has taken an absolute hammering in the past few years. It's all being manipulated by the Wall Street banks & Hedge Funds in a quid pro quo deal with the Federal Reserve to keep gold down in order to prevent the collapse of the US dollar. The only way they can do it is by short selling the Gold ETF (Exchange Traded Funds) where no actual metal changes hands. If anyone wants to close out their ETF contract for actual gold, they get charged an extra 50+%. Or they were, I don't think anyone will give them gold for a paper contract anymore. When the shit hits the fan, those ETF pieces of paper won't be worth anything.


    As for the Thais & others, they find the gold price useful for setting the price of their jewellery. Hasn't anyone noticed it is odd that the gold shops in Asia can sell their gold jewellery for the gold price? I first questioned this many years ago. It was obvious that they couldn't be buying their gold at the same price. And it turns out they don't. I was sitting in a gem dealers shop talking about something I wanted made, he told me he couldn't get started on it till the 'man' showed up who he bought his gold from.


    "What man?" I asked. My colleague smiled & said nothing. Turns out it is all gold sold on the black market for cash, bought from itinerant, uneducated gold miners who operate all the way across northern Africa, through the Middle East right up to the Ural Mountains in Russia. Tens of thousands of them who have never heard of the "gold price", they just wait for the guy to turn up to buy whatever they have for cash. Somehow this gold finishes up in all the workshops & souks of the Middle East, Pakistan, India, Thailand & god-knows where else.


    100's of tonnes of gold bought & sold without any royalties or taxes paid on it in a network so sophisticated they can smuggle millions of dollars worth into India alone every year. My best guess as to who's behind it is the Russian mafia, all I know is they kill anyone who tries to interfere in their operation.

    • Upvote 2
  5. I first heard about the behaviour of the razor blade companies nearly 40 years ago. And it came from an engineer who had worked alongside those involved. And it isn't confined to Gillette, they all do it. 


    Based on my personal experience it is 100% true, new razor products shave so much better than the one you previously bought. After a year or two they are no longer the same. From vague memory I was told the companies move to a lower grade steel that doesn't hold its edge as well.


    I don't see anything particularly strange about this, it's just clever marketing.


    I certainly don't think it has anything to do with Gillette being American & they are out to fuck us. It's all to do with the constant demand for public companies to make more & more money. And that happens in every country.

  6. One of the best and well known Album Cover artists of all time..when i was at School this guy was a God in Art class  and he still is to me now... i love Sci Fi / Fantasy art. In hindsight i should have put this in the Gen Kno thread


    WHO IS HE ??? ( see examples below)


    Also name one band he worked Album Covers for


    I read his name many years ago but it is long forgotten. The album covers in your post both belong to Yes. He did all their album art & they are all outstanding. As is the band.


    Many people only know Yes from the couple of songs of theirs that get radio play. That's a shame because on their albums, the band plays music of a far higher calibre IMO. It's hard to categorise their music & there's nothing comparable being played today. It's not for everyone but I'm glad I was introduced to it. 

  7. Thank you Mrs. Fry...........5th grade..................I'm sure she would be so proud of me now..........


    I still remember my 5th grade teacher like yesterday. Mr Knight. He taught me how to think & that for every action there is a consequence. I am still amazed how many kids today just don't seem to get that.

  8. Without having seen either I think you made the right choice. After my "review" my gut feeling was John Wick was the pick of them.


    There are some terrible reviews for The Equaliser which combined with its excessive violence could have made it a bad experience.


    The young guy I quoted after seeing it did say he thought I wouldn't enjoy it because even him & his mates considered it beyond the pale.


    When teenagers start questioning the violence in a movie you know the producers have gone about as far as possible.


    It would be interesting to hear the opinion of anyone who has seen it.

  9. I'm glad you enjoyed it Sam. I can't take issue with your comment about the ending but I will copy & paste some words about the ending written on a public review site here in Oz.


