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Posts posted by Torurot

  1. " No need for me to ever "get" his special brand of humor, I just stopped going to his bar;"

    Why didn't you say earlier... That particular .unt attacked EVERYONE who was not an Aussie and probably a shed load of Aussies as well. He had no sense of humour worth the name and as a close cousin of the Aussies I can and do get their peculiar SOH which MANY U.S. Americans find hard to "get"/take just as Packers said.

    Others will no doubt have differing views of him.

  2. Jaidee said:

    "With the advent of the internet and liberal websites like Buzzfeed and Salon, Slate, HuffPo, etc.....if these conspiracy theories had any beef the reporters would get them out there and they would become world news very quickly, not just buried far down on obscure conspiracy websites and Youtube."

    The internet was just starting to fire back then. Reporters like others have mortgages and often won't rock the boat.

    The NYT? (recently) sat on a MAJOR story on wire tapping (and other stories) for over a year so I don't buy your confidence in MSM reporters. Remember HuffPo and a number of others DOES NOT pay for stories. That won't put food on your table or pay your mortgage regardless of how famous you become. You prepared to risk your house?

    Don't mention Murdock or Fox(the spin begins here)

    • Upvote 1
  3. More on topic of the week.... Ebola

    5 Schools Freaking Out About Ebola Because They Don’t Realize Africa Is A Really Big Continent


    Here is a report from Natural News:


    The U.S. government knew about the outbreak in advance, but didn’t warn the public

    It’s now clear that the U.S. government has long known this outbreak was coming but did nothing to warn the public.

    In early September, the government sought to purchase 160,000 Ebola hazmat suits from a U.S. supplier. http://www.naturalnews.com/046884_ebola_pandemic_hazmat_suits_biological_protection.html

    Furthermore, according to this report on SHTFplan.com, “Disaster Assistance Response Teams were told to prepare to be activated in the month of October.” http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/report-disaster-teams-were-told-months-ago-they-would-be-activated-in-october_10012014

    "Don’t you find it strange that while the government itself was gearing up for an October disaster, the public wasn’t told a thing about any of this?"

  4. I've heard of the dancing Mossard agents at the time. Curiously a lot of the links to it have "dissapeared". Link rot is pretty common or is it "conspiracy". At the time it was widely reported in the non MSM. You would HARDLY expect any honest reporting on it by MSM such as the New York Times etc as it doesn't suit their owners. They sat on domestic telephone interception stories and others for two or more years, and who can forget the "free speech" zones under Bush2. Until recently MOST US media have been too afraid of being labeled "antisemitic" to make ANY criticism of any aspect of Israels behavior which is often anti U.S. Remember the Liberty. MOST U.S. Americans have NEVER heard of it. Nor do they care

    • Upvote 1
  5. US Army withheld promise from Germany that Ebola virus wouldn’t be weaponized

    Published time: October 20, 2014 17:17


    Two Scientists Say Ebola Originated In US Bio-warfare Lab

    Experts have brought to the public’s attention that ebola is a genetically modified organism developed in US biowarfare laboratories in Africa.

    In the two articles below reproduced from Tom Feeley’s Information Clearing House

    (a good site worthy of your support), Dr. Francis Boyle of the University of Illinois and

    Dr. Cyril Broderick of the University of Liberia and the University of Delaware provide their fact-based assessments. Dr. Boyle drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, the US implementing legislation for the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention....


  6. It's not just Texas



    An elementary school teacher in Maine has been placed on leave for 21 days, the incubation period of Ebola, after she visited Dallas to attend an educational conference. The teacher did not come into contact with anybody who had tested positive for the virus, but did stay at a hotel “exactly 9.5 miles away from Texas Health Presbyterian,” where Ebola patients have been treated. ... more info at the link

    BTW theres lots more pointing out of this crazy over at Think Progress




    George Will Spreads Misinformation About Ebola on Fox News


    by Sam P.K. Collins Posted on October 19, 2014

    The conservative columnist came head to head with his fellow panelists -- and even host Chris Wallace -- in his attempt to spew misinformation about Ebola.

  7. Hefe:

    Those "chemtrails" (contrails) ARE spewing chemicals but they are just the normal "chemicals" from combustion. That's the grain of truth bit that starts the conspiracy. They DO affect the weather, as they form only at -50c and last for a long time... grain of truth of the conspiracy. Immediately after 911 shutdown of jets the skys where a lot clearer. There's Lots of scientific material on this, but from those two grains of fact/truth goes all the looney tunes conspiracy side of the story :-)

    • Upvote 1
  8. TexasMac: I heard an interview with the brother and what you say is NOT a conspiracy. You can GUARANTEE if he was a rich white person with insurance his care would have been completely different from the get go. USA, "best" health care system in the world, IF you can afford it, other wise F.O

  9. OK, That supposes a terrible level of vile, malicious and malevolent intervention, most likely at government level. Which government (or organisation) do you suspect is responsible, and why? What have they got to gain.

  10. Do YOU think that the Red Cross is deliberately, or otherwise spreading "ebola" via vaccination or any other method. This is "burn the witch" stuff. There is conspiracy with grains of truth and conspiracy - loony tunes.

  11. How come Putin gets the blame for everything? Why is the U.S. interfering in about 20+ different countries. IF ONLY Obama/U.S. was too busy trying to sort America's shit out, to have any time for the ukraine and 20 + other countries....

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