    Paul:    "The only downside was the final battle, too long & too unrealistic"


    Auster:   "The final one (battle scene) is unbelievable"


    Sam L:   "The battle scenes were spectacular & reflected the true horrors of war, only let down with the almost laughable final scenes"


    bill foord:   "the last scene was just too much"


    Kato:         "The ending belied belief, only the Americans were able to shoot straight it seemed"


    Mark:         "Totally unbelievable climax"


    Paul:          "the ending is for the US market"


    Ron:           "The only thing missing in this movie was a serving of apple pie"


    And finally  -  Mark bucca:       "It was the last scene. I really enjoyed the film but yes the last battle was not believable and the protracted discussions between the two main characters at the climax of the battle gave the impression the war stopped so they could have a talk. In reality they would have been shot to heaven or hell 10 times over while they bled and spoke."


    These are not my words, they have been lifted straight from here   -




    I can't speak for Sam but it sure sounds like classic jingoistic bullshit to me.

  10. I haven't been to the movies lately but I do follow the reviews so I know what I want to watch when I next get the chance. 


    So with that disclaimer, here's a few thoughts about the films you listed  - 


    Interstellar  -  I'm going to see it tomorrow (I think). It's a big budget production by Christopher Nolan who makes big budget films (the Batman flicks for a start). Reading the reviews from the public on a large review site here in Australia, it is a very polarising film with those who like it really liking it & those who don't like it, hating it. It wasn't my first choice actually but I am taking a member of Gen Y & he is keen. The soundtrack is way too loud by reports & the dialogue delivered by Matthew McConaughey is difficult to follow thanks to his exaggerated drawl. (Being American you may not find that a problem) One reviewer whose opinion I respect rates this as 4.5 / 5 which is highly unusual for him to give such a score to a sci-fi pic. There are complaints about it being a bit "hokey" but overall. there is enough positive vibe to convince me to go. I just hope I am not apologising tomorrow. Oh & BTW, it's almost three hours long. You might want to take that into consideration.


    Equaliser  -  my young film companion liked this but even he concedes the violence is shocking. I like Denzel & I can deal with lots of violence because I know it is just a movie but comments about the film have done nothing to convince me to go see it. Thais love ultra-violence, your teerak might really like it.


    Fury  -  I like the premise but the reviews are mixed & not very encouraging. The ending is completely far-fetched with the tank triumphing over impossible odds to win the day. If you want a jolt of American jingoism, this will be right down your alley. I'm sure it is entertaining & you should consider it.


    John Wick  -  I'm not a big Keanu Reeves fan but apparently he's good in this. I have no idea what to make of it, public reviews range from 5 stars to none. I imagine they can be broken down by the age of the reviewer, young guys love all the shooting, older viewers need something more. Again it is perfect for Thai audiences & your teerak may think it is better than Xmas. Especially if she fancies Keanu.


    Love Rosie  -  far too sentimental IMO for what you might be looking for at the movies. A completely contrived plot which doesn't stand up to scrutiny in a movie made for single females looking to restore faith that romance can survive stupidity. OK I made that last bit up but reading between the lines, it sounds bloody awful. Go at your own peril.


    Before I Go To Sleep  -  decent leads in Nicole Kidman & Colin Firth but other than that I know nothing about it. Public reviews are quite strong with someone calling it a decent thriller. Maybe research it yourself but why bother when you have some good action films to see instead. Go by all means, it may turn out to be a nice surprise. I won't be going though, the reviews given by those paid to review were lame at best.


    So a quick review given by someone who has seen none of them. Truth be told, my comments are probably fairer to the films than if I had seen them. I can neither over-praise nor over-criticise a film if I have never seen it. And it is up to each of us to make up our own minds as to what we like. 

    • Upvote 1
  11. Elves only exist in fairy stories.


    People born with FAS exist everywhere.


    I read about the appearance of those with the syndrome many years ago. I thought it odd I had never seen someone with that look. One day I saw a young guy who ticked all the boxes. He looked like the love child of Doctor Spock & the Wicked Witch of the West.


    Since then I have seen others, I always think of how important it is to be born to the right parents. 

  12. "It Hurts to Be in Love" 


    That song title can have its entire meaning changed by the inclusion of a single comma  - 


    "It hurts to be in, love"


    Sounds so much better.....            :biggrin:

  13. The ears give em away. Swedes.


    If you are unlucky enough to be born with Foetal Alcohol Syndrome you have ears like that (almost). 


    Plus a long thin face & a pointy chin. And nothing can be done to change it. It's really rather sad.

  14. Anyone remember the song "Walk Away Renee"?


    Who was the band?


    I hope Hefe's won't be going  :mad0235:  I know this one, I know this one...


    Isn't the song called "Don't Walk Away Renee"?


    As for the name of the band, I know this one, I can't place it but I'm sure I know this one....


    I'll get back to you but I think it was Motown group. It has that sound. Damn! I know this one, I know this one.....         :movethatass:

  15. If another Bush gets into the White House I think the rest of the world will turn off completely. Of course they will stay polite & act like he's welcome but it would drive a wedge between America & the rest that would take years to repair. 


    However, if he came out with some brilliant policy & proved to be the complete opposite of his half-witted brother who insisted on saying prayers before every meeting, he could do well. The look of complete scorn & hatred of the man by Cheney & Rumsfeld & all of them was captured brilliantly in Oliver Stone's movie W. And it wasn't some figment of Stone's imagination, it was exactly as reported by those who attended such meetings. 


    I posted before I thought Hillary would be too old to run after Obama's term but JaiDee replied she wouldn't be. I am sure she has a very strong chance of being the Democratic candidate but if a real bright spark arose as the GOP challenger who was young & dynamic, Hillary's age would play right into his or her hands.


    And if I was to bet on the next Presidency, I would go for someone out of left field. Someone whose name isn't being mentioned as a candidate but who can give a powerful speech & who can grab the attention of the media. I don't have any suggestions but of those jockeying for position, none of them strike me as Presidential material.


    By the way, President Obama has just delivered a very strong speech at the Queensland University & was given a rock star reception. And his new deal with China & their plans to lower their carbon emissions has really caught the world offside. Before the announcement Australia was proceeding very slowly with its CO2 program. I am sure that has just been thrown out the window by this announcement & new plans are being prepared as I type. 


    Barack has just moved the climate debate forward by a decade. It may prove to be his greatest legacy. I don't know how it is being received in the USA but it is huge here in Australia. 

  16. the stones manager was andrew loog oldham(i knew that without hefe's clue....i think the compilation albums were "though the past darkly" and "high tide and green grass"....i couldn't remember the name of the keyboard player tho...first saw the stones in '70.....any idea of the stones song they said they'd never play again after Altamount?....But they did of course


    Loog! That was the name I was trying to remember. Who names their kid Loog FFS?


    I fucked up my question, the album I was thinking of was 'High Tide & Green Grass'. I was sure I read somewhere it had been released under a different name in the US. Hot Rocks was the name I was thinking but I was wrong. Sorry fellas....        :pardon:


    What was different were the song titles on the US versus the UK version of the album. Almost two different albums.


    I know we don't google the answer but I think in future I should google the question before I ask it.

  17. I think Mr Ward is going to finish up either in jail or dead. I suspect he can't return to Australia & he will fight to stop his deportation. Unfortunately the Thai police will not take kindly to that, especially if he causes them to lose face.


    He's been completely delusional for years with the way he swaggers around Pattaya with his attitude on display. He has completely lost the plot once he started accusing the police of theft. If they can't get him on a plane & if they deem him to be too much of a handful for prison, he might just be found dead of a drug overdose.


    I'm not wishing it, I'm only suggesting that might be his fate.

